let's celebrate with a giveaway!!!

14 August 2009

comments closed. winner announced at the bottom of this post.
happy 2nd birthday to the quilt shoppe!!!
let's celebrate with a giveaway!!!
{along with 25% off the entire shoppe!!!}

i have a $50 gift certificate that needs a good home!!!
who wants it???

here's what yall have to do:
leave me a comment answering this...
who is your fav fabric designer???

want another entry???
blog about my giveaway on your blog.
{you can borrow my pic.}

want to be added a third time???
follow my blog.
{if you already do, just remind me.}

how about a fourth entry???
{if you already do, just say so.}

anyone up for a bonus fifth entry???
spend $25 or more at the quilt shoppe between now & the 22nd.
{psst...she carrys my moda bake shop kits!!!}

to make things easy, enter one comment per entry, like so...
{comment 1:} my fav fabric designer is...
{comment 2:} i blogged about it.
{comment 3:} i'm following you.
{comment 4:} i'm following the quilt shoppe.
{comment 5:} i placed an order.

so let the giveaway begin.
winner will be announced august 23rd.
wow. 804 comments. madness.

~winner is tiffany.~
please email me asap!!!
ssg3369 {at} hotmail {dot} com

if i don't hear from you, i'll have to draw another name.
{it's only fair.}

thanks for all the comments yall.
it's been fun to read through them all.
{and YES, i read them ALL. promise.}

Pin It!


bruinbr said...

Wow! Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite fabric designer is probably Amy Butler, but I also love MoMo! :)

bruinbr said...

I also follow your blog! :)

DianeY said...

I love Paula Prass!!

DianeY said...

And I follow your blog! Keep up the good work!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

{comment 1:} my fav fabric designer is me... oh you mean someone already with their own fabric.. tula pink!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

{comment 3:} i'm following your ever move. shane let me install a web cam in your house.. did he forget to tell you?

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

{comment 4:} i'm following the quilt shoppe... cause lani rocks.

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

{comment 5:} i placed an order.. last week... but now i'll probably place another. geez.

Jane said...

My favorite fabric designer (at the moment) is Kaffe Fassett.

Jane said...

I subscribe to your blog!

Jane said...

I'm following the quilt shoppe

Stacey said...

my fave designer is camille and bonnie

duh, you know

Stacey said...

blogged, check 2

Stacey said...

follow ur blog already
check 3

Stacey said...

follow quilt shoppe blog check 4

Cindy said...

Oh, there are sooo many great designers - I would have to say my fave is American Jane (Sandy Klop)-her fabrics always make me smile:).
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

My fave designer by far is Sandi Henderson.

What a great giveaway.

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

ps. i already follow you...

Cindy said...

I too am a faithful follower - keep up the great work, I love following your blog!

Gwen Papp said...

My favorite fabric designer is probably Heather Bailey. But there are so many great ones!

RosaMaría said...

that's a very hard question... my fav designer is Ana Maria Horner...
thanks for the give away!

Unknown said...

Cool Giveaway! My favorite designer is Kaffe Fassett. Love him!

RosaMaría said...

.... and I already follow your blog!

Unknown said...

I am a follower, as you know.

Nichole said...

i really love amy butler.

Nichole said...

i already follow your blog

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Favorite designer: Heather Bailey!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Yes, I follow your blog!

Unknown said...

I now follow the quilt shoppes blog.

Mandy said...

It's my birthday, too, yipee!

My favorite fabric designer is probably Amy Butler, although there are a TON of others who may tie or come in a close second=)

Mandy said...

I follow your blog already=)

Aimee said...

man, oh man, how do you decide on just one?! I guess if I had to choose it would be....hmmm, Heather Bailey with so many others dancing on the edge.

Mandy said...

I started following the Quilt Shoppe.

Moneik said...

I love Sandy Gervais fabrics.

Moneik said...

I'm a follower!

Moneik said...

I'm following the Quilt Shoppe!

HMaas said...

My favourite designer is really hard to narrow down - I love Heather Bailey, Patty Young, and Amy Butler.

HMaas said...

I follow your blog - via Google Reader

HMaas said...

I follow the Quilte Shoppe Blog via Google Reader

Andrea said...

My favourite designer is probably Robert Kaufman. I have too many favourites!

Andrea said...

I'm following your blog! I love the music on it!

isa & marta said...

He visto pocas telas de diseñador, pero sinceramente la que me gusta mucho,muchísimo es Amy Buttler.

Andrea said...

I'm following quilt shoppe too!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Please enter me!

Brooke said...

Favorite designer of the moment is probably Momo....but that is subject to change without notice. :-D

Purple Quilter Queen said...

I've been following your blog for awhile now....

Brooke said...

I follow your blog!

isa & marta said...

Sigo su blog hace un tiempo, puede verlo en el lateral en listado blog de patchwork.
el 23-08 es justo mi cumple, espero tener la fortuna de ganar su regalo.
Llevo ahora la imagen de su sorteo a mi blog:zodiaco9patchworkymas.blogspot.com

Brooke said...

I now follow the quilte shoppe blog too!

Aimee said...

I blogged about your giveaway (but for some reason I couldn't get the pic to show up so I just linked you). Thanks!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Oops! forgot to say who my favorite designer is....Mary Engelbreit!

Aimee said...

And now, I officially follow your blog--even though I've been doing it for quite some time, anyway!

Pitterpatter said...

[Comment 1]

I really love Classic Black by Karla Eisenach, I just can't seem to get enough black and white fabrics!

Pitterpatter said...

[Comment 2]
Oh, and I follow your blog!

V and Co. said...

i so want to win! my favorite fabric designer right this very second is french general for moda...but ask me in a few hours it might be another line it's all sooo good! ;) -V

Julia Marie said...

I love heather ross <3

Julia Marie said...

I follow your blog! Always so much inspiration :)

Maria McGill said...

My favorite fabric designer right now is Patty Young, then next would be Joel Dewberry - I guess it all depends on the mood too and what stuff they've just come out with, LOL!

~Michelle~ said...

Heather Ross wins for her consistency in my mind - I love EVERYTHING she does! But Tula Pink is right up there, also Denyse Schmidt... Really, you're making me pick?? How cruel ;)

~Michelle~ said...

I follow your blog with Google Reader

Julia Marie said...

I also follow the quilt shoppe blog :)

Carrie said...

Fav designer...Mary Engelbreit (?) I love the colors. But all that could change tomorrow!

Carrie said...

I am already a follower:-)

Maria McGill said...

I already follow you! Love those bee squares!

Maria McGill said...

i'm following the quilt shoppe now, thanks!!

Barbara said...

My favorite designer....Valori Wells at the moment.

Barbara said...

I follow you!

Ranelle said...

I ♥ Heather Bailey! :)

Barbara said...

I follow the shop blog too!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog by subscription on reader.google...does that count.
krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love Amy Butlers fabric.
Thanks for the chance!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Kathy said...

Right now my favorite fabric designer is Paula Prass!

Kathy said...

I'm following you!

Kathy said...

I'm now following the quilt shoppe!

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt my favourite is Heather Bailey!

Anonymous said...

My favourite fabric designer is Amy Butler. :)

Anonymous said...

And I already follow your blog! :)

Nancy said...

April Cornell, for right now, anyway! LOL!

beanie g said...

1: My favorite fabric designer is Patty Young
2: I'll blog about it in a sec
3: Already follow you
4: Not following the quilt shoppe
5: I just spent a two weeks worth of groceries on fabric, so I better hold off on the order!

Nancy said...

I've been a follower for a while now. 8-)

Jodi Nelson said...

Good Stuff Rachel and The Quilt Shoppe! Goooood Stuff. ;o) Fav Fabric Designer? Pick one? Oh dear. mmm.. I really like Sandy Klops American Jane lines. And... I could go on. But she would be in my top 10.

Rose said...

I follow you of course :)

Nancy said...

I'm already a follower of The Quilt Shoppe's blog too!

Rose said...

I blogged about it :)

Jodi Nelson said...

I'm a follower. (learned my lesson last time) ;o)

Stephanie said...

I love your blog, by the way:) My favorite fabric designer is Amy Butler. I follow both you and the quilting shop blog now. Thanks!

Rose said...

My favorite is probably Michael Miller, although it depends on the color combo, as I haven't found one designer where I love everything they make. Paula Prass is also very nice, and Me and My Sister too. Oh I like them all!!

Jodi Nelson said...

Following the Quilt Shoppe!

eatmoresmores said...

I will say my favorite fabric designer is Heather Bailey, though I love so many others too.

mom2three said...

1. my fave designer... if I can only pick one, it's going to have to be Susan Branch. She does fabric, cookbooks, prints, and scrapbook supplies, it's crazy how talented she is.

Thanks for the fun giveaway!

eatmoresmores said...

I follow your blog and LOVE IT! I check it sometimes just to hear the lovely music playing in the background.

Rose said...

I'm also following the Quilt Shoppe's blog :)

mom2three said...

I'm following you! (have been for awhile actually- you're FANTASTIC)

mom2three said...

I'm following the quilt shoppe blog too!

Carla said...

Josephine Kimberling is my favorite fabric designer. And I'll take the whole lot of giveaways off her hands if you'd like!!

Carla said...

I'm also a follower of your blog!!!

meg99 said...

My favorite designer is Fig Tree Quilts.

tmac said...

My favorite designer is Michael Miller!

tmac said...

I follow your blog!

tmac said...

I follow the Quilt Shoppe's Blog!!

meg99 said...

I'm following your blog.

meg99 said...

And I'm also following the quilt shoppe.

Lauren The Artist said...

I'm a follower. (Oooh- that totally sounds cult-ish!) And my current favorite designer is Patricia Bravo of Art Gallery Fabrics. ~jen~

Katie B said...

My favorite designer is...Anna Maria Horner.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway! So exciting, as is the discount...

Katie B said...

I follow your blog!

Katie B said...

I follow the Quilt Shoppe!

Peanut Blossom said...

My favorite designer keeps changing, but right now I'm obsessed with all things Fig Tree.

Peanut Blossom said...

I follow your blog. :)

Peanut Blossom said...

I'm headed over to follow the Quilt Shoppe Blog, I already follow them on Twitter, didn't know they had a blog!

Katie Campbell said...

I think my all-time favorite fabric designer is Denyse Schmidt. Have you seen her new line?? Love it!

Katie Campbell said...

...AND I follow your blog. Thanks for all the great inspiration! I can't wait to make my first scruffily quilt.

Katie Campbell said...

...AND I am now following the quilt shoppe blog. I can't wait to browse through the archives!

epban said...

My favorite designer is Denyse Schmidt with Heather Ross a very close second.

epban said...

I also follow your blog!

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh fun! Who doesn't love fabric???

epban said...

I also follow the Quilt Shoppe blog.

Martina said...

There are a lot of great designers but I love Teresa Kogut a lot.

Brittney said...

oo oo pick me! pick me!
My favorite designer is probably Heather Bailey.. all those florals big and small, plus stripes and dots mixed in. And the colors.. oh, the colors.

Lynn Osborne said...

Lynn Osborne: my favorite right now is Heather Bailey

Lynn Osborne said...

I already subscribe to your blog!

Lynn Osborne said...

I am subscribing to The Quilt Shoppe's blog.

Katie said...

My fav at the moment is probably Amy Butler...I love all Moda fabric too of course!! Thanks for the chance

Katie said...

I also follow your blog through google!

Brittney said...

I blogged about the giveaway.

Brittney said...

And I follow your blog.

Brittney said...

And I added The Quilt Shoppe blog to my Google Reader list. (How did I miss this before?!)
Thanks again for the giveaway :-)

Jen said...

Favorite fabric designer: Lila Tueller

Wendy P said...

My favorite designer is Deb Strain at the moment. I love the Fresh line she created. What a perfect name for it!

Jen said...

I follow your blog and Heart it tremendously!

Wendy P said...

I follow your blog daily!

Jen said...

I've linked your blog to mine

Wendy P said...

I added the quilt shoppe's blog to my Google Reader also. And signed up for their newsletter.

Anonymous said...

My favorite designer, at the moment is Tula Pink.

Jen said...

I'm now following the quilt shop!

Anonymous said...

I also follow your blog in google reader. :)

Nancy said...

I am loving the new line au-then-tic from Sweetwater right now! Thanks for the stupendous giveaway.

Sarah C said...

my favorite fabric designer is tula pink! have you seen how creative her stuff is?!?! i love it

Sarah C said...

i follow your site!

Sarah C said...

i follow the quilt shoppe =)

Nancy said...

My fav designer is Amy Butler but anything Moda is good too!! LOL

Nancy said...

I follow your blog.,,.

Sunshine said...

Favourite designer: MoMo

Nancy said...

I follow the QuiltShoppe...

The Tarin Family said...

{Comment 1:} My favorite fabric designer today is: Heather Bailey.
{Comment 3:} I already follow you.
{Comment 4:} I am also a follower of the quilt shoppe.


Anonymous said...

my fave is Lila Tueller.

Anonymous said...

i follow you

Anonymous said...

i follow the quilt shoppe blog

Robin said...

I am loving michael miller right now!

Robin said...

Oh and of course...I follow you!

Mrs Quilty said...

There are so many favorites but I guess if I had to choose, I would choose Amy Butler. I do follow your blog. I also am a follower of the quilt shoppe blog. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Beth said...

Let's see one of my most favorite designer is Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree & Co. I love almost all of here work and the stuff I don't love, I like.

Beth said...

I following you. . .

Jackie Russell said...

Favorite Designer - Michael Miller

Jackie Russell said...

I already follow your blog.

Jackie Russell said...

I'm following the quilt shop now too!

Barb said...

Congrats, I am already a follower...don't know my favorite designer...sorry.... thanks for this giveaway.

Amy Smith said...

My fave designer is Amy Butler.

Amy Smith said...

I subscribe to your blog.

Amy Smith said...

I follow the quilt shoppe.

Beth said...

I follow the quilt shoppe blog.

Beth said...

I blogged about it. :)

The Whites said...

Favorite designer would have to be amy butler. So excited for the giveaway!

Joanna said...

My fav designer without a doubt has to be my man Kaffe:)

Joanna said...

And I'm following you on Bloglines:)

Nystral Djo said...

i'm totally going to sound like i'm copying everyone else, but my favorite designer right now is amy butler.

Nystral Djo said...

And PS I follow your blog in Bloglines.com !

The Whites said...

I blogged about it.

ambwhites at gmail dot com

The Whites said...

im following you

The Whites said...

im following the quilt shoppe

Daisy236 said...

my fav fabric designer is Amy Butler
i'm following you.
i'm following the quilt shoppe.

Mrs Quilty said...

I posted a comment a few minutes ago but now I have to add that I ordered something from the quilt shoppe!!! Yippee!

Anna Willett said...

my fave is amy butler

Anna Willett said...

i already follow you... :0)

Lindzie said...

I love Amy Butler and Moda

Lindzie said...

I follow your blog!

Angela Nash said...

My fav designer in American Jane's Sandy.

Angela Nash said...

I follow you.

Angela Nash said...

I just placed an order!

Anonymous said...

I have to say my favorite designer is Amy Butler, but Alexander Hendy is a close second

Anonymous said...

Oh and I also follow your blog!!

Julie said...

I like Amy Butler!!!

Julie said...

I am a follower!!

Sarah said...

Heather Bailey.

But then again - I never met a fabric I didn't like!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Leslie said...

My favorite fabric designer is Amy Butler.

Leslie said...

I follow your blog :)

Leslie said...

I follow your blog :)

Kathryn said...

Comment 1: favorite designer is Gail Kessler
Comment 3: I follow you!

Leslie said...

I have to get back to ironing my husband's shirts.

What Comes Next? said...

my fav fabric designer - Camille Roskelley Thimble Blossoms

Melissa said...

My favorite designer is Amy Butler!

What Comes Next? said...

I follow your blog, you busy girl you

Allison said...

I LOVE Amy Schimler, her fabrics are so happy. And I do follow your blog.

Rachel said...

I can provide and EXCELLENT home for that gift certificate ☺

My favourite fabric designer has to be Tula Pink. Love the 'Nest' fabrics!!!

Claire said...

as of right now it's Bari J Ackerman with Full Bloom

Nova said...

The Amy Butler and Michael Miller collections are nice.

Rafael's Mum said...

just the one comment today Rachel, or maybe 2... as i follow you allready (as you know), but I am on hols and the bloomin wifi keeps cuttingout... otherwise I'd blog about it. you know that... you're doing well! brill!

joanna said...

comment 1) nacy gere would have to be my favorite designer. i love reproduction lines. but lately i have been getting into more modern stuff, like the new authentic line by moda. heck, what am I saying I love it all!

Doris said...

Oh count me in, girlie! I follow you on Google Reader...

Two entries, please...

Claire said...

and you're darn tuttin' i blogged about you and this wonderful offer!

joanna said...

comment 3) i recently found your blog and have been following it for the last few weeks...:)

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