skip the borders blog book tour.

12 September 2012

{comments closed.} winner = jennie

welcome to the skip the borders blog book tour y'all.

i am SO excited to introduce y'all to julie's book, skip the borders.
it's a wonderfully written book giving us permission to break the rules.
quilting rules, obviously.

we've always been told to never judge a book by it's cover, but look at this cover.
just lovely, right?!?!

box of chocolates

the concept behind skip the borders is just as simple as it sounds.
julie shows us 15 borderless quilts.
although they don't have fancy smanchy borders, the quilts still speak for themselves.
and she goes into great detail explaining how to decide which quilts need borders, as well as which quilts can shine without the aid of borders.

not only will you learn the structure of borderless quilts, you will learn various bindings as well.
in real life, i call julie the binding queen, this book just gave me further proof.
it's like getting two books in one, really.

i would recommend skip the borders to beginner and advanced quilters alike.
and i look forward to piecing a few of these beauties myself.
because honestly, i really dislike the border stage.
in fact, i'm kinda jealous that julie thought of this book before i did.
well played, julie. well played.

boxed in

you can't have a blog tour without something fun, so here's some q&a:
julie: all of the quilts in skip the borders are ... borderless! do you skip borders on most of your quilts?
me: the correct answer is no. i use a lot of white/negative space when i design my quilts. i think that because of that, 9 times out of 10, i need a border. and next to basting, borders are my least favorite part of quilt making. go figure.

julie: in the intro to my book, i give you permission to break the rules. do you break some quilting rules? what is the number one rule you break and why?
me: well i'm just gonna put it out there and hope i don't get mobbed. i never pin anything. well that's not entirely true, i do pin notes onto my blocks so i know where they go once i piece the quilt top. but as far as pinning fabrics together before piecing them, that's a big, fat no. and the reason why is because i'm lazy and i don't feel like pinning. (don't judge me too harshly cause i still end up with beautifully matched seams. promise.)

julie: it’s no secret that i love binding! in skip the borders, i’ve included an entire chapter on binding. so the million-dollar question is do you use bias or straight of grain most of the time?
me: i feel like i'm not worthy to talk to the queen of binding, but to answer your question, i'm a straight of grain kind of girl. bias binding has always scared the bejesus out of me, but after seeing your step by step directions in the book, i think maybe i'm ready to tackle it. (and i wanna tackle a binding flange too!!!)

checkerboard dots

no blog tour would be complete without a giveaway:
one lucky ps i quilt reader will win their own skip the borders ebook!!!
just leave a comment telling me your two cents on borders. you likey?!?! you no likey?!?!
{winner will be announced saturday.}

and don't forget to visit all the peeps on our blog book tour:
{they'll also be having giveaways!!!}

september 10th
generation q magazine

september 12th
ps i quilt

september 14th
beyond the reef

september 17th
pink chalk studio

september 19th
fat quarter shop

september 21st
bijou lovely

september 24th
red pepper quilts

september 26th
swatch & stitch

september 28th
juicy bits

october 1st
v and co

october 2nd
martingale publishing

october 5th
carolina patchworks

october 8th
i am a ginger monkey

october 10th
blue is bleu

october 12th
quilting is my therapy

october 15th
quilt dad

october 17th
jaybird quilts

happy touring.


Pin It!


Shannon said...

I'm loving the boxed in pattern!

KristyLou said...

Love how they look, hate putting them on! This book may be in my future :)

Anonymous said...

Other than basting, putting on borders is my least favorite part. Glad to see this book!

Mia's Cottage said...

98% of the time I use borders..

Jocelyn said...

I have almost always put borders on my quilts. I think it serves as a frame for the quilt. HOWEVER, after looking at these gorgeous quilts that Julie has made I am on a mission to make some quilts w/o borders. They looks SO classic.

marjay said...

Well, as usual, it all depends doesn't it? However, I do love the borderless quilts shown from this book.

Nichole said...

I hate putting on borders, too. These quilts look amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!

stitchinpenny said...

Most often I use borders only because the quilt as I designed it isn't as big as I wanted so here comes a border. I think most designs are complete, but some need a little push or something to bring them together. I am probably just not good at designing borders.

Ashley G. said...

Depends on the quilt but I usually skip the borders. Fun interview, congrats Julie on the book it looks great!

Jenny Wren said...

Boarders - sometimes they are needed and sometimes not. Recently I did a pieced boarder and found it hard to get the 2 sides to match.
Thanks for the chance win this lovely looking book.

Karen said...

I like borders but hate the amount of fabric required to make them, especially if the borders are longer than the width of the fabric. Thanks!

Anna said...

I detest putting the borders on, but it's usually worth the effort! sometimes I even put a really skinny border on just to frame it...but I still hate doing it.

Jenniffier said...

I hate doing borders. Can't wait to see this book in person. Thanks for the chance to win.

Amber H. said...

I don't like borders. I don't exactly square up perfectly and with borders, I think it makes it more noticeable.. "HAI I SUCK AT SQUARING UP!"

carla said...

Hi!!! I am a new quilter but I really like the look of these without borders so I would like to experiment with the possibilities!!!!

Mommarock said...

I havn't done enough quilts yet to know if adding borders is a usual thing to do or not, but the quilts shown here are absolutely wonderful! I would love to make any one of them.

Kelsey said...

I really like borders. To me it's like a frame for my hard work! But after seeing these pictures I might have to give one without borders a go!

Linda said...

I look at borders as frames around my artwork. Some paintings don't need a frame, but most do. Some need a narrow frame, and some a wide one. Some need a mat and then a frame, and some don't. (I came to quilting from an art background, so of course, that is the way I think!)

Dale said...

I usually do borders - but I hate 'em! These borderless quilts are beautiful!!

Nicole said...

I like borders, but I have the worst time getting them straight. I would love to try one of the quilts in her book.

Ellyn said...

I've been eyeing up this book! I think it depends on the quilt, some quilts cry out for a border. or two. or three. Others are great without them! Just finished a no-border quilt top & I love it!

Andrea said...

This book looks like so much fun. I love the modern feel of the quilts without borders. I personally think borders are beautiful to frame some quilts but others look so amazing without them. I guess you can say I love quilts both ways...or just say I'm on the fence. :)

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I used to think that all quilts had to have borders. Then I started making several and I discovered that it really depends. Sometimes they do, sometimes they are just fine (and better!) without them.

I'd love to check out the binding section of this book - that's where I really need guidance!

Bailey said...

Sometimes borders are just plain and ont add anything except size, so I do like borderless quilts where your eye can focus on the design and not a plain piece of fabric framing it.

melliebean26 said...

I like the look of borders, but HATE putting them on. I am so curious about the binding part of this quilt, that is one of the things I struggle with. Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love a copy and that Boxed In quilt is just screaming make me!

Jennie P. said...

I'm certainly not a borders person. I think they look great without them. If the quilt uses sashing, a small border might be called for, but I really don't like wide framing around the design of the quilt. Thanks for the chance at this book!

Kay said...

I like borders & usually plan my quilts around the border fabric. This new book looks very intriquing & I think I might have to try some borderless quilts.

Sonia B said...

Sometimes, I think they're needed and sometimes I use them just to make the quilt bigger, but I love no border quilts. Thanks for the chance.

Susan said...

Hmmm.... never really thought about it, mostly do what my pattern tells me to do! This book would really help me I'm sure to "think for myself when making quilts" Thank you!

suemac said...

Before I joined the modern quilt guild in my area I put borders on everything. Now I am trying to go borderless on at least some of my quilts. I don't think everything should be borderless but in a lot of quilts the piecing can stand alone.

mean sarah jean said...

i think it depends on the quilt. i don't do a lot of borders, but sometimes it needs it, like framing a photograph with matte board.

Lisa England said...

My opinion on borders depends on the quilt -- sometimes you need them, sometimes you don't. I agree that putting them on is not a fun part of making the quilt. And I'm with you on the no-pinning thing, it just doesn't seem necessary.

Raechel said...

I would really like to have this book!

paige13d said...

I like borders because in a lot of cases they frame a beautiful quilt. However, I HATE adding borders.

Vikki B said...

I use borders about 60 to 70% of the time. I love quilts without borders, but also love borders on some of my quilts - they just wouldn't be the same without them.

thepiececorps said...

Because I have been coveting this book already, and because I was born on this day a long looooong time ago ...this would be the perfect day to win this beautiful book! TIA! B-)

Heather said...

Mostly I don't use them but it depends on the quilt :) love the patterns!

Pat said...

I'm not big on putting on borders, I never thought of not doing it. I love these quilts.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca McCreary said...

Tbh, I'm still a new quilter so I use borders to help me fill in a quilt. I love piecing, but I'm just not that fast or patient to do a whole quilt, so I use boarders.

Rebecca McCreary said...

Tbh, I'm still a new quilter so I use borders to help me fill in a quilt. I love piecing, but I'm just not that fast or patient to do a whole quilt, so I use boarders.

Sara Hall said...

I'm on neutral ground when it comes to borders. I think some quilts look great with borders and some look great without, all depends on the quilt design.

krislovesfabric said...

This book is on my wishlist!

Renae said...

I like them both with and without--depends on the quilt and depends on whether I need the quilt to be slightly larger once I have everything else all put together.

Anonymous said...

This book looks great! I've gotten to where I really like e-books these days and would love to be entered into the drawing!

krislovesfabric said...

This book is on my wishlist!

krislovesfabric said...

This book is on my wishlist!

Susana Neiger said...

Borders? I typically use them, because I usually need the added size, and/or because they tend to make binding easier for me, since there's just the one fabric on the front (not tons of tiny seams) to bind the edge of ...

SuBee618 said...

Such a simple concept....!! Love how they turn out. Will be trying this myself.

Laurel said...

i am all about Quilters Without Borders. lol... i never do borders...

B Greene said...

I have tended to use borders on large sized quilts, but this book has made me re-think that tendency. Hopefully my next quilt will "Skip the Border" :-)

Nita said...

Well, I've always put borders on because that was the way I was taught to do it. I'm definitely going to try one without, though! I've seen photos of heritage quilts without borders, so I guess it's coming around again - I love that!

Darlene said...

I usually love borders because it always me to showcase one special fabric. But it does depend on the quilt. I am loving the borderless patterns in Julie's new book though and there are several I would like to make.

B said...

Am also rethinking any need for borders. Love these quilts!

krazgrl said...

Being a new/beginner quilter I definitely think this book should be added to my already mounting stash of quilting books. Being new this quilting thing I can't say borders are my favortie thing to do. I'm currently working on a quilt and I'm already starting to get a little squirmish about the borders.

Deb said...

I actually LOVE borders and think they set off a quilt wonderfully to really show the pattern. I'd enjoy the book for all the patterns...but would probably make a border for anything I made from the book. I'd love to be included.

hollymade said...

I'm not a big fan of borders, I hate sewing them on!

CathyK said...

I do NOT like to put borders on! I am very interested in this book, that's for sure!

tmgrable said...

I LOVE to hear that someone else skips the pinning!! I was afraid to ever say it out loud! Would love to read the binding chapter!

Joelle said...

I love this book!! I've been wanting to get it since market....

Katie said...

I think some quilts look great with borders while others look best without. I love all of the quilts you have pictured from this book.

Debbie said...

I do likey! I would love this book. Thanks!

Kristina @ withaKquilting said...

For me...a quilt can be just as complete and beautiful, with OR without borders! I am not one to add a big, wide border just to bring the quilt to size. I make lots of quilts where the blocks are the focal point of the quilt..and they shine without a border. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

Heather D. said...

I say no borders, just because I struggle with getting them sewn on accurately. I've done narrow borders on a few quilts, but I'm definitely not one to do big wide borders. Thanks for the chance to win the book!

Diane said...

I love the look of borders on most quilts but I stall when it is time to put on borders. The triangle quilt top I just completed is not going to get borders, so there.

Carolyn said...

I have recently started to go border-less on my quilts. I learned to quilt from more traditional quilters years ago and they are still all about the border. Sometimes I feel like it takes away rather than add to the quilt. Thanks so much for the chance!!

Patty said...

I like them both ways!

Libby said...

I do love borders and i use them on all my quilts; I am enjoying this blog tour and getting a chance to really look at all the quilts; they are so beautiful. I may have to try making some quilts without borders.

Delores said...

I don't mind doing borders, but must get back to doing borders with mitered corners - they look so much better! I learned how to do them on my very first quilt, but since then ??? what happened?

Love to win Julie's book.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

To border or not to border . . . that is the question. Usually no but sometimes yes. I design my own and most don't need a border. But sometimes it's necessary to frame or contain.

Colleen Lunt said...

I usually do borders, but I am wanting to go more modern. There will be fewer borders in my quilts.

Annette said...

I know it's me that Julie was thinking about when she wrote this book! My preference is a quilt that's just about the blocks :). This book is definitely drawing me in!!

Phyllis said...

As an older quilter I am starting to like the Modern Quilt, but some have way too much "white space". I love quilts you are showing from this book and love the fact that they are like the ones in my family from 75-150 years ago that never had borders. Would love a copy.

Allison C said...

I like both, but more so without borders. Sometimes it can take away from the design and sometimes it can enhance it....and sometimes I am just too lazy.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I hate hate hate the border stage. I need to make that Boxed In quilt and learn how to make some biased binding. After all, I have a scallop edged quilt I have been too afraid to bind.

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Hmmm, I really don't mind borders. Totally agree that not every quilt needs a border. No pinning? WoW, I'm impressed! Well maybe that's what I'm doing wrong, too many pins, hehe.

Thank you for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win a great book. I'd love to have this in my library.


Ann said...

I am mostly a no border girl.

Patty said...

Most of the quilts in my house have NO boarders.

Kristi said...

Like yourself....if I have a lot of white space I sometimes feel the need for a border....I may just add a one inch solid and then continue with more white space and a colored binding. Some quilts just look better with borders...some are better without :o)

Alisa said...

I very rarely put borders on my quilts. This book really appeals to me. Her patterns are wonderful!

Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

That book looks so interesting! Would live to read the part where she explains how she decides if a quilt needs or not a border.
Terrific giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jess said...

I'm not really a fan of borders, though I also haven't gotten the hang of properly calculating to compensate binding, so may be I should like them...

Dawn said...

Welcome back Rachel! I always put borders on my quilts, usually because I have a certain size I'm trying to make and since I just start making blocks without much figuring, I need extra width or length to fit a bed (for example). I have a couple of borderless quilts that have been QAYG string blocks. I like the look without borders - I need to explore this whole concept. I also have never done bias binding. On my to-do list!

Unknown said...

Ohmygoodness!! I'd LOVE this book!! I'm a huge fan of quilts without borders... I think they're so modern and fun that way! :)

Jane said...

What a great book. I put borders on most quilts, but these are beautiful withoug

Vicki said...

I love the look of borderless quilts and would like to learn the different binding techniques

DianeY said...

I use borders probably 60% of the time. But when I do use them, I try to do a pieced border of some sort

yarnivorous said...

I've at last just quilted and am sewing down the binding on the postage stamp quiltalong we did here on your blog, Rachel.
No borders! I've gone commando!
But some quilts, yeah, borders all the way, baby, for the white (or grey or blue) space and framing. Size? I need to make it a certain size?
I have to say the postage stamp quilt looks pretty good borderless :-)

Anonymous said...


Shanners said...

I think every quilt I've ever made has had a border. But after seeing these lovely quilts without them I'm thinking I may go break some rules.

Karen said...

I am TERRIBLE at putting on borders. I do the sew on and cut off system. I've seen it referred to as 'lettuce leaf' borders.

Meredith said...

I need this book! I love the look of a borderless quilt!

kathy said...

I'm about 50/50 on borders. I love the look of this book and I'd really like to own it... fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win a great book! I am hit or miss on borders. I love they way they look with decorative quilting but can't stand doing them!

Nancy said...

Just finished making a quilt without a border and it does feel odd. I do enjoy putting borders on especially if I can get the miter right with a patterned border! When a quilt is on a bed, the borders usually hang over the edge and lets the main quilt shine. I like that.

Strlady said...

I let the quilt tell me when it's done. I’ve only made one quilt without borders. It was a bit nerve racking, but the quilt was screaming DONE and you can't ignore it! LOL!

the gathering girls said...

all of my quilts have borders, but i am loving the ideas in this book!!

SuefromTexas said...

Your post has dared me to think outside the boundaries this case the borders!

Jeanne said...

I have thought in the past when finishing the top of a quilt before the border that it looked just fine as it was.Julie's book
tells me there is someone else that felt the same. Great book to win.

Beth said...

I had always put borders on a quilt up until recently and I have tried a few with out as well. I love the options! This books look like a great one so thanks for the chance.

Dianne Mitzel said...

I used to think you had to have borders, but after I made a drunkards path king sized, I changed my mind!! It turned out great, and I think there are times when a border is not needed, saves a bunch of fabric, and time in quilting..

Kayla Yapuncich said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm similar to you in that I like the look of them, but I hate putting them on. So most of my quilts don't have borders as a result!

Jules said...

i can live without a border!, haha. because i can be lazy like that. but i also think it looks perfectly beautiful without one.

Megan said...

Yeah, I can do without borders, but I generally put them on, much to my chagrin

Dee's Diary said...

I'm ashamed to say that if I use a border, it's usually because I want to adjust the size of the finished quilt. I think the no-borders look is very modern and fresh. Would love a copy of the book x

Tieing A Knot said...

I sure would like this book. I've been following the book blog hop and this is my favorite!
Jann M

Donna Baker said...

wow, so fun! I love seeing new glimpses of the fab quilts on this tour! I love boxed in!

Tamie said...

I don't usually do a border. Sometimes a quilt may call for it but as a rule, I don't. Thanks for participating in the tour.

giddy99 said...

I'm a newbie, and I've done one of each (border, no border). No border is faster, and I love the look, but I can see where smacking a border on can quickly increase the size of the quilt (if needed). I'm going to let each quilt speak for itself. :)

Pippa Parsons said...

I usually do borders but have just pieced a zig zag and that looks great without borders, looks like a fab book :)

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I have to say I use borders because I am old and that is the way I was taught but at this moment I don't like the people who taught me and am wondering why I ever listened to them. Julie's quilts are way cooler!!! I hate being old!!!

midnight hysteria said...

FINALLY .... A BOOK I WANT (aaah the old days of coding!) TO WIN .... sometimes i enter the contest without really caring about winning ... seriously .... but THIS BOOK .... amazing ... i hate borders, i hate pinning layers together, i hate all the fiddle-de-dee of quilting ... i just want it done; the *doing* is not my thing so much on quilts ... this book looks great for the likes o me .... darlene

Kala said...

I tend to put a border on when the pattern calls for it or I need the extra size. If it's good without, it will stay without. Beautiful quilts!

Unknown said...

I don't like doing borders! To me, it is the worst part of making a quilt. I love the piecing, and watching a pattern really come to life as it grows but then I want to be DONE! I'd love to win this book!

Michelle said...

I only use borders if the quilt looks unfinished without one. My favorite quilts are the ones without them.

ewecan said...

I usually use borders, but don't always think they are necessary. I hate being old, too.--This is in reply to Quilter in the Gap. lol

Gill said...

This looks a great book!
I love the cover quilt!

Joan and Kevin said...

Some quilts need a border and some
do not. I have done both. Thanks for the giveaway!

Clyda and John said...

I love that borders are an easy way to make my quilts bigger, but they are a pain to put on.

Deb said...

It depends on the quilt! Sometimes I border, but more often I do not.

Anita said...

Most often I put a border on my quilts, but with this book I might get inspired to create a borderless one!

ritainalaska said...

no borders? i like! for some pieces of work, it works; others look better with. personal choice!

Karen in Tucson said...

What a great idea - I have a Jelly Roll Race that will not get a border as I don't like anything I have tried. You give me permission to omit the border!!

Lora Martin said...

This book looks wonderful, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

Erin M. said...

I've been doing fewer borders than when I first started quilting- I'm feeling the freedom of modern quilting. Thanks for the giveaway. What julie does is good, so I bet this book is too.

Suzanne said...

It really depends on the quilt but mostly I'm liking borderless lately. And as for pinning...I never pin anything either!

Margaret said...

Personally, I don't like borders, so this book is right up my alley. :-)

Maria said...

I rarely finish any quilts because i hate doing borders. seriously. how wide, how narrow, what color, how many???? Now i can just SKIP IT!

Briawna said...

this is such a hard choice. i love the look of borders, but i sure do hate piecing them. i'm thinking these quilts might be the answer. love it. thanks.

Sharon said...

I HATE putting them on! I know some quilts just need them, but I sure do dislike that part. I have 2 tops now that are done except for the final border and I just haven't done it yet.

barbara woods said...

love that book thanks

Tammy said...

I don't mind borders. They aren't my favorite part of quilting, but not my least favorite either...

Unknown said...

I cross my fingers. I love love this book. hugs

LindaW said...

I like the look of borders,but do not like adding them. Love the quilts in this book!

Judie Harron said...

I likey NOT to have to make borders for a quilt. I would LOVE to win a copy to explore the do's and don'ts behind Julie's thoughts on this process..fingers and toes crossed...hurry, I can't walk this way.

Lee said...

I love the no borders! Although Some quilts just need them! thanks!

Wonky Girl said...

Um, I usually put a border on my quilts but not pieced borders. I'm just lazy that way.
Looks like a fun book, love the quilt with dots.

quiltzyx said...

So far, most of my quilts have borders. Except my Jelly Roll Races and my art quilts. Unless they need to be bigger....I guess you could say I can take 'em or leave 'em! :D

Thanks for the chance at a copy of the book!

annemarie said...

I always thought borders were necessary but now am changing my mind - love these quilts.

KatieQ said...

I am neutral on the border issue. I have made quilts without borders and loved them, but some quilts cry out to be framed with a border. The instances where I really don't like borders are when people put them on just to make a quilt bigger without any regard to how they fit into a design.

Brooke @ little b quilts said...

I think it totally depends on the pattern...I love borders on some things...not so much on others. Who am I kidding? I just like putting fabric together ;-)


Rachelle said...

Borders are needed on some quilts, not on others. I have one in the planning stages that won't have a border and one in the sewing stage that will have at least 2.

Carol said...

Borders or not? It really does depend on the quilt. Most of my quilts do have borders, and some of them are pieced, but a few don't need or want to have borders. I try to listen to my quilts.

LeAnne said...

I always put borders on my quilts, but it sure would be fun to get the blocks put together and then be done.

Scrapatches said...

I do like the look of some quilts without borders, but I am yet to complete a borderless quilt myself. I do have one in the works where I left the outer border off purposefully, but it is still a WIP as I am working on a pieced backing.

I actually like to add pieced borders of my own design to most of my larger quilts. I started doing this because I like making medallion quilts and joined in round robins two years in a row where we added borders. So I started thinking of adding pieced borders to other quilts. In some cases this was because I wanted to make a larger quilt. Pieced borders have become a personal signature on my quilts.

I am always ready to try new things, though, so I think I am beginning a time when I will put borders on some quilts and not on others.

Thanks for the new quilty ideas and the chance to win ... :) Pat

Kate Brown said...

I always use borders and binding is a nighmare, sounds like I really, really need this book!!

Lynn F said...

I am a novice quilter but so far I have had borders on 4 out of 5 quilts!

Lisas Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiffany said...

I generally like borders if they are in a neutral fabric. None of that busy flowery border stuff for me! :)

Ginette said...

I am a border lover! I am working on a scrap quilt right now however that I am planning on leaving border-less. Thanks for this opportunity! This book sounds great!

Lizziebeth said...

Love the idea of no borders!

Lisas Mom said...

No borders? I luv the idea! I would definitely have the courage to execute if I had this book in my hot little hands. Julie thanks for creating some awesome border-less quilt patterns.

Patricia Lessell said...

I no likee!! I LOVEEE!!

Kathy said...

I likee

bee said...

the chocolate box pattern is so fun! and I enjoy making quilts without borders too! so much quicker to the finished quilt that way. :)

Cherib104 said...

Hate quilting the borders. I want to be done already! Love the idea behind the book.

Cherib104 said...

Hate quilting the borders. I want to be done already! Love the idea behind the book.

Heidi Staples said...

Borders are hit and miss with me -- it depends on the pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Karen said...

Love the book! Love the chance to win! Love to quilt! PS: sometimes don't love the borders!

classicalcutie01 said...

I am such a fan of Julie Herman's work and totally support borderless quilts! I like a quilt for the fun fabrics and designs, not a solid border taking up good creative space.

On a side point, I tried to take all 3 of Julie's classes this summer and was so bummed that they all were cancelled because of not enough participants, so it would be a blast to win a copy of her book!

Bev said...

It is fun to make a quilt without borders! I have made a few. You can get more projects done this way especially appliqué quilts!

Patty said...

It depends sometime I like borders and other times no. I think it depends on the quilt. Thanks!

CarolT said...

I have to go with borderless. I really like how the blocks look they are falling off the quilt when there is not a border to hold them in.

Amanda said...

I actually like borders. I think they really change the character of a quilt. The only thing I don't like about them is cutting them. I hate WOF cuts and long cuts that are parallel to the selvedge edge.

Janelle said...

I like to go both ways with borders. Sometimes they seem totally necessary and sometimes I am good without them and happy to be done!

Chancy said...

I can go either way with borders. Sometimes they have their place and other times not so much.

chancyf at gmail d0t com

Anne said...

Well, I thought I liked borders until I saw the preview of this book!

Anonymous said...

I put borders on my more traditional quilts and tend to skip them on the more modern. Or maybe if it's a really exhausting, complicated quilt, I'll add borders to take the pressure off!

Kathryn said...

I just finished two quilts without borders and I think those particular quilts look better plain. I think it just depends. Great book!

Aliceart said...

I especially like borderless quilts, and quilts where the block or appliqué from the quilt move out into the borders. They are definitely my favorites.

queenopearls said...

Exceptional! I love the look of no borders. Well, I like with and without but without can look so clean and crisp. Thanks for the opportunity to play along!
~Christina in Cleveland

Sandy D said...

First I like the Boxed In quilt. Yes I like borderless quilts.One thing is you don't have to think of what quilting pattern to put in the borders.

VickiT said...

I can go either way with borders, but it really depends on the quilt. Some quilts just need a border in my opinion. Skipping that step though is a huge time saver so I'm anxious to get her book myself and read about her quilts she's created. I love the cover quilt quite a lot.

Kacey said...

I do whatever the instructions tell me to do...unless I feel like I want a bigger quilt, in which case I add a border. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nana Jo said...

I have done borders and without borders. It depends on the pattern. Sometimes I've made a quilt and it just wasn't as large as I wanted so I added borders. Sometimes the border is what makes the quilt complete.

barbaradougherty126 said...

I like them, but I also make quilts without borders too. I'd say mine are about 50/50. :)

The Rx quilter said...

How could you not love a book from Julie? She rocks! Lisa in Texas

nhlady said...

I've not yet gone "commando" with a quilt but I'm certainly going to make one soon!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Marla's Crafts said...

It depends on the size of the quilt that depends on how many boarders I put on. I prefer not but for size wise I usely do.

Sharon said...

I used to hate the binding stage, but now I love it. The handwork is relaxing and it means the quilt is nearly finished.

Tsoniki said...

I love borders! But after seeing this book, I can't wait to make a quilt with no border. I am thinking I'll try a baby one first!

Molly B said...

Oh my! this book was made for me! I always struggle with borders.

Anonymous said...

I love skipping over borders - I do not like a ripple in my borders so I don't make them. Hey Julie, my friend and I are on our way from Virginia Beach to Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania Quilt Extravaganza by the Mancuso Brothers. We did stop at a quilt shop was we came up the Eastern Shore, Lil' Country Shoppe in Middletown, DE - lots of your patterns and your book for sale yeahhhhhh.

blueberrymoon said...

I really don't like borders. I always feel like I am making a grandma quilt. Although my Gramma never used borders come to think of it. lol

april said...

I like borders but they are a nuisance. I liked them better on my first few quilts, before I knew they were suppossed to be a properly cut size. (hello wavy borders...). Once I learned how to measure them right, there was a bit more pressure to do them right, lol!
Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the book:)

Heather said...

I've been into interesting borders lately. But, no borders seems to work, too.

Jen said...

I just finished quilting my first quilt sans borders and i have to say it was fun!

foodmathquilts said...

I like borders, but they always take me two or three times longer than I think they will! Also, I too hate pinning. However, I make an exception and pin borders only. (a habit I started just before I got a machine with a built in walking foot - so I might be wasting my time now ...


Jenn said...

I have a serious dislike of borders!

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

I usually don't go for borders on my quilts, but sometimes really think they make a quilt. I really want to do a medallion quilt in modern fabrics and that seems like borders borders everywhere. Really liking the Boxed In quilt.

Rebecca Lynne said...

I'm moving further and further from borders these days. How psyched was I to see this book!!!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OHHH! I love all these patterns--I esp love the box of chocolates!!! And I LOVE the idea of no borders--FUN! THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Kathy MacKie said...

I do like borders but can see quilts can surely be made without one.

Jeannie Gan said...

No borders! I already have a pattern of Julie's, would love to add her book to my collection. Thanks
jchiagan at yahoo dot com

scottylover said...

Well, the last two quilts I have made didn't have borders, so I'm thinking I don't like them! :P No, really, it depends on the quilt whether they need them or not to me. I like them, but not every quilt needs them!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A

Carrie Siegfried said...

I like borders, but HATE doing mitered corners so that makes me think, hmmm, maybe you really don't need borders. I think I might try it on the next quilt.

Jodie said...

I sometimes use borders, but I'm very happy not to!

MaryBeth said...

I usually add a border to my quilts, but I let the quilt "talk" to me and tell me whether or not it should have a border, or sometimes 2 or 3!!

R said...

I'm a beginner to quilting, and have only done baby puff quilts (if those even count), but so far borders haven't been too bad. But I LOVE those quilts and want to try them!!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I let the quilt tell me if it needs borders or not!

Marcia W. said...

I would enjoy skipping borders because once get the top pieced, I'm ready to get things moving. Sometimes borders are necessary, if only to make it easier to attach the binding.

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