3 crafty things i can't live without.

16 January 2009

my rotary cutter!!!

my blog!!!

my trusty machine!!!

and in no particular order!!!
{if i was aloud to say 4...my camera SO would have made the list too!!!}

my pif pal jo jo is having a 100th post giveaway!!!
she's the reason you now know...
3 crafty things i can't live without.

p.s. andrew had his staples taken out today!!!
he did perfectly!!!
not even one tear!!!
{thank goodness.}

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Pat said...

I TOLD you Andrew would do fine....how did YOU do??? I'm hoping you didn't hyperventilate and fall on the floor or anything like that!!! Let me go check out this giveaway you mentioned...I'm always up for giveaways, ya know?

wannabe crafty said...

yeah he's such a big boy. Sometimes it seems they are bigger than we are doesn't it? BTW I really enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about your 3 favourite crafty things Rachel! Glad the little guy is all good now. Jo xo

Kritta22 said...

What a superstar! Did you take him to Mickey D's afterward for being so wonderful??!!

High five dude!!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

I sure can't live without my sewing machine or rotary cutter either lol* Or my blog! I sure am jealous of your viking tho - I want one of those!

a good yarn said...

Brave little man!

Thimbleanna said...

Great choices Rachel -- and yipee! You're a Viking fan! I'm way late on the catch-up, but I'm glad your little guy did so well with the stitches!

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