
17 December 2010

true story:
hubby & i were moving our couch into our new house.
he said pivot, we started laughing & totally dropped our couch.
it was the best!!!

& it was all thanks to ross.
i heart you ross gellar!!!


{scroll down & mute my music before you hit play.}

disclaimer: i'm the biggest friends fan on the planet.
i quote friends EVERYDAY.
i own all 10 seasons on dvd & still can't help but watch reruns on tbs.
yes. i'm addicted. literally.

okay...now back to unpacking.

p.s. yall HAVE to watch the WHOLE episode.
it's the one with the cop.

Pin It!


Melanie said...

I think we're tied for biggest Friends fan...because as soon as I saw "pivot" without scrolling down I knew this was a Friends reference. Hilarious!

Kelly said...

i was just about to say what melly said! i saw "pivot" in my blog list, and i knew exactly what you were talking about! my friend and i LOVE friends, and we laughed at ross all the time. that episode was SOOOO funny! in fact, i'm going to post this video on her facebook right now. thanks for the laugh!!

Amy said...

That just completely made my day! I love love love Friends too!!!

Jen said...

Before I even read your post and saw the word "Pivit" This scene immediately came into my head. My DH and I are HUGE Friends fans and I too quote Friends every day. The other day I wished my friend (also a huge Friend's fan) a happy birthday on Facebook and told her to bounce a mile on a hippity-hop. Ah the joys of Friends.

onlymehere said...

They do have some pretty funny episodes. My 2-1/2 year old gdaughter loves to watch with her mommy. She'll often as for "Friends" while she's here but I don't own any so she has to wait until she goes home! She loves to dance to the theme song!

Kate said...

I made a box yesterday and at the corners, the instructions said to stop with needle down and pivot. Needless to say, I yelled PIVOT in the sewing room at each corner.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

That IS one of my most fave Friends episode!!! I soon as I saw Pivot! on my reader, I knew exactly what it was about :)
TGIF! and have a fab weekend!
hugs, margie

Jes and David said...

I use excel all day every day and use PivOT tables about 100 times a day. They're always PivOT tables! People in my department don't get it.

Wendy said...

Ok, now that was hilarious. I'm not a Friends "Fanatic" (loved the show a lot, tho)I can totally relate. Me and my best friend have "movie moments" such as this where random comments or situations bring out our movie moment quotes. Other people don't get it but we crack ourselves up! Thanks for sharing the clip as well so I can forward it to my friend...she will love this little story!

Tammy said...

Omgosh! That is my fav! I got all the seasons last year and my husband hasn't seen it...do u remember which season it was from? Thank u for the clip!!!

RWL said...

this totally happened to me and my boyfriend last year when we bought our couch too. and yep, we were quoting ross for weeks afterwards. heehee. life is a friends episode!

Sara said...

oh my word. that is my favorite friends episode ... it makes me cry from laughing every time.

Sarah said...

That was so cute! I also wanted to tell you that you have the most beautiful music on your blog! I usually turn off my sound when music on blogs start playing because it's obnoxious and makes it harder to read and enjoy. I actually sat and just listened. It's not music I usually listen to and I needed something peaceful this morning. Thank you!! Can you share who it is or where it is from? (Scenic pictures of trees, water ...)

Michele said...

That is hilarious! I like the one with where everyone gets off the airplane because there is no filange? on board. There is nothing like Friends, although I'm starting to like Modern Family quite a bit.

Craftstress Kira said...

This is one of my favorite episodes! Whenever I move furniture I think of it and giggle. Good luck with your unpacking!

Michael and Rachelle said...

Thanks for starting my day with laughter.

Marianne said...

I with you...if my daughter (29 yo) or I move any furniture at all, the word Pivot always comes to mind. Isn't it amazing how an episode of Friends could/can effect so many of us!

Kristen said...

Oh so funny! Movers are worth it silly Ross. :)

Melissa said...

It seems like we always use the pivot quote when we are moving things. Friends is a favorite!

webmailaddress2 said...

Ha, I didn't even need to watch the youtube clip, and I totally knew what you were talking about! I have all the seasons of Friends on DVD. That is the best tv show.

Kris said...

You're a Friends fan? How appropriate cause you are Rachel! You moved? Big job!

Love Bears All Things said...

This is so funny...I love them too...I was trying to think of the theme song because I wanted to use it for one of my Friends' rings on my phone but all I kept coming up with was: "Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got" I know that's Cheers.
Mama Bear

RobynLouise said...

Pivot!, roflmao and I don't watch Friends but I have a friend who says this kind of thing instead of saying something obvious like 'turn'. Cracks me up every time.

Anonymous said...

I knew what you meant the second I read PIVOT.

Good stuff!

Hope your move goes smoothly the rest of the way!

Anonymous said...

We have Friends on DVD as well (along with a trivia game--sad, but true). We quote them every day! "Pivot!" is one of our favorites. We also like this one: Phoebe "Turkeys are beautiful, intelligent animals."
Joey "No they're not. They're ugly and stupid and delicious."
We quote it at every Thanksgiving. :)(The one with the rumor)

firefaery said...

I am totally the same way! I have all seasons on my computer, watch the series, then start back at the beginning. Friends has gotten me through depressing break ups, hard times, and just been there to watch and zone out to when needed. If I ever have a baby, I will definitely want friends playing on my computer, in the labor room! It's my zen place

aka ~ Mildred said...

I did the same thing when I recently moved. I LOVE friends.... they need to bring it back.

Linda K said...

Too Funny- I started laughing the second I read your title!! One of the funniest Friends ever. I don't know how they ever got through the filming of that scene! Thanks for the laugh- I really needed that tonight

Cindy said...

One of the best Friends episodes. We "pivot" every time we move something!

Taliana said...

I'm a huge Friends fan as well, and like you, I own all the DVDs but still watch the reruns on tv. I totally thought about that scene when we were moving our couch into the house.

Wendy said...

Honestly .... before reading your post, as soon as I read PIVOT ... I thought of Ross and that ol' couch!! Love, adore, obsess about Friends!! LOL Thanks for sharing the laugh :)

Jacque. said...

Ya made my day, Rache! Not one of friends/family watched Friends, so I was always alone with the humor of it. {grin} I only have 6 seasons on DVD, though. So far. Best show of all time.

So, you moved again?

shelia said...

Thanks for sharing and giving us all a laugh! I love watching Friends and can watch the same one and laugh every time!

Little Miss Shabby said...

I totally knew this was from the Friends episode before even reading any further! In fact, this past summer hubby and I and my two girls were vacationing in Myrtle Beach--the hotel we were at had a parking garage and for some reason as we would go around all those crazy corners exiting the garage we started yelling "pivot"--I guess just one of those crazy vacation things. =) Anyhow, my then 18 mo. old got in on the action and started saying "pip it"--it was so cute--so now every now and then we just have to holler out "pip it" & it makes us laugh every time.

amroth98 said...

Oh, man, that was one of the BEST episodes of Friends ever! I loved that show and was so sad to see it end. I don't have all the seasons yet, but almost. Now I'm gonna have to have a Friends fix tonight!

Melody said...

I'm with many others - as soon as you said 'pivot' I knew it was Friends...I feel like I quote them every day too - I have all 10 seasons and saw them on sale at costco a couple years back for a really good price and ALMOST bought a 2nd set so I have 'backup' copies just in case something happened to the first set... :) but I didn't...whenever it's on t.v. I watch too - it's like comfort food or a comfort blanket for me :)

LisaG said...

Soooooo funny. I was laughing when I saw the post title in my blog scroll & that was before even reaching your page. Love it, awesome. I had a facebook conversation with my brother this morning which resulted in him quoting "are we still talking about a (christmas tree)" The christmas tree bit he put in but it was totally a Joey phrase from season 1. We're all addicts, thanks for the laugh.

Jessica said...

I just saw this post and I started laughing out loud - I LOVE friends sooo much... and I also quote it non-stop... my best friend and I have been watching straight through all the seasons since January 2010 and we just got to season eight, and I've seen many episodes before, but it never gets old! That's so awesome that you had a real life Friends moment!

Unknown said...

That is my favorite FRIENDS episode!! It's hard to pick a favorite - but that one cracks me up everytime.

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