november 17th: andrew day

17 November 2008

well i made it.

today my 'baby' became a 2 year old!!!

this is me & my little buddy.
aren't his eyes to die for???
i ♥ this pic so much.

today i also took jackson to the er.
{our 7 year old.}
before anyone freaks out...he's fine.
just has a horrible viral infection.
poor guy.

and to round out my day:
i JUST preordered twilight tickets!!!
one for me. one for the sis. and one for the gal pal.
SUPER stoked.

so with that being said:
i'm gonna go curl up in the hubby's lap and watch some tv.

Pin It!


Anonymous said...

Your baby is beautiful!! My daughter is a fan of that series too and is waiting for the big day.

Shauna said...

What a cute blog you have here :)

Mary Anne Drury said...

Happy birthday to your little dollbaby!!! (He's gonna be a real chick magnet with those baby blues in about 12 years!!! Hold on tight, Mamma !!!) Also, glad to hear your other son is OK .... poor kid !

Red Geranium Cottage said...

What a cutie!! Happy Birthday! Good to hear that the other one is ok.

a good yarn said...

They grow up way too fast. Prettys soon he'll be six foot four, dating girls, leaving his room in a mess and eating you out of house and home - and you'll love him just as much!

It's a relief to know your other boy is on the mend. It's no fun when they are sick.

Counting down the days are we?

Keep well...Ann :)

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Rachael--visit my blog--you have an award!

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