blogger's choice.

15 June 2011

blogger's choice.

i'm loving this stack of lovelies, aren't yall?!?!
get your own yummy bundle here.

yummy things are afoot at the jolly jabber.
scootch on over and check 'em out.
psst: giveaway giveaway giveaway :)

if this was in your stash, what would YOU make???

♥ rachel

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LT said...

What a fantastic bunch of fabrics! I think if I had those, I would probably make a Shoofly quilt with them.

stichnRN said...

looks like a baby/toddler quilt to me. wonderful colors, fun polka dots,or as my great-neice says, "podda dots, pleasing to the eye.

Suburban Stitcher said...

hmmmmm...maybe a cool dresden plate quilt

RaeLyn said...

The first thing that came to my mind was some tiered ruffle skirts for my girls, then a fun baby quilt with the leftovers :)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Pinwheel beach quilt.

Anonymous said...

a fun summer picnic quilt... so bright and cheery!

mmbickhart said...

table runner hostess gifts galore!

Unknown said...

my first quilt! I would make my first quilt! I love these solid/patterns. Totally my kind of thing!

Briawna said...

I'm slightly obsessed with pinwheels these days. So I'd probably make a fun summer pinwheel quilt with this beautiful stack. I love stacks of fabric. They make me feel happy.

Sara said...

The blues and greys I would use in my quilt that I am currently working on.

The rest for the next quilt:)

Anne said...

Some of my favorite colors! What a beautiful baby quilt they would make, light and airy and lovely! Yup, I'd make a baby quilt.

Rita said...

Soo great colors!Our two little boys need a Summerquilt for the bed!Now is to hot with the winterblanket!
And with the rest I can do a beautiful scrabquilt!
Regards, Rita;)

KZK said...

I have another stack of fat q's they would play nicely with - I'd love to do a wonky 9-patch!

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

so pretty!! I would make my daughter a dress and myself a cute patchwork purse!

Sarina said...

Cute! Love the aqua & whites. Maybe a cute swim tote. Or some cute "pillowcase" dresses.

Ann MT said...

Love these! I would use bits of them to practice Cathedral Windows - think they would make lovely pillows!

Kari Nitzel said...

This would make a great wedding gift for my nephew and his beautiful bride. As far as what pattern? I will have to figure that out, something soft and romantic looking.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I would make a sunflower quilt and a fresh summer bag

Amy said...

I would make a colorful tote for summer - colors & patterns are great!!

Anonymous said...

I'd make a new outdoor adventure quilt for myself and the family. I've always liked the Easy As Cake quilt from Moose on the Porch Quilts

Tsigeyusv said...

I'd design a "scenes of summer" applique quilt. Maybe include some beach scenes, bbq, summer drinks, beach balls, a car loaded to the gills for a car trip, laundry on a line. Images that make me think of summer. I'd then use these summer time fabrics to create that quilt.

pinsandneedles said...

I would make a flowering snowball summer picnic quilt. Love it...thanks!

Peggy said...

Oh i love these colours. great choice ;-)). I don't know what i would do with it but i do know that i would look at them and put them away and take them out to look at them again and just touch them. I know i am weird. but when i like a fabric i can't bring myself to cut it. I just like to stroke the fabric!!!

Amy said...

i would give the melly pattern a try!

Angelina @ April Violet said...

Oh wow! These colors would go nicely on my bed ;-)
I would make a quilt! Not sure on pattern but definately a quilt!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm a purse/tote and quilt person. With this variety of fabrics, it would definitely be a quilt. I wouldn't know what pattern until I had the fabrics in my hands and could look through patterns. What a lovely collection of fabrics. Fantastic giveaway.

Lauren said...

I would make some bright place mats to use during these warm summer months.

Sara said...

Pinwheels, my most favorite EVER!
or a bento box, which I have been dying to make!

Patricia Lessell said...

If these were mine I would make a baby quilt out of them, because we don't know the sex of the baby and these would be perfect for a little girl or boy.

Rosa said...

A baby quilt and a bag or tote.

KeyQuilter said...

I'd make a baby quilt for the grand child we're expecting in November!

Pieces to Love said...

I can see a kaleidoscope with those beauties. Every time I see lots of polka-dot fabric it reminds me of my dad saying someone was wearing dancing polka-dots and to me kaleidoscopes make your eyes dance.

Lindi said...

Definitely a pinwheel quilt plus a pair of pants for my 1yr old Grandson, and a dress or skirt for my 4month old Granddaughter. :)

Smeeker082 said...

This lovely stack would be a baby quilt for my baby due in Sept! I would like to do a circles quilt or raw edge squares

Pat said...

It looks like a happy quilt to me, maybe a wonky dresden plate. Love the colors.

Unknown said...

This IS in my stash...the UPS man delivered today!

Unknown said...

This IS in my stash...the UPS man delivered today!

Anonymous said...

I would use these to make a disappearing 9-patch quilt! The fabrics are so pretty, i would want something kinda simple to show them off:)!

Angie said...

zig zag or farmer's wife quilt.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I would not make anything with them for a while...I'd just look at them and feel them and smell them! Not quite sure I could bring myself to cut into such a delicious pile of loveliness!


Melissa said...

I would make a quilt with different sized circles. Like happy bubbles floating all over.

Lana said...

Well, I just found out there is going to be a new baby in our, a new baby quilt from me! I love your little's my fun stop on my day!

Leena Salleh said...

polka dots are am thinking of doing up floor pouf/pillow for the family cheer it up a lil bit. :)

Sarah41367 said...

These bright colors would make a beautiful quilt to add to my new decor! I want to make a quilt with different all different kinds of stars and these fabrics would be wonderful for that project!!

The College Knitter said...

If this were in my stash I would use it in my hagon quilt I am working on :)

li cricket said...

I'd make a patchwork purse!

principeta said...

I love this colors,amazing.Perfect for summer bag and daughter's blanket.

SHALEEN said...

A "smitten" quilt for my Granddaughter who is my most precious gift!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

What a stash! A lap quilt would be my choice off the top of my head.

Rhonda and Julie said...

Pinwheels, pinwheels and more pinwheels!

Liligo said...

They remind me of ice-creams, so I'd love to make a mini quilt with circles and triangles like ice-cream cones.

pinkquilter said...

OH OH OH How wonderful! The first thing that came to mind was a wonderful summer quilt! To lay under a tree and have a wonderful picnic!

PNW Quilts said...

So so awesome! I love the dots and I think I would do basket weave type design similiar to a disappearing nine patch (kinda like a picnic basket) to use out enjoying the summer

2ne said...

A summerquilt for my space outside in the garden :-) Love this bright colours.

Rose M. said...

These are just screaming summer! Let's see, I think a pinwheel quilt with these colors would look amazing. And with leftovers I could probably make a Mini Bow Tucks Tote for me! Thanks for the chance.

Oh, was there a winner drawn yet for the SewFabulous $50 gift certificate yet?

Anonymous said...

I am making a retirement quilt that would look great in those colors - it is a word quilt.

Bree said...

I am going to have these!!! LOVE IT~ and most likely, I will make some stuffies from it..those fabrics just scream PLAY WITH ME, to I am going to make something to play with.

Slovenka said...

I would make a summer table cloth ia trip aroound the world fashion.

Elena said...

Wow, what a great, bright stack!!! And I love that they're doing this series with my fave bloggers. It just seems a little on the pricey side for what you end up getting.

Anonymous said...

Oh lovely! Would love to use this in a quilt!

Lauren said...

I'd really like to make a quilt with circles. I think these would be perfect!

leanne said...

Yay - I've got this bundle - I signed up with the FQS as soon as I saw your name mentioned ! but there are some pretty cool bundles coming as well - today I'm being sent a bundle picked by your BFF Jaybird Julie - yay - and it looks like there are some good ones to come as well - what to do with them - just looking at them is making me happy at the moment - I'll dream a bit more...

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