if you're new here, allow me to introduce myself.
i'm rachel. i love all things quilty, family, and starbucks-y.
i hope you look around and stay for a while!

in case you aren't familiar with the book, lori shows us that the great granny square is (easily) made up of 4 generations of squares; the baby, the mama, the granny, and the great granny.
it's a wonderfully detailed book and is FULL of delicious eye candy.
yes, you NEED it. trust me on this, folks. ;)
if y'all haven't seen the project they whipped up, check out this YouTube video.
adorable, right?! (;

i used a "mama" block from the book and made a little lavender rice warmer.
this isn't the first rice warmer i've made, but it IS the first one i've made on the smaller size.
(this measures 6" square.)
why so small? well, because i wanted a little rice warmer to use at nighttime.
the lavender smells AMAZING, which helps me wind down.
and i don't have to give up too much space in my comfy bed by having a huge rice warmer.
priorities! LOL.

size = 6" x 6"
fabrics = modern minis by lori holt for riley blake AND modern background - paper by zen chic for moda AND cotton + steel basics
thread = aurifil 2600 dove 50wt
quilting = rachel griffith using her fancy schmancy walking foot (;

monday, december 14th
fat quarter shop
lori holt of bee in my bonnet
vickie of spun sugar quilts
katie of good golly ginger
sinta of pink pincushion
tuesday, december 15th
tina of emily ann's kloset
renee of sewn with grace
tricia of notes of sincerity
debbie of happy little cottage
wednesday, december 16th
melissa of oh how sweet
nadra of ellis & higgs
marni of haberdashery fun
thursday, december 17th
jennie of clover & violet
erin of why not sew
sherri of this & that patterns
rachel of PS I QUILT (you are here!)
sharon of daisy cottage quilting
friday, december 18th
greg of grey dogwood studios
pam of pam kitty morning
jamie of busy bee quilts
daisy of ants to sugar
gerri of planted seed designs

one lucky PS I QUILT reader will win their own copy of great granny squared!
to enter, simply leave a comment telling me your favorite memory of your mama, granny, or great granny!
winner will be announced next week!
happy hopping, y'all.
xo, rachel
My favorite memory involves all three, my mom, my granny and my great grandma together teaching me, my brother and sister how to do all sort of different things every summer. My mom worked for the school system so she had the summers off. We had so much fun!
I have a quilt started by my great Grandma, added to by Grandma and finally finished and rescued by my Mom in the 80's. I so love it. All three were David sewers and I am lucky enough that gene passed to me!
My great granny could not stand to have a Christmas present with any room left in the box. So she would put our gift in a box, and then have little presents all around the main gift to "fill in the space"!
Oh my memory is from my great grandmother who we would visit during the summer a lot! I was fascinated with her treedle machine !! She would let me work the petal! And it took all I had to make it go back and forth and long enough for her to actually see something!!! But she would always tell me what a great job I did!! I so treasure those memories!!!
My grandmother was the first in our area to make - and wear!-- a floor length patchwork skirt. It was fabulous!
Would looove to win the Book!! but have no stories about my mom or grandma's. My momma died 2 months before my 2nd birthday...& her mom didn't like my dad..so I never knew her. & his momma died before I was born. Hope I still have chance to win? If so..thanks so much!
I hope I am making Special Heart Memories for my grankiddo's...& they will look back someday & still feel my Hugs when they are grown. :)
One of my favorite memories of my granny is learning cross stitch from her. <3 she taught me how to make the back look as good as the front! At 43 I still can't do it as well as she does but my heart smiles every time I pick up a needle. I miss her everyday...
My Nana used to have full belly laughs where she sometimes cried. It was hilarious to watch and I miss her.
Love your pillow. My favorite memory for my Mother would be the wonderful times in the kitchen cooking together. Thanks for asking. Thank you for the giveaway.
I remember my g-grandmother sitting in her rocker and quilting. Somehow the quilt she made me got lost by the moving van on the trip to California. I also remember crocheting granny squares from yarn back in the 60's.....but I like granny squares no matter how you create them...
I was very fortunate to meet only one of my grandparents and it was my mom's mom when I was 10 years old and went on a trip to France! It was a special visit and she was wonderful!! I'll never forget it!!
My grandma was a very modest woman who would shake her head and roll her eyes at the idea of being remembered for her bright mind and sparkling intelligence--she was very modest, and would have considered herself ordinary, I think. She loved words and wordplay and collected funny stories that involved everyday circumstances when words were used incorrectly, to a funny outcome. When she would share them with us, she was always careful to do so in a way that would not make fun of the person who said it, so that the humor came from the silly language, but we were never left thinking, "Oh, what a fool!". Looking back now, I recognize that was another of my grandmother's gifts: her kindness and compassion, and she was passing it on by example.
One of my favorite memories of my paternal granny is that she loved to snuggle with our cat. I think it genetic because we are all cat persons:-)
My favorite memory of my grandma is how I felt at her house when we would visit her. I loved the feeling in her home.
One of my favorite memories of my grandma involves my sisters and I spending the weekend at grandma's house while mom and dad were away playing cards, coloring in jumbo coloring books, and after taking a nap waking up to flannel sleeping bags for our babies made by grandma! I still have mine and love it to pieces, it probably took her 2 minutes to whip up but it was definitely a fantastic surprise for a 7 yr old! Just reminiscing about grandma makes me smell black coffee, a big gallon pal of crayons!
Xoxo whitney
This book looks great, I remember my grandma making granny squares.
One of my favorite memories is baking cookies with my mom.
My grandma Honeycutt made me a tied quilt that I still have today.
Thanks for a chance to win.
My favorite memory of my grandmother is her teaching my sisters and me how to embroidery. Even though her eyesight was not the best, she was determined to teach us. French knots really gave us a hard time!
My Gram love cooking and baking. She would often make/bake things and give them away. She also loved to knit and could whip up socks in no time.
My 'Nan' was a fantastic baker and a wonderful quilter who did applique with a marvelous invisible stitch. Love to admire her quilts to this day.
Happy memories of childhood Christmasses on the family farm, always special, sadly missed
I remember when my Mom first saw and held my son on the day he was born. He was her first grandchild and she was OVER THE MOON. I am glad she was able to be there that day, as we lived many miles apart. Sadly, she died when he was just 2 and none of her other grandchildren had been born yet. So glad I have that memory of her.
When I was very little my Nana used to pour some tea into a saucer to cool down so I could drink it. Thanks for a great giveaway, the book looks great.
I love this twist on the block. Sadly I never knew either of my grannies and so my favourite memory of my mum is watching her sew me dresses.
At the age of 15 Grandma gave me a hand embroidered table cloth, embroidered by my father when he was young but sadly died when I was a baby. When I use this table cloth I think of that time and the story told about when he stitched it. I would make a Granny Square quilt to remember by.
I remember my granny warming our pj's in front of her open fire as she had no central heating. We had warm blankets and an electric blanket in the bed when we stayed over x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
One of my favorite memories of my mom was making a mission quilt with her. it was the last quilting project we worked on together. when I was much younger, our family still held the quilting bees that had begun many, many years before. We still use the old quilting sticks my great grandfather made to stretch our quilts for quilting. Love, love fabric!!!
My mama taught me how to quilt and it is my favorite thing to do in my spare time!
My grandmother always had a ball of string and a crochet hook with her when she sat down. She made miles and miles if lace tatting which she added to all her sheets and pillow cases. All the family members still cherish bed linens embellished with her handmade lace.
I am so enjoying this hop! I love the blocks and twists! Best memory of my grandmothers~ one patiently taught me to embroider and the other to crochet~ even though I was left handed and always ended up with either something sewn to my pants, or big holes in my crocheting. LOL And I love to do both to this day!
My Grandma used to cover ( and re-cover many times) my beloved teddy bear, when it became too raggedy. I didn't care that he came home with me as a different color and texture!
Hi there Rachel,
I am SO happy that you are blogging again…I've missed your posts so much!
My favourite Granny memory is: we would have to travel fairly far up north to see my Granny and other family every Christmas. The airport was so small that you still had to go down a metal flight of stairs-out in the blizzard weather-to get off the plane. Then there was a 100 foot walk before you could get into the nice, warm airport building. When we finally arrived at Granny & Grandpa's house, she would be baking cookies…and this woman did not know how to make just a single batch! Every surface in the kitchen and dining room was covered by cut up paper grocery bags and these in turn were covered by dozens and dozens of cookies of all sorts and descriptions. It was warm and steamy and it smelt so wonderful in there! I have a few of her recipes…but not all as she invented several types of cookies that, unfortunately I will never taste again. I have never been able to perfect her velvety, melt in your mouth shortbread!
Granny was a war bride and would not have had a wedding gown except for the fact that my Grandpa's many sisters all chipped in and found her a length of white bridal satin, and they sent it to her on one of the many convoys of supply ships that left Canada going to England. Even after over 40 years of living in Canada, she never lost her British accent! I miss her...
Hope you like my memory!
Quilty Huggs,
snausages22 at yahoo.CA
HI,my favorite Grandmother memory is helping her stem gooseberrys in summer on her big front porch>lots of laughing with the stemming!
Thank you for a neat giveaway! msstitcher1214@gmail.com
My favorite memory of my mother is how she was always game for anything & instilled that in all 4 of her children. She had such great unwavering faith that she also passed down to us & we will be eternally grateful for that.
All of my memories of my grammy are my favorite, she was the most amazing woman in my life, she passed away a couple years ago from Alzheimer's and cancer and she was my first encounter with the disease, and it really stunk. It is so hard to watch someone who means the world to you go through that, but we made the best of it, and kept her laughing right up until the end. Even if she was really confused about who we was. I have not seen or heard of this book, but the pictures in your post are absolutely stunning! I would love to win this and I promise to give it an amazing forever home. I got just the perfect fabric (my collection of bonnie and camille lines that I have savored). Merry Christmas Rachel, I hope you have a healthy and safe holiday next week! It has been a while since we have caught up. I truly hope you are well!
My favorite memory of my grandmother was from Christmas when I was 3. She bought me a doll that was as big as I was. She worked in Manhattan and carried that huge doll on the train to Nassau County. She was such a happy, forgiving woman who was genuinely kind. She was loved by many. Still miss her!
I remember always cooking with my grandma in her little kitchen with her built in dinette. And she taught me how to knit and it was fun sitting on the couch with her doing that.
I remember my aunt louise always bringing pies for holiday dinners.
My grandmother would always read to me from a fairy tale book, and I always remember her acting out all the characters in Henny Penny, it was wonderful. Love your rice warmer, great fabric choices!
Sadly, I never met my grandmother or her mother. But I loved my mama! She passed 6 years ago and my best memories of her was in the kitchen. She loved to cook and bake and everything that she served was out-of-this-world delicious. I will always remember her making cinnamon rolls on her big wooden board on the kitchen table. The smells were enough to make you swoon!
I remember my Grandma and miss her so much after 30 years! She always cared for me. She taught me to garden, get dressed, and tie my own shoes. But one thing was in the Summer of my seventh year my cousin and I went to run out the back door and she stopped us with an egg in her hand. Now her backyard was a mix of sand and dirt in the hot Texas sun on her cement steps she cracked that egg and it fried. Then pointed to the door to get our shoes. We never forgot it and still laugh about that lesson she taught us! I love Lori Holt's books and I don't have this one and would love it! I love your warmer I think my feet could use it tonight. Merry Christmas
What a great idea to make a small rice warmer from the mama block...
my favorite kind of project!
Easy, fast and cute!
Food! My little Mexican grandma was all about feeding me! Tamales are the best memory, but she also spoiled me on sweets too.
One of my favorite memories of my grandma was when I was in 5th or 6th grade and my cousin was in town from Virginia. We spent a long weekend with her and grandpa. At some time we must have gotten on her nerves, because she set the quilt frame up in the back yard, showed us how to "tie" a quilt and told us to "get busy!" She checked on us every once in a while from the kitchen, and when we got tired of tie-ing the quilt, we would run off and play for a bit, then come back to work on it some more. It was the first time I had actually worked with a quilt frame and it was fun!
Sandy A
I was lucky enough to have both my grandmothers for a long time. I still have a hexagon afghan that one grandmother made me for my high school graduation. The other didn't do crafts but loved to travel. We got go on a cruise to Alaska together that was wonderful.
I remember my mom taping brown paper bags together to make patterns. I always got a minature version of what she sewed for herself.Such a talented lady.
Love to win
tracinecharest at Gmail dot com
One of many favorite memories of my grandma in Rhode Island was I would be hand sewing and when a thunderstorm was nearby she would make me stop hand stitching because of lightening + metal of the needle! I love her so much and miss her !
My grandmother is the reason I sew. She has been making clothes and quilts since as long as I can remember. You could feel her love in her creations. She is such a wonderful woman!
determineddebby (at) gmail (dot) com
Each year on my birthday my Gramma Rose used to make a sweet yeast dough, shape it into a rope and spell out my name. I know that I received many lovely birthday presents, but this is the one I remember most fondly. I hope to continue this tradition with my own grandchildren.
Unfortunately I didn't know either of my grannys. But my 87 year old mom has lived with us for 7 years now, so my children have gotten to know their granny. I know they will treasure memories of everyday life with her.
My Grandmother taught me to quilt, cook, garden and just plain live. She was the best. Rest in peace Grandma.
One of my favorite memories of my mom and grandma (Dad's mom) was when the three of us went to the huge Ameriflora exhibit many years ago. So lovely and great memories made that day.
My grandmother taught me to sew on the school holidays. She was a wedding dress designer and creator. I would spend hours with her everyday making barbie doll clothes from her beautiful scraps. I wasn't quite old enough to realise how beautiful, delicate or expensive her scraps were, but I certainly do now! I thank her 💕💕 for being there and giving me such a treasured skill and being my "mum" after my mum went to spend time in heaven with the Angels when I was young.
I remember my late grandmother always working on braided rugs. She would have bags of polyester fabrics all cut up into strips and as she braided sh always added a new strip. I hated those rugs as a child. They were bulky and the polyester fabric was awful! As an adult, for years now I have tried to imitate her rug skills and I have failed. How I wish I had one of her rugs now!
I have so many wonderful memories of my mom, but during December, they all center around music. My grandmother was a quilter but my mother didn't sew. Her creative outlet was music and December was filled with her involvement in church Christmas programs and Christmas recitals for her piano students. Every traditional Christmas song fills me with warmth, remembering my mom and her music!
My great granny lived with my grandparents when I was a teenager. She was a mother of 6 during The Great Depression, this made her very frugal till the day she died. One of my favorite memories is the day she locked herself in her bedroom and wouldn't let anyone in for hours. When my grandpa(her son) came home from work he convinced her to unlock the door and come out. The room looked normal so what had she been doing all day? After a few minutes of questioning she finally revealed why she locked the door. She knew grandma wouldn't want her cutting the sheets down the middle, flipping the outer seams to the middle and stitching them back together. She said the sheets were thread bare in the middle and since grandpa wouldn't buy her new ones she fixed them so they were decent to sleep on! Were they really thread bare? Nope but in her mind they were.
My favorite memory of my mother was watching her meticulously cut tiny squares of fabric and then hand stitch them into quilts. She spent every evening doing this, with her family around her. She then hand quilted her quilts and gifted them to her family with all her love. I so appreciate her today and wish I had paid better attention to how she did things.
Both of my Grannies made quilts. I remember playing on the quilt frame while one of them quilted. I have quilts from the other one. I remember that one of the quilts I have was given to me with the (large) binding unfinished. She said "You have a sewing machine, you can finish it."
My great grandmother taught me to make biscuits from scratch using lard and self-rising flour. I still love making them - the taste brings me right back to her kitchen!
Love this.. Great idea! - Marni
This is one of my favorite blocks. One of my favorite memories is of my grandmother working in her garden of gladiolas in the summer.
One of my favorite memories of my grand mother is of her watering her garden and me following her and making dimples in the watered soil with my heels. That's how I got my childhood nick name of "puddle duck". The dent I made would fill with water and I would play in them. It was a muddy job but someone had to do it! Wonderful memories of the farm and my grand mother.
Getting to sew on my Grandma's sewing machine whenever I went to visit.
My grandma made homeade rolls by the hundreds in preparation for our visits. Delicious!
My favourite memory of my Nana is lying in bed on a morning, when we stayed over at her house, and her telling us stories that she made up.
My favorite memory of my grandma was spending summers at her farm, smelling her wonderful cooking and watching her crochet up a storm. I learned my love of crafting from my mom and grandma. Thanks for the giveaway!
Rachel, it's wonderful to meet you via Blog. THanks for encouraging the memories. My grandmother always wore handmade aprons, used 'em to take hot stuff out of the woodstove, wipe her brow, clean the crumbs off my face.
What a lovely giveaway! I think my favorite memory of my great grandma was when she taught me how to knit when I was seven.
My Great-Grandmother died on my 7th birthday at the age of 90 (she was born in 1900 and died in late 1990). What I loved about her is that through all the tough things she went through between having 8 children and dealing with an unfaithful husband and working hard to provide for her children during their long separation is that she was joyful in the end. She used to always offer everyone who went to visit her cookies but saying, "You want a cookie?" in such a sweet way! I remember I had some Barbie and Maxi dolls piled on a couch and she said, "Are those my sisters?" Then she started to talk to them as if they were her actual sisters (she was totally playing around though and was of stable mind up through her last day). She was funny.
One of my fave moments with my grandma is when she gifted me my first quilt. I still have and love it.
My mom used to spend two entire day's making Christmas cookies and candy. We would be at school and come home to every horizontal surface in our very large farmhouse kitchen covered with cookies, fudge, chocolate dipped delicacies and sweet breads. You could always tell when mom was getting bored with the process: the rolled ball cookies got a little larger, the cutout cookies got a little thicker, and the dipped "delicacies" became peanuts or raisins in melted chocolate. I miss her so much!
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