(comments closed.)

i, without fail, love every line they produce.
well, i'm officially adding eric & julie comstock to that list.
just look at their newest line ... 2wenty thr3e.
i'm loving the colors.
and their fabrics are whimsical and oh so fun to play with.
today, the lovely folks at fat quarter shop want to give one of y'all a whole fat quarter bundle.
aren't they the best?!?!
to enter, leave a comment telling me your favorite memory of being 23 years old.
if, for some reason, you're not 23 yet ... ummm hi, young one. tell me what you hope to accomplish by your 23rd birthday.
so, i'll go first ...
when i was 23 years old, our family was blessed with our second child. <3
one comment per person, please.
winner will be drawn this weekend.
good luck.
xo, rachel
23. Hmmm......I was planning a wedding and helping sew my wedding dress. Great fabric, isn't it?
In Fairbanks Alaska falling fresh out of college working and falling in love...
I married my high school sweetheart/best friend when I was 23 and that was 27 years ago!
i spent my 23rd summer in rome!
I got married one month after turning 23! (still married, 35-1/2 years later!)
My best memory from being 23 was being a mom of two sweet little boys and finding out that I was going to be a mom to my one and only daughter.
Oh lordy...well that was the year I got engaged to my now EX husband, soooooo??? Ha! Thanks for the chance to win, what an adorable fabric line!!
My son {second child} was born 9 days after my 23rd birthday. My only little man... Love him so much!
I graduated from college at 23! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
23...I was planning a wedding as well and my husband was gearing up for his first deployment. I was learning how to cook on my own (yes, I was a bit spoiled as a child and never had to do anything...) and learning how to be independant. it was an experience that 23 - all with a year and half old little boy :)
That's easy...I married my best friend and the love of my life when I was 23. That day changed everything and I am SO thankful for every minute I have shared with my wonderful husband and the family we have built together.
Beckymac1 at hotmail dot com
My favorite memory was graduating from college with my one-year old daughter and my husband watching me. A lot of people didn't think I would finish, but I did!
23? I had just moved to Edinburgh and was having the best time ever with the best friends a girl could want. £10 pub night anyone?
um, 23 is getting uncomfortably close to half a life away! I'm desperately trying to figure out what I was actually doing back then let alone a favourite memory! Hope my lack of recall doesn't disqualify me from the competition as I do love that fabric, thanks for the give away!
When I was 23, we bought our first house and my kiddo was learning to walk! it was a pretty darn good year, actually :)
When I was 23 I got my first full time job!
23... That was a long time ago! LOL! I had two children then, my husband was freshly finished with college and we were starting our new adventure in a new state, new city! It was 1984! Isn't there a song about 1980 something...I loved the '80's maybe I shouldn't but they were good years for me! THanks for the opportunity to win some fabulous fabric!
finishing my associate's degree, finally, and trying to adjust to being married!
When I was 23, we were in the process of buying our condo. And I was learning how to program and run an engineering department. And I got a new sewing machine for Christmas that year!
If I have a favorite, I don't remember it.....LOL
I was married with a 6 month old son, working in my garden and starting my business, cooking a weeks worth of meals for other peoples freezers.
At 23, I too was blessed with my second child. :o)
@ 23... I was in the middle of grad school.
When I was 23 I had my first child, a boy. The first boy in the family in forever, as I came from a family of five sisters. Everyone was over the moon with excitement.
I was actually learning how to quilt :) I signed my mom and myself up for a quilting class. Oh, and I was pregnant with my daughter.
When I was 23 I had my THIRD child that November. Three in diapers - how did I ever do that?
Well, since I'm 21... Let me tell you what I imagine 23 being like. I plan to be graduated from college, my husband and I might start thinking about the idea of kids, and I will still be buying fabric! Ha!
Moving out and living on my own, working several jobs and finding out what defined me.
I attended a bunch of weddings the summer I was 23- and got married myself! That was 30 years ago. Hard to believe when I still think I am only 23 years old!
I was busy planning my wedding...oh to be 23out again! Love these fabrics too!!
23...... Long time ago for me. Busy learning to be a mother of two and also helping my husband on our farm.
When I was 23 I was expecting my first child after being told I couldn't have any children. Wrong weren't they!!!
When I was 23 I had our first child Charlotte. It was a great year :)
At 23, I was working an awful job at a French fry factory, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. My favorite memory of when I was 23 would have to be New Years Eve of 1999, a great night with great friends! Thanks for the giveaway!
When I was 23, I had been married for five years and we were thinking about starting a family, which happened when I was almost 25 - some 37 years ago (already!).
Would love to win, thanks for the chance.
I was finishing graduate school and learning to quilt. It seems like a wonderful lifetime ago!
When I was 23 I was starting my life over in New England. I took my 2 year old and moved across country to assure a better future for us by finishing college and leaving behind a tough situation. Thanks for the flashback, it makes me realize how much I have accomplished in my life and how blessed I have been!
Way back when I was 23, we welcomed our second child as well. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up...still trying to figure that one out.
23 was so long ago...I have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday HA! If anything I remember dating my now wonderful husband! Thanks! fourjacksons at hotmail dot com
Oh gosh, I can hardly remember being 23 :) I started law school the month after I turned 23. Seems like forever ago! Thanks for the giveaway!
When I was 23 I got my first sewing machine, it was by far the highlight of my year.
When I was 23, I had just found out I was pregnant with my first baby.
My favorite memory as a 23 year old was being a new mommy. Holding my baby girl and enjoying the new life!
Oh wow, 23 was so long ago, lol. At 23, I also was pregnant with my second child. My oldest was just 30 so that tells you which decade I am in!
This fabric is beautiful.
getting married. ;)
Wow, I can't even remember being 23 (shouldn't say that, I know) but I was graduated from college, started working at an airline and was enjoying traveling with my friends!
23 was just last year for me. :) It was a crazy year, as we moved 3 times, to 3 different cities. Definitely a roller coaster ride in our first year of marriage, but memorable!
fun and freedom and full of excitment for life. jorosy1@gmail.com
When I was 23, I was working my first "real" job post college that I hated, and experiencing my first year of marriage, which I (mostly) loved! It seems like such a long long time ago.
My husband was in the Navy, we lived in Norfolk, VA., and our daughter was 2yo. And I sewed most of our clothes on my Singer sewing machine :)
I was 23 when I found out I was pregnant with my son! Also found out it wasn't the flu!
I was moving into our very first real house!
I was living on my own with my own apartment - 1,000 miles away from famiy. It wasn't always easy but I found that I can trust myself and be independent. Life's lessons.
You are so bad introducing another must have designer to my list because Kate Spain and Bonnie & Camille are my top two already. Oh and I love Anna Marie of course. But these are dreamy. Humm when I was 23 we started trying to have a baby. No luck yet but it will happen when the time is right :)
I love Cosmo Cricket stuff, and my other favorites are your favorites too!! Love Kate and Camille and Bonnie and Julie!
When I was 23 I was a newlywed--we will celebrate our 25th anniversary this summer--and was in my first year of teaching!
I had my first child when I was 23, love that boy!
I'd just turned 23 when I got married. abengel(at)zoominternet(dot)net
Like most of the comments at 23 I got married and had my 1st child it was a wonderful year! This fabric is totally awesome!!! I've got to get me some! Thank you Fat Quarter Shop for the giveaways!
Thank you Rachel for everything you do! You always brighten my day with your post!
When I was 23 I had my 1st child. I am so grateful for her.
When I was 23 I was a newlywed and we bought our first house. Now we have a son who is 23. Where did the time go?
When I was 23, I was starting my second year of graduate school at a school on the California beach. The best was the views every day! And my friends. And when I went home to be with my parents.
I celebrated my one month wedding anniversary on my 23rd birthday and in December our daughter was born. What a wonderful year! That was 32 years ago!
When I was 23 I had just gotten engaged and was planning a wedding. Wow, seems like a long, long time ago now! LOL. Thanks for the chance to win this incredible fabric!!!
caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com
I was planning a wedding to my best friend! After 27 years, he is still my best friend. Such cute fabric!
At 23 I was pregnant for the first time with my beautiful daugher Carlas who is now, aged 43!!! xx
I graduated from college and got engaged when I was 23! Not at the same time :)
When I was 23, I was working for an airline and traveling the world. Good thing I got to do it then, because the traveling is a little more limited with 5 kiddos. ;)
When I was 23, my husband graduated from medical school, we moved to a new town and my first daughter turned 1! It was a busy and exciting year!! Thank you for a chance to win this fun fabric!!!
23 ... I have had my first work!!!!
Great fabrics
Believe I was working full-time, going to school, and having a blast! That would also be the year I spent a month in Greece .... Fond memories!! Cute fabric, thanks for opportunity :).
Love those colors and thanks for the chance to win. When I was 23 I had just returned from my backpacking trip to Europe! Many years ago....lol
When I was 23 I started dating the man that soon became my husband. I also was neck deep into my PhD program that part was as much fun at the time!
When I was 23 I was expecting my first child. Wish I could go back there again!
When I was 23 I was working a professional 8-5 job and saving all my money and vacation time so I could spend as much of my summer as possible on Phish tour! A decade and a hlaf later, I still miss those carefree times! (hoping to take my baby girl to her first Phish show this summer)
When I was 23 I moved south from Scotland to live and work in London and met my future husband!
omg, at 23 i was in pharmacy school and my mother had just went into heart failure. i remember having so many responsibilities. im the oldest and we had just bought a new house and i didn't know how we would survive if something happened. thank God she had open heart surgery and ended up being almost 100%.
Wow, when I was 23 I was moving into my first home. I had two children by then and was starting to decorate my new home.
At 23 I was a busy mom with 3 kids. I honestly don't remember what I remember! Now they are all grown and have kids of their own!
23 was my favorite age. I worked in Manhattan, had a great boyfriend I later married, we had no kids to hold us back, lived at home so no rent to pay, plenty of disposable income. Life was simple and fun!
I hardly remember ever being 23 but guess I was considering how old I am now!
I was probably dreading turning 24 which would be almost a quarter of a century.
I think we have similar tastes in fabrics. You have chosen my favorites.
Oh to be 23 again. I had just gotten married to my best friend earlier that year. We bought our first house and were so excited that we spent the night on the floor with a sleeping bag. The next morning we toured our home yet again. It was so big! Mind you, we moved from a one bedroom apartment and into a 3 bedroom ranch with living room and family room. We didn't have enough furniture or pictures to fill it but it was ours. The plan was to sell house in 5 years but instead we added on and have been here for 27 years. Thank you for letting me share that memory.
wow that's a LOOOOONG time ago! 23... I was madly in love with my college sweetheart (now married 26 years) and trudging my way through college studies (better late than never right?) best memory? hmm just looking into his big blue eyes I suppose. Great giveaway
My only son was born when I was twenty-three and I was thrilled to be a mother. Orange hasn't been one of my favorite colors but I love the "subdued" shade used in these fabrics.
Thanks for the opportunity to win some of their fabric, Rachel.
I went to my first Kenny Chesney concert! I happen to be the biggest KC fan and after that I was hooked and went every summer after!
When I was 23 I had been married for a year and had recently moved to LA for my husband to attend law school. I had so much fun moving to a new city and finding a great job at UCLA!
I moved back to my home state, was lucky enough to land a great job and fall in love with a wonderful man. Can't ask for more than that:)
I'll never forget being 23. At 23 my darling daughter was born and I got the courage to divorce an abusive husband. What a joy with both events.
23 -- I was married for 3 years by then, working in Torrance, CA and living in an apartment furnished by our own stuff (as opposed to living in a furnished apartment). Working at a bank that later they fired me. They had hired a new banker and he didn't like me. What? Really?
Arlene S
Oh wow! 23...that was a few years ago. My daughter was a toddler. We were swinging in the park in one of those old baby swings with the chain across the front and she flew out of it on a back swing and landed on her tummy. After some obligatory crying she looked up at me with damp eyes and said "hice cream make my head feel better." That, of course, has become a family catch-phrase for whenever "hice cream" is needed!
my best memory of 23 is celebrating my 1year wedding anniversary with my husband.
What I was 23...we were settling into our first home and I was pregnant with our first baby. That was a pretty sweet year now that I think about it.
Well let's see. 23 happened in 2012! So I suppose my favorite memory was probably finishing my first quilt and the huuuuge satisfaction that came with it :)
23...we bought our first house and I was planning our wedding for the next spring!
Don't mean to be a downer, but the only thing I remember about bring 23 is that was the year my dad died. He was killed in a car accident now 25 years ago. He's been gone more than 1/2 my life. All good memories of that year have been erased.
23... It was my golden/star birthday (since my birthday is Sept 23). I had my second child when I was 23, and he's pretty awesome. I flew on an airplane for the first time (that I remember), and went to visit my family and go to the Kern County Fair with my oldest (only 18 months at the time) to announce said pregnancy.
At 23 i had my first teaching job and worked summers at a Christian camp. Love those summers.
Wow, that's a while ago! At 23 I was out of college, working, living with a couple friends and having a lot of fun. Love this fabric. Thanks for the chance!!
23...was a very busy year!
My thesis was approved on the first submisison, my art was in juried shows, fell in love, got married, moved to a new state, experienced negative 9* for the first and I hope the last time...and these are just the highlights! :)sowingstitches[at]gmail[dot]com
I was working at an ad agency and realizing that the career of my dreams was really a nightmare. Thanks for the chance.
When I was 23, I craved change. Leaving my home town, moving away would only make me realize I needed to move back and change me!
When I was 23, I was living life fresh out of college, new job, great boyfriend and an awesome group of friends. That summer we spent every weekend at the Jersey Shore making memories of a lifetime!
Planning a wedding. Worked at a bank push the mail cart around. Just like in the movies, Yes Im old.lol
23 was a great age for me! I was married, living in Germany, and a DINK (double-income, no kids). We had fun exploring ermany on the weekends and pretending that we were grown-ups :-)
goodness, that was a lifetime ago it seems! at 23 i was in top physical shape. running miles, step aerobics, and cough cough, i may have even had a wee bit of a six pack. fast forward 2013 i no longer have six pack, but i have a family i love and adore and could not be happier! thanks for a chance, this collection is outstanding.
At 23 I graduated with my MA and moved to Boston and got my first "real" job, in publishing. SO not my scene, I quickly learned! :)
Great giveaway! I think 23 was the year I spent my first summer in the city where I now live.
I became a mum!! I was 23 when my first son was born!
I married my high school sweetheart and moved to Washington DC to live in the city (amazing, I highly recommend living in the city at some point. Any city). It was also my first year teaching. Great year!
How sweet! I love the colors too.
I had just become a Mommy, right before I turned 23! That was an amazing gift...however, my 6 week leave ended on my 23rd birthday, so returning to work full time was not as fun. =( I love my baby though!
At this age I completed University, met my future husband, and unfortunately my father passed away. Wow! What a year!
I married my husband when I was 23. We also moved into the new home we built. It was a great year :)
23... That was 2008 my husband couldn't be with me on my birthday because he was deployed on his 2nd tour. The next month he came home on R&R and we moved into our first base housing in Fort Riley, KS. I learned how to drive in snow to help my friend, that's a funny story. December had to be the best part because my husband made it home in time for our first Christmas in our new house!
Hi Rachel, gee, 23, let's see. I had been married 5 years; it was the year before we bought a house; my boys were 4,3 & 2, and I was making almost all of their clothes. I was living outside of Las Vegas, and was a SAHM.
When i was 23, i was on a working holiday in England. The highlight of my year was to go back to the USA (I was an Au Pair in the US two years before that) and be a camp councelor at summer camp. It was fantastic!
Beautiful fabrics. Thanks for the chance. I was 23 when I gave birth to my first child . . . boy was that an adjustment in life ;)
At 23, I had been married for 3 years with no kids yet, my full-time job was being a dog groomer and I can remember staying up till 2am quilting. Not so much a night owl anymore :)
I got married at 23. And my husband just got a full time job, so we suddenly had two incomes!
When I was 23, I became a bride.
When I was 23, I remember going to a quarry and swimming with all my friends.
email. .mdiederich@mchsi.com
When I was 23 I didn't have a care in the world. I was working and in my spare time party - party - party...I didn't settle down until I was 25.
Thats when life got busy for me.
I had my son when I was 23... So that is definitely my favourite memory. :-).
When I was 23, I was busy teaching my beloved fifth graders. Seems so incredibly long ago now...
My husband graduated college so we packed up and moved from Fargo, Nd to Portland, Or, jobless and with enough money to last 3 months. Thankfully we both found jobs within a month!
At 23 I was still working out a local pool hall part time and competing in 9 ball tournaments. I even won a few!!!
Gosh, I have barely any memories of 23. I was living with my then bf, now husband and working at a small biotech company. Boring! lol
23 was the year after our wedding and the year before our baby. It was so much fun being newlyweds and getting to know each other. My favorite memory would be telling my husband that our little family of two was going to be adding one!
I was in California finishing my Masters. I had just met my future husband just after my birthday, but wasn't sure yet if I was 'ready' to get married. Oh to be young. It only took two weeks and I decided I was 'ready' ;-) 7.5 years later I'm still pleased with my decision.
Hmm that is awhile ago but when I was 23 my best memory was moving to a new State and buying our first home.
thanks for a chance at the bundle.
It was 1978 and I had my whole life ahead of me. Life was so good.
Thanks for the giveaway!
23. I started graduate school! Best decision of my life second to marrying my best friend!
My favorite memory of 23 was getting married. And being young, and no kids, and truly broke, but looking back being SO rich!
When I was 23 years ago my husband Mike was in the Navy and we were stationed in San Diego. Coming from Pa. the weather was alway sunny and warm. Loved looking out the window and seeing the palm trees swaying in the breeze. Hope to win the fat quarters!!! Thanks for the chance and memories, Margie
When I was 23, I had two toddlers and life was hectic but fun!
Yikes...the dark ages. Two toddlers and losing my mind! Thanks for the chance to win.
I graduated from college and started my first real job. The only job I have had where I had my own office! and not a shared open space.
When I was 23 I got engaged. It didnt work out but it is still a lovely memory
wow...23 - I was in my second year of law school and feeling invincible!! Good times :)
It started out horrible! I was on bed rest for 2 long months, but I had a healthy & happy beautiful baby girl!! So my 23rd year ended fantastic!! ;)
I was pregnant with my first child!
I've been loving their fabric too! When I was 23 .. hmmm. I think going on vacation with our 2 year old and 4 month old.
I graduated from college! The first in my family to do so.
When I was 23, I married my wonderful husband! It was a great year!
When I was 23, I met and started dating the man who would become my husband. Good memories!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I know this sounds weird, but my favorite memory from 23 was buying my brand new Subaru Impreza WRX. That was 13 years ago, and I am still in love with that same car. That is how you know you made the right choice. :)
when I was 23 I had just moved to new york city to work as a graphic designer!
I love that fabric!!! At 23, I had survived my first year as a mom and a full time employee! It was a rough year, but I learn that I can survive and will survive. That is the year I taught myself to quilt... I really attribute quilting and the creative outlet to learning to survive!
When I was 23 I was working through my second year of teaching third grade. For some reason they figured I was a veteran teacher that year and I got all the mean kids! But I survived. Some of my best students and memories are from that year. :)
I was teaching preschool and expecting my first daughter!
I got married in Jamaica when I was 23! Probably the best week of my life surrounded by great friends and family.
Well 23 was actually a rough year, my husband was away on a 15 month deployment that year so it wasn't my favorite time. But, I can say I learned so much about how strong and independent I am and that I can handle anything with great funds and family.
When I was 23, I was living abroad and fluent in a foreign language. As happy as I am today, there was an ecstatic freedom and joy that I had at 23 which I can't replicate now with the regular burdens of adulthood. I couldn't quilt or sew at all at age 23, though, so clearly some things have definitely improved!
When I was 23, I finally got to move close to the beach. Of course, we were still 5 blocks away, and we were only renting, and it was only two years, but it was marvelous! I would wake up at 5 in the morning and start walking those hills and then the strand, breathing in that wonderful sea air, and every once in a while, I'd get to see a school of dolphins. Sweet memories.
At 23, I was in Texas,stay at home mommy with 2 children already. What's not to love with this new line? Yummy!!
When I was 23 I had my second of 3 daughters.
I was newly engaged, working my very first job after college and dabbling in quilting. Life was good!
When I was 23, my hubby and I (married 3 years at that point) moved from our home state of WV to Raleigh, NC. It was the best thing we ever did for our marriage. One of the happiest times in my life. Now, 10 moves and 18 happily married years together we would not change a thing.
When I was 23, my hubby and I (married 3 years at that point) moved from our home state of WV to Raleigh, NC. It was the best thing we ever did for our marriage. One of the happiest times in my life. Now, 10 moves and 18 happily married years together we would not change a thing.
So young. So long ago. When I was 23 I was pregnant with my son who will be 33 tomorrow, Friday the 22 of February. I am so in love with these fabrics. How does that happen every so often something new comes along and I have a new favorite?
At 23 I was taking my oldest daughter for her first year of school. Man that was a long time ago.
I would have been in Japan teaching English. What a fun time!
When I was 23, we had been in Kansas almost 6 months. We were circle 8 on the party line(phone) and when my mom called from Oklahoma, the lady down the road would always pick up the phone and mom would get MAD because she would have to make a second long distance call.
I went to Hawaii for the first time with my boyfriend, who I married the following year. I'll never forget how beautiful the island of Maui was, going whale watching and seeing mother whales with their babies, and experiencing the most vibrant sunsets on the beach. We're still going strong 18 years later.
When i was 23, I married my love!! I had just barely survived a tumultuous couple of years. I could not have possibilty understand the gift before me in my husband. God was looking out for me!!! Almost 22 years later - my heart still skips a beat when I see him!
How amazing that we experienceed the same blessing at that age. I too gave birth to our second child and it was a wondrous year. Jane
When I was 23... I started working as a PA at a bank HQ (feeling very very successful ;-)) My first real responsible job for what 25 years later turned out to be the best boss ever! Foolishly enough I quit that job after 4 years but that turned out good because by that time I had met and married my husband! We're now 23 years happily married with 3 kids.
When I was 23, I spent a month traveling in Europe backpack style and it was AWESOME! I went by myself and I was totally cool with it. None of my family or friends understood it, but I was free to do whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted to. I loved it! I met a lot of fun people at hostels and saw a lot of really cool things. Rome and Florence were my favorites, but Paris and Ireland were okay too. I formed a lot of great memories and wish I could jump on a plane right now and do it all over again.
23 wasn't a good year but it taught me to be self reliant. Sewing was my healer so its all good xo
When I was 23 I was back in school getting my Early Childhood Education. I was married without kids just my husband and me. Quiet. I don't remember quiet. LOL. Thanks for the chance.
I have a love/hate relationship with my 23rd year! I love that I was blessed to have that year, I loved that I was a newlywed that year, I loved that I have an amazing family to support me while my husband was deployed and I loved that my wonderful new husband was standing up for our country and defending us in the middle east. But for the last reason my 23rd year kinda sucked too because he wasn't here for any of it!
When I was 23 I had my first child. Truly the three kids I have are my best list accomplishment. Seeing them grow up and become adults is a blessing.
I got married when I was 23. Now 23 years later, still married to that awesome guy!
I took a trip to England and Ireland with my mom.
When I was 23, I was a courier between the Air National Guard Support Center at Andrews AFB and the Pentagon. Every trip, I stopped by the "purple water fountain" for a drink.
I got married when I was 23!
Hmmmmm... 23 - I was married and hubby and I had just moved to Washington state. We spent the summer exploring the mountains - hiking and camping. It was wonderful!!
Twenty-three, oh my! I graduated and became a Registered Nurse. Who knew I would still be happily practising for more than another twenty three?!
At 23 I was newly engaged and planning my wedding..oh seems so long ago!!
Let's see, that was 34 years ago! I was the happy Mom of 2 beautiful boys, 3 & 1. We had a chihuahua and a fox terrier. I was busy! The boys were fun as well as the chihuahua..but..the fox terrier loved chewing..9x12 rug, buttons of the boys clothes, desitin ointment then throwing it up...did you ever try to clean that out of a rug? I think I better quit!
I'm suppose to remember being 23 LOL actually that is rather easy - I was pregnant with my second daughter at 23 - easy year to remember for me! Would love a chance to win and maybe I would make her a new quilt if I win that!
I met my husband when I was 23 years old. I like this giveaway question...brings such happy thoughts! :)
When I was 23 I met and fell in love with the man I am married to <3
At 23 I was newly engaged and starting to plan my wedding...oh seems so long ago!!
Wow, what a gorgeous giveaway!
When I was 23 I was in Denmark for the first time, and loved it so much! I was there nearly every year since then.
Let's see 23... I think my favorite memory would be just having more time to relax.
Twenty three? Much younger, married, one child, living in Des Moines, IA. I'm thinking this age is really much better! :)
23 - it seems like such a long time ago! That year I was thinking about going to the university, and dreaming about traveling to South-east Asia. A bit later I did both things, and had a great time!
When I was 23 I was blessed with my first child, and only daughter. My husband and I prayed we would have a girl since we had her name picked out since we were 18 years old. She has been such a blessing to us.
I got married at 23, that's definitely a very happy memory!
When I was 23 I was pregnant with my second child (first boy).
Getting married the first time, knowing it was wrong, but still doing it, and not remembering many weekends leading up to it, because I spent too many of them being drunk...i hated my early 20's!
I landed my first full time teaching job.....the only white girl in a mostly black urban inner city school. Grew and stretched me in ways I didn't appreciate at the time.
For me 23 will always be remembered as the age I was when I became a Mama! That year I met my sweet daughter :)
When I was 23, my (now) husband proposed to me at our apartment! :)
When I was 23 I switched schooled (community college to science and technology school) and married my husband!
Twenty-three seems so long ago--having my second child and moving to a new town where we didn't know a soul. Great memories and lots of growing~
The summer I was 23, I drove cross country moving back to Memphis, TN (my hometown) from a 2 year stint in UT. I missed an exit and getting back on track took me through back roads in Nebraska. That morning's drive was one of the most beautiful I have ever taken in my life. (The fabric is awesome, but reminding me of this memory is better than any fabric. Thanks!)
When I was twenty-three, I had just moved from Tennessee to Canada for grad school - never dreamed I would meet my husband and make my forever home in the Great White North!
I'm so old I can't remember being 23. :) But by my calculations that would be the year I qualified as a Chartered Accountant. (CPA)
oh easy question and no contest! I was 23 on my wedding day. ;-) What an awesome bundle, I whole-heartedly agree!
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