so, let's talk scraps. (and stash.)
what makes a scrap piece of fabric?
i've given this some thought, but i don't think that all scraps are treated equally.
and correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that we all have different views on our fabric stashes.
what makes a scrap a scrap?
one might argue that a scrap is based on the actual size of the piece of fabric.
example: 2" squares or 2 1/2" strips.
another might argue that a scrap is any piece of fabric leftover from piecing your quilt.
example: 6" x 8" rectangle, 1/4 yard cut, or even an unused fat quarter.
and then, there are those that might argue that if it's at least an 1/8 of a yard, it's considered stash, not scraps.
so, what do y'all think?
what's YOUR definition of scrap?
and at what size do your scraps get added to your stash?
inquiring minds want to know.
xo, rachel