
02 August 2010

baby belly pic. {as of july 1st.}

so this was my belly about a month ago.
the view hasn't changed much.

okay so maybe it's a little more rounder.
& maybe my belly button is threatening to pop out.
& maybe...just maybe i can't see my feet.

baby griffith in t-minus 5 weeks & counting.
or maybe she has different plans.

babies do have their own timing you know.

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elle said...

YAY! You are lucky your belly button hasn't popped yet, mine popped at 4.5 months!

LisaG said...

I was the size of a small planet by the time I had my twins & still my belly button didn't pop out.... but I couldn't see my feet from about 4 months!

amylouwhosews said...

i love baby bellies! you look great!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

How cute!! Come on baby girl! Can't wait to meet you!! Names??? I'm sure something totally Southern, but any hints yet??? Good luck Rachel! Jenn

Kimberly said...

Awww, great shot!

The One and Only said...

first, I didn't know you were that close!!! second, adorable belly pics, preggers have the best bellies!! third, and last, my belly was pretty small when I gave birth and I was bummed because my button never popped :-(
Good luck and I hope you have an amazing and easy going birth!!

Anonymous said...

What a great pic! I see a little foot there next to you. I bet the other lil griffiths are way excited. Hope you can stay in the AC for the next month!

QuiltNut Creations said...

love this picture! not much longer now!

TexasRed said...

Great picture! Congratulations again!

Stephanie said...

Love this picture, so cute! Soon!!! Very soon :)

Sandy said...

Hope you're getting along well in all this heat! Looks like the belly is the only thing to get big...

Elizabeth said...

When your belly button pops out, it means the baby is done {kind of like a timer on a turkey ;0}. Hang in there! The quilt you made for her is darling! I know she'll be so loved when she gets here!

xo -E

Lara said...

Oh what a gorgeous bump! My Gus was 5 weeks early... so ya just never know :) Good luck for the next few weeks!

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

Well you look so nice and slender for being about to have a baby! :) May the next few weeks be happy, calm ones.

Lisa said...

Wish you well and what a cute post!

BubzRugz said...

Beautiful.... wishing you all the best for the next few weeks.... Hugz

Jennifer Blosser said...

Too cute on the preggers belly! Babies do have their own timing. I'm getting excited for you!

Hugs & stitches,

Kim Walus said...

Oh soooo CUTE!!! What a great perspective on the picture. I love it! How exciting too that it's getting so close now.

Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama said...

the final weeks is the hardest and most drawn out! I love your belly, though. =)

Kim Brackett said...

Cute picture! I know you can't wait to meet her.

Carol said...

Do you have a name picked out for baby girl Griffith?

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

What a darling picture!!!

Chartreuse Moose said...

What a fun blog, thank you for sharing!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i miss you {no maybe included!}

madebymum said...

what a great photo

Sew Many Mamas said...

I've followed your blog for such a long time and this is my first post : ) I love your blog... fun and full of inspiration! What a talent! Hang in there! Waiting for baby is so hard - especially in the summer months! You'll be rewarded in a few weeks : )

Tracey Jacobsen said...


I love those baby bellies... not much longer! Here's to a swift and comfortable labor and delivery, with a happy and healthy mama and baby. :)

and PS. I saw your "Almost Irish" quilt in Irish Quilts this weekend... gorgeous! I hadn't seen you post about it before, but I really love it.

Katy said...

Take it easy and enjoy your last few pregnancy weeks before you meet your new baby. My daughter is right behind you in her pregnancy time. She has 9 weeks left before we meet our new baby Luke. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Congrats a little early for you new little darlin! Love your baby belly- I know how you feel though in the last weeks of summer- both of mine were summer babies. My oldest was born August 30th-- the heat was brutal is all I really remember about the last few weeks. Glad you are doing well!
Take care!

Thimbleanna said...

Won't be long now -- how exciting!!!

Tiffany said...

That's the sweetest look beautiful.

Quilter Raised in the South said...

my baby Griffith was 5 weeks early. Emma is 18 months old now and tugging on my arm.

Rose said...

Love the photo, and congrats! It's been a while since I checked all my favorite blogs, I've been back at work and don't have the time as I did when I was on mat leave! Good luck with your last few weeks, and enjoy every moment, as once the baby arrives your life will never be the same!

SewCalGal said...

Great view. You are in the home stretch. I think Baby Griffith is turning and may be a wee bit early! But then I'm not a Dr. LOL!


Anonymous said...

They sure do!! I am now 7 days over and counting!! Seems like I have made it a little too comfy in there :)

amy smart said...

Bless your heart. And your back.

corners of my life said...

Great photo.
Must be only 4 weeks by now?!

Annie said...

Love the baby belly shot I hope you get to relax and enjoy the next 5 weeks it is a very special time. Can't wait for baby pics.

Gayle said...

My daughter is due just about the same time that you are - we're getting excited to welcome our first grandchild to the world!

Maxwells said...

I am due August 30th so I am feeling ya! I am counting down the days hoping it comes early. And we have no name picked out, wish me luck!
Very cute blog!

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