all the way from ireland.

12 October 2008

i am a lucky girl.
*insert shamrock here*

why am i lucky???
well miss cathi sent me a birthday pressie ALL the way from ireland.
how sweet is that???
SUPER sweet.

the 1st picture is EXACTLY what i saw when i opened the box.
the hubby called me a HUGE dork because i HAD to have the camera before i went farther.

the 2nd picture are ALL my treasures all laid out.
i got a nifty postcard with a sweet bday wish.
irish tea...yum.
a REAL irish shamrock.
pot holder & tea towel set.
bailey's truffle die for.
and she even sent my kiddies some lamb shaped chocolate lollipops.

such a sweet bloggy friend.
and you can beat your bottom dollar when i go to ireland i will HAVE to visit her!!!
thanks again cathi. you rock my socks off.

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Sherry said...

I can attest Cathi is as sweet as she seems. She's a great internet friend and we hope to get together real soon, since we share Ireland together. Met her last August en route to Festival of Quilts in Birmingham and she started me on my blog. Worth her weight in gold!

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