although she loved the farm life, she longed for something more.
she was tired of hanging out with farm boys…she wanted a man…
...to be the misses to someone’s mister.
“how am i ever gonna find a man in this played out checker dress?” she pondered.
and then it hit her…
"i’ll go see the wizard of aaah’s!!!"
"she’ll help me spruce up my dress collection, in turn sprucing up my love life.”

and of course they ALL matched her amazing red shoes.

and there he was...
mr. perfect was standing in her favorite spot…
the little bridge she'd always came and pondered things at.

he was tall, handsome and had an irish accent.
she meet & instantly fell in love with mister connor o‘ banion.

and they lived happily ever after…in ireland.
{i'm gauging interests for kits. let me know if yall are interested.}
edit to add some q & a:
will you offer single pattens??? yeppers.
what's the size of the quilt??? 54" square.
what fabrics are used??? all farics are lakehouse dry goods.
Just to darn cute! One of these days I will become a great grandmother and if it is a girl this quilt will be perfect. Love it!
I love this quilt!! You are so creative!! Do you have a pattern available? I have a grandaughter & would like to make it for her.
So cute it hurts! I'd love a kit; but right now I don't think it's in the budget. :(
Dorothy has quite the wardrobe. Very cute design!
cute - such a lovely stack of fabric you have there.
Absolutely adorable! I might be interested in a kit - what size is this?
This quilt is beyond cute. Just adorable. It is my favorite of the dolly blog series. Will you have a pattern maybe? I don't think I would buy a kit though because I would need to adjust for a bed size, I think. Just awesome, Rachel!!!
I wouldn't make the doll dresses, but I love how you're set them with the large pieced square blocks - and those four non-corners (what would you call them?!) are spectacular! I could see this quilt as featuring a wonderful large-print fabric. I love it.
I love that fabric pile...I don't have any little girls to make any cute dress quilts for but would love a fq bundle or even a half yard bundle. Is it one particular line? Please let me know...
Peggy in NJ
Cute, gotta love the Lakehouse fabrics for sure, its my fav line! Nice job.
a kit sounds nice, depending on the price. that is so cute!!!
Toooooooooooooo cute!!
I would be completly interested in a kit. Hope it comes out soon
Interested Interested Interested!
The quilt is just adorable Rachel! I am interested in more info about the proposed kit!
this quilt is so adorable and sweet!
a kit? Oh yes!!!!
Supercute quilt, and cool story to go with it!
I LOVE this! The story is sweet too...
Beautiful work! :)
Fun quilt and I loved the story.
Truly adorable! The story is cute too. I might be interested in a kit.
My oh my this is just too sweet..I lvoe it!
VERY very cute indeed!
Absolutely adorable, rachel!
LOVE this!!! I would love to have the pattern and use fabric from some of my daughter's clothes. My grandmother made a quilt for me as a child with scraps of my clothes, so I'd love to do the same for my child. :)
Just love it and yes I would be interested in a kit.
That Dorothy is one lucky girl, having all those beautiful dresses made for her! No wonder she caught such a fabulous man!
Darling quilt and I just love the round corners! Fabrics are beautiful too!
That quilt is so adorable! A kit would be fabulous!
Rach--I absolutely love this! I would be most interested and would love a kit!
could only see a peek of this on hubby's blackberry; the corners... LOVE them! the whole quilt is adorable Rachel!
Absolutely A. Dor. Able!!! Yay, Rachel! Love the story, too.
Very cute! You must have had a lot of fun creating each and every outfit!
Love the post, and love those round corners!! (an oxymoron if I ever heard one!!)
This is absolutely precious and looks like it was so fun to make!!!
pretty as a peach!
with sooo many dresses does she ever have get stuck deciding what to wear? ;)
I'd definitely be interested in a kit!
Love your quilt, Rachel...and the fun little story!!!
super cute rach!
Hey Rachel you did a GREAT job !!! Congrats !!!
its really really really cute
That is so cute. Love the border.
soooo cute :)
The circle "corners" are just excellent!
Delightful quilt. I love it. Great design, great fabrics, great colors. Very cheerful! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! Luv the colors! I'm just a beginner and i've been inspired by your blog, thanks for sharing!
Kit interest? Oh yeah, boy howdy! This is a cutie! :)
Sooo cute and such a sweet quilt!
And a very sweet post at the Wizard of Aaah's! :)
it's so cute it hurts! These dolly dresses are SO cute! I love this take on them. Those little squares with white are so sweet! I might have to make this.
Very interested in a kit!
Definitely interested in a kit! It's just too cute!
Rachel....I'm just catching up... and YES..YES...YES... I love the quilt...are we going to have a pattern... please... Merry Christmas in case I don't get back before the magical day
Rainbow smiles.. Gloria
Yes! I would love to have a kit on this quilt. My three grand-daughters would love to have one of these and myself as well. Please have the kit available soon. The more I look at it I want it.
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