a written excuse.

28 August 2009

to whom it concerns:
please excuse rachel from blogging.
she's fighting a yucky sore throat & has 2 sick toddlers.
i recommend she'll be back on track come monday.

doctor p.s. i quilt

Pin It!


Jana Nielson said...

It has hit our house too! Get out the Tylenol!

Val said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Greg said...

Get well quick! Or at least pass it to someone who deserves it!! We'll be waiting for your return (and your newest tutorial!).

Anonymous said...

hope you get better soon! I could write the exact same thing!

Jewel said...

Oh take care... feel better soon... break out the chicken soup recipe.

jabeybaby said...

Hope you and the kiddos get better soon!

dotti white said...

Excuse accepted! Seriously, though, i so hope that you feel better soon, also your little ones!

Amanda said...

We just kicked it out of our house, lay low and don't lift a finger. Feel better soon!

Audrie said...

Oh dear :( Hope you all feel better real soon!

Rose said...

Being sick sucks. Being sick with two sick toddlers sucks even more. But you know this already, so I am redundant. Feel better soon!

Holly said...

I can totally sympathize. get well soon.

Searchfamilies said...

Hope you soon be all better
Hugs Janice

Carla said...

Lots of chicken soup and rest.

Donna said...

Ah, Rach, how do ya come up with this stuff?!! Hope you're all feeling better in no time. Wish I were there to make you chicken soup!

Pat said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. If I lived near you, I'd watch the kids so you could get more rest until you felt better.

Kristine said...

Awww, bless your hearts. No fun at all to be sick. Get lots of rest and lots of fluids (nurses orders)!


Unknown said...

Hope you all feel better soon!

onlymehere said...

Hope you're all back to good health soon!

Terry said...

Consider yourself excused! And feel better soon! :0)

Karen said...

Oh dear! I'm so sorry you and the little ones are sick. Hope you all make a quick recovery!

Anonymous said...

Saying a prayer for a speedy recovery!

Dresden Quilter said...

Get better soon and don't forget to look after yourself too.

Julie said...

That doesn't sound very fun! Get well soon!

Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

Get well soon, we'll be anxiously awaiting your healthy return.

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

go feel better. i prescribe a heavy dose of twilight and hot tea with honey... ;-)

Stacey said...

hope you all feel better soon, stay warm, snuggle much!!

Mary Anne Drury said...

Hope you and your kiddos feel better soon .... we've had that at our house too .... I'm starting to feel better today .... I think!

Nancy said...

You are excused, although you must realize you will have homework to make up...

Carin said...

I hope you and the kiddos feel better soon.

Kim Walus said...

It's no fun being sick and having to take care of the family at the same time. I hope you'll be feeling better real soon!

Anonymous said...

Types of chocolate:
Commercially available chocolate and chocolate can be divided into thermostat thermostat-free chocolate, the so-called free thermostat chocolate, is chocolate containing cocoa butter composition of the separation, and then replace the cocoa butter to vegetable oils, due to low prices, easy and in the is not easy to melt under high ambient temperature have been widely used in commercial purposes, the French chocolate Technology Normal University are reluctant to use the thermostat-free chocolate.

Dalai Lama's public trip from August 31 to September 2. Dalai Lama plans on the 30th night entry from Taoyuan International Airport, 31 Chinese and foreign journalists will be held the morning, afternoon, and visits prospecting disaster victims, on the 1st of the trip was a public speech and the victims of the village, a modern place in Kaohsiung City Comprehensive Stadium, 2 No. Han God Dome Banquet Hall with Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi of the talk.

QuiltNut Creations said...

i'll send DrCullen to administer TLC. feel better!

Kelly O. said...

feel better soon :)

Sara said...

Please get better soon!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Take care of yourself and the little ones and get well soon!

Vicki ♥ said...

Take care Rachel and hope everyone are well very soon ((((((hugs)))

andsewon said...

Darn germs.. they lurk and then JUMP OUT when we least expect them!!
I hope all will be feeling mucho better soon!!
Chix soup and juices!!

Ursula said...

hope you all feel better real soon

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Doctor's orders: You need to rest, drink tea and peruse a quilting mag or two! Get well soon!! :o)

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Get well soon xxxx

anne said...

get well soon, this bug must be travelling around Australia tooo as I have a itchy throat and a runny nose. Hope u feel better soon.

Wanda Sotkowy said...

I hope you feel better soon!

boysmum2 said...

Husband has it....! Know where you are coming from. Rest easy

Jeanie said...

Get well soon ...

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Rachel, hope you and the kids get to feeling better soon.
Keep Stitchen'

Trisha said...

Aww, feel better.

Anonymous said...

On the ground planted vegetables, it is unlikely that long grass; the hearts of the good, it is unlikely that health evil.


Sur le terrain planté de légumes, il est peu probable que l'herbe longue, le cœur du bien, il est peu probable que le mal de la santé.

Auf dem Boden gepflanzt Gemüse, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die hohen Gras, die Herzen der gut ist, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die Gesundheit das Böse.

Unknown said...

get better soon, Rachel and toddlers!

Ale said...

get well quickly!! hugs... :)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Oh - I hope you all are feeling better real soon!

Carrie P. said...

Yuck! Ya'll get well soon.

Unknown said...

Rachel, hope you feel better soon! I saw this post today and thought of you... what better to cure a sore throat than a Twilight quilt?



Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

its monday.. well almost tuesday already.. where are you?

a good yarn said...

Excused. Plenty of hot lemon and honey. Rest. Ann :)

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