hey p.s. i quilt readers it's julie from jaybird quilts
rachel's kiddies got sick...and then got her sick... & since she still a bit under the weather i said i'd step in.
so i'm going to tell you a story of how the internet gave me a bff.
before i had my own blog i read a few regularly, one of which was "p.s. i quilt"
this rachel girl seemed fun, real & i liked reading her posts.
she didn't use capital letters much either... a habit i shared.
i started my own blog & we began to form a bloggy friendship.
not long into that friendship rachel trusted me with her treasured pinwheel quilt & i quilted it for her.
slowly we went from the occasional e-mails to e-mailing every day.
then i remember like it was yesterday getting a really exciting email accepting my first project on the moda bake shop.
i sent rachel an e-mail to tell her & the e-mail ended with "i'd call you if I had your phone number"
her next e-mail included her phone number & i called her.
we talked for what seemed like forever... commenting on the fact that we both had different voices than we thought the other would have & chatting about everything and anything.
later that night rachel sent me an e-mail that included "we SO talked on the phone."
from there we'd have the occasional phone call to talk... usually about something quilt related.
we planned on going to quilt market together that fall and started to talk more & more often... and eventually we were talking every day.
this photo was taken about 10 minutes after we met in person for the first time.
i immediately felt like i had known this girl forever... she just has that way about her.
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fall 2009 quilt market |
rachel was a great friend & a person i could trust to give me honest feedback on in-progress quilt things.
we had BIG dreams of designing in the quilt world.
but it got better.
rachel became my bff.
she listened to me day in & out and helped to heal a broken heart.
she has been there when i've lost family members.
she was there when elijah was diagnosed.
she's been there for me in the good times too.
rachel has become the person i can call no matter what, no guards, no fears & i know she'll listen and still be there tomorrow.
{i'm also the same for her}
rachel & i are opposites in many ways... but that has only made our friendship stronger.
she's the triangle girl & i like squares
i love math & she doesn't so much
she's married with 4 kids & i'm just me :-)
she's southern & i'm from philly
i hate cooking & rachel loves it.
while we both have read/watched harry potter & twilight i'm on team potter & she's on team twilight.
{{rachel edit: i'm actually team harry potter & team twilight. i can't & won't pick sides. lol.}}
it was really hard for rachel that she had to miss this past quilt market.
we had grand plans for my booth & the show but hey life happens and we go with it.
rachel could have been all "woe is me i'm not there"
BUT she wasn't
instead she was my PR rep.
via twitter/facebook/flickr and even my blog she kept everyone up to date on my booth & market while i was too busy myself to do any posting.
during setup i spotted her escapde quilt before it got hung up in the kona booth. i quickly asked candi to snap this pic so i could send it to rachel.
a few people wondered what i was doing... but i knew the photo would make rachel smile.
rachel & i are both following our dreams by designing quilts.
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spring 2011 quilt market |
i had many goals, hopes & dreams when i started my blog...
but never in a million years did i think that my blog would connect me with people in the incredibly genuine way that it has.
i've made many friends through my blog... but rachel is special.
had anyone told me 2 years ago that the internet would give me a bff i would have laughed.
"how could anyone... especially someone who doesn't see me regularly become my bff."
but it happened.
and i can't imagine my world without rachel.
rachel will be back soon... but in the meantime i hope you have enjoyed this peek inside our friendship.
{and i hope rachel doesn't kick my butt for anything i revealed... but i'm pretty sure i'm good.}
i love you rachel... you are my gayle.
♥ julie
How sweet....
What a sweet post! I have a bff like Rachel too! I met mine through a fan club and we have been bff's for 16 years now through the high's and lows of our lives. We just spent the week together and I cried like a baby when I had to put her back on a plane to go home. Thank God for best friends!
Debbie K
What a wonderful blessing for you both. A true friend is hard to find these days and you found one on the internet.
pretty freakin amazing!! i am still trying to find that one female bff. all throughout the years everyone of them has hurt me beyond what i would care to admit. i am one of those people who cherishes friendships and do not take it lightly. i just wish i could find that one girlfriend who would cherish what i have to give, and be true and honest. no jealousy, no games, no backstabbing. hopefully someday i will find someone, but for now, i share that kind of friendship with the hubby!! which is pretty amazing, but you know, having that girlfriend to dish things too, seems amazing. (never had one to be honest, for some reason girlfriends+me=hurt heart on my part.
anyways, i am glad you guys have that kind of bff friendship, even though i am a tad envious :O}
hopefully someday i will get a chance to meet you fabulous women (and i am just a tad bit older than you ladies are), but i think i am a pretty cool cat.
keep making your quilting dreams come true, and being each others bff, it's pretty special to share that with someone.
hope the griffith household feels better soon. thanks julie for the post.
That was fun to read. Rachel, I hope you are feeling better and Julie, sounds like you are both great for each other! :)
That was such a wonderful post, Julie! Rachel, I hope you feel better ASAP!
Rachel feel much better real soon!!!
Julie it was nice to get to know ya'll a little better through this post. Stay strong in your friendship always:)
aww, that's such a sweet story! And nice to know you both appreciate what you have - great girlfriends are hard to find. Rachel - hope you are feeling better soon!
How lovely!!
What a lovely post! There are few things in this world more precious than our women friends. It truly adds another dimension to our lives. Rachel, hope you're feeling better soon!
after reading the many comments above, all I can add is, simply marvelous! Your kind of friendship will last forever - truly blessed!
You are both incredibly fortunate to have found each other. Treasure this special friendship always! Thanks for sharing :)
What a great post Julie. How awesome to have found your bff online. I know the power of the internet and finding something when and where you least expect it myself. And many times it's still unbelievable to think that without the internet it may never have happened. Just 11 yrs ago purely by luck, I met my husband online and it was not in any online dating site but something entirely different. I can vouch for how amazing it can be to find someone online whether it be your bff or something more.
I'm sure you and Rachel will continue your relationship and hope she and her family is feeling better very soon. Thanks for such a nice post like this. It's a nice way to start out a Monday morning to read this.
awww. i love best friend love stories! you girls are cute. it sounds a little weird to meet someone online that is so special to you. i laughed at the thought of it myself. but as it happened, i met my hubby online. i still laugh, but hey! we're happy! :) thanks for the sweet post!
Welp, it's 9:30AM EDT and I"m cryin'. That's not a record, but it's pretty darn close! This kind of friendship is a treasure. I know how much you both cherish it!
Awww, how sweet! Friends like this are hard to find... you are both incredibly lucky to have each other!! :)
Thank you for sharing this sweet post with us!! True friends are hard to find and should be treasured!
...better than chicken soup!
Awww. I just got a little teary-eyed. That's so sweet!
Feel better Rachel!
What a special friendship...not a surprise that I love both your blogs :) Rachel, I hope you feel better very soon!
Wht a lovely tale!! Hope you get well soon, but thank you for sharing your friend with us as well!!
what a sweet story! makes me happy!
If only we all could be so lucky to such a wonderful friendship!
It is so nice to read about your wonderful connection and friendship.
I too am blown away at how the internet and quilting has brought so many wonderful people together. It is hard to explain; but blogging, Flickr, etc has shown me that I'm not alone out there. There are other crazy people just like me.
Big Hugs!
That is so sweet. I can only hope to one day be as lucky. God bless the internet!! :)
Awesome! You two are pretty cool gals! Jenn
This post is sure to make her feel better! Thanks for sharing your story. Love the pics!
I ♥ this posting! As I follow both blogs, and have both bookmarked on my toolbar, it is sweet to hear that you are BFF's. I hope Rachel feels better soon. Nice to see such an awesome friend stepping in for one another.
Sorry to hear that Rachel is sick. It's bad enough when the kids are sick but when you're not well too - ugh! Hope she and the kids get better soon.
And hello :) Thank you for introducing yourself. I'm new to Rachel's blog - friendship is so special.
This is such a great story, thanks for sharing!
You girls are amazing. And funny. I'm glad to finally have met half of you IRL. I'm excited to meet the other half one day too.
I so want a friendship like that :)
A true friendship is wonderful no matter where you find them!!
I read both of your blogs, and I love both of you. It makes me so happy that you're bffs in real life! My bff isn't into quilting or crafting, and I don't get to talk to her about this stuff (hence the reason I read about 30 blogs faithfully). It's nice to read about you two in real life! Hope the family is healthy soon :)
The internet is an interesting place. I have family members who have met their spouses on-line and now my daughter has met that special someone. How great to meet a bff through a blog. I think we all are gaining new people in our lives that we never thought would happen.
The internet is a wonderful thing! Thanks for sharing your bff story. I love both of your blogs and it must be so nice to have a friend like you (Julie) and you (Rachel)!
I hope Rachel's feeling better :)
Love your BFF story :) It reminded me a bit on how my hubby and I "met" 16 years ago on a tech forum, chatting away about computers, traveling and photography - jut chatting away. When we met in person 5 years later we just hit it off ... We will be married 10 year in a couple of month
Wow...what an incredible friendship! I think because you are willing to share about your personal lives, people see the real you (or at least I do!)...that's why I like following your blogs! :) Thanks for sharing...
Lovely post Julie...you and Rachel are both so lucky to have found each other. Family and friends...thats really what is all about in the end. So glad you guys are pursuing your dreams together.
What a great post! Thanks for sharing Julie. And I hope you feel better soon Rachel :)
oh, that's really lovely. It's amazing how friendships grow out. Making friends as an adult is a gift because you know how precious friends are.
Shame about the photo of the two of you.... it could have been a beauty of you both.
Love both your blogs, awesome!
awww...what a sweet sweet post! Rachel's blog is the first quilt blog I followed, it'll always have a special place in my heart. Julie, you two are the cutest besties ever! :) Rachel, you're a doll and I hope you're feeling better! :)
Really enjoyed the post....Rachel, hope you feel better soon!
This is SO AWESOME! I loved reading this post, you two are the best! Hope you are feeling better soon Rachel!
aww! you two are so sweet! i loved reading this!
What a wonderful, sweet story. And what a blessing for you both :)
Hope your feeling better soon Rachel!!!
Thanks for the bff story Julie!!!
Get better soon, Rachel and family!
How lovely to find a bff...
What a beautiful post!!! I have spent most of the day crying on pet dog related issues and this made me cry even more... but in a nice way! True friendship is a gift, one that should not be taken lightly and it seems you two share a really special bond. Thanks for sharing your special friendship with us, Leigh xxx
How sweet and heartfelt. I hope Rachel and the family are doing much better.
How great for you both! I love reading each of your blogs and learning about family, patterns and how you girls work with luscious fabrics...keep up the good work!
Love love love this post. I hope you and your family are feeling better too Rachel
Thank you so very much for this story Julie! Such a great read. Hope Rachel and the family is feeling better soon.
This story just makes my heart sing! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful thing!!
I have enjoyed it! Here's to many years of BFF friendship!
i'm sooooo late on this.. but L.O.V.E.D that story! and the friendship behind it!
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