aqua or black???

29 August 2011

aqua or black???

remember my bag confession???
well i should've added this to that confession...
sometimes i have a harder time picking bag fabrics than i do quilt fabrics.
i know it's weird, but it's the truth.

i'm in love with the top black print. <--like hardcore in love.
but i can't figure out which solid should be my lining.

so here's where yall come in...
should i use aqua or black???

and because i know someone will ask...
fabric = max & whiskers by basic grey for moda.
bag pattern = emma day bag by grand revival

♥ rachel

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Nancy said...

I would use the aqua so you can find things in the dark purse. I also like the idea of a bit of the aqua peeking out of the top...

Aster Cody said...

Aqua. A nice little pop of color to make you smile every time you look for your car keys.

Vickie said...

I'd go aqua for sure - Btw, I finally found a place to get a copy of "Fresh Fabri Treats" - It arrived today and I LOVE it!!!

Unknown said...

Definitely aqua!

Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

Aqua - it will pull the colors out of the other fabric. And I agree with Nancy about letting a little show at the top of the bag.


Amanda said...

Joining in the aqua chorus~

CathyC said...

Aqua! most definitely ;-)

Jeni Baker said...

Definitely aqua! :) That's a great pattern, my go-to when I need a new purse!

luvtoquilt said...

I'll make it unanimous -- definitely aqua!

Erin Marie said...

I'd say black since I tend to root for the under dog, but I gotta go with aqua. Easier to find things in the purse, plus the bit of color peeking out the top.

Cascade Quilts said...

aqua aqua aqua! My absolute favorite color! Black would be more sensible because it won't show dirt, but what's the fun in black? Aqua puts a smile on my face :)

Rachel D @ Just Sew Y'all Know said...

From another Rachel & Marine wife, I say aqua!

A Pieced Heart said...

Aqua of course. Then a little black on the inside pockets trimmed in aqua!

Elena said...

Aqua!!! Contrast, yay!

Quiltn Mama said...

My practical side says black because it won't show any spots or stains...I shut that side up with a cookie. GO WITH THE AQUA!!

Liz said...

Like everyone else AQUA! Like Nancy said, find things easier and cute peaks.

Lindi said...

I never use dark colours for bag interiors. Too hard to find things! Definitely the aqua, but you could make the phone pocket in black so it stands out inside. :) I often do pockets in a different fabric to the rest of the interior.

Linda said...

Aqua! It is beautiful with that black print!

Chelley said...

Aqua, definitely. I hate not being able to see things inside my bags.

Barbara McD said...


Can you tell I love the color aqua?

Jackie's Stitches said...

I can never find anything in a darkly lined purse. Love the fabric you're using.

Gretchen said...

Definitely aqua - otherwise your bag becomes the black hole! The pop of color with the interior will look great!

Kelly O. said...

I wanna say aqua but if I'm really honest, I'd go black--just my gut.

Jan Quigley said...

Lol, everyone's said what I was going to say. Definitely the aqua, black will make your bag a black hole & you'll never be able to find anything. Oh & aqua because it is just the bestest colour in the world. :-)

Paula Ganyard said...

I think that aqua would be fun to use.

Heather Kuhn Roelker said...

Looks like most people suggest aqua, but if you use your bag like I do a nice black lining will hide all the spills, leaks, etc!

manybooks said...

The aqua is my first choice, but maybe use a bit of black to accent the top of inner pockets?

Nici said...

I would go with Aqua. :-)

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I will join it with the Aqua fan club! :o)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Aqua for looks and black for go AQUA girl!!

MellieWo said...

Definitly aqua! Love the black print.

scottylover said...

Love that focus fabric! I would go with the aqua, unless you carry a lot if pens or markers that might mark up the inside. Much easier to find things in a lighter purse.

Sandy A

Melody said...

definitely aqua!

CitricSugar said...

Aqua - and I'm a lurker who rarely comments here if that underscores how strongly I feel. :-)

Love your fabric choice for the outside!

Anne said...

Oh the aqua for sure. I made bags with a dark lining and they are like a black hole. It will be much easier to find things inside yor bag with an aqua lining. Oh, and btw, love, love, love the black print.

Katy said...

I would choose blue. Items inside would be easier to see against the blue color.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I would use aqua for the main lining and a little black as an accent, like maybe trim at the top of the pockets. I like a brighter color for lining myself...easier to find things! That fabric is really fun!


taliana said...

I say aqua...I like using a pop of color when using black fabric :)

Sarah Craig said...

Personally, I'd use that pretty buttery yellow, but from your choices, I'd use the aqua - a nice pop of color!

CJ said...

Aqua - some might get to peek out on the strap underside. :)

Andrea said...

definitely aqua! i think it would be more vibrant and stunning - would definitely have a pop of color

Rachel said...

Go for the aqua - give it a bit of punch!

Suzi said...

Like others have said...NO BLACK - AQUA YES! Black lining in a purse is like searching in a black hole! BTW...LOVE the fabric!

Katie Doggart said...

Definetly the Aqua!! It will make the inside of your bag stand out and will make it easier to find things inside the bag!

VickiT said...

Definitely aqua! Unless you are going to install a light inside that bag too you should use the lighter color inside. I think bags that are a little on the deep side with black linings make it tough to find things at the bottom and even worse if you're maybe in a car.

Erin said...

Go with aqua, makes it easier to find stuff again a lighter/brighter lining.

My name is Sarah said...

Oh I love Max & Whiskers. I pick aqua.

Deborah said...

Love the main fabric!

Debbie said...

aqua for sure.

lisa said...

aqua, especially if the blacks don't fade exactly the same way!

**nicke... said...

uh.... i say pink.

Tamie said...

Aqua so you can have a bit of light when searching for an item in the bottom.

Amy said...


Lynn said...

I am in love with that black print also. But I think it would look good as my ironing board cover. Maybe not :)

Kimberly said...

aqua, for sure.

Sharon@MN said...

Aqua!! :-)

Bron @ Stop That Owl said...

Aqua - makes things easier to find than black!

Rose said...

I'm making a quilt with this line right now. The aqua for your purse for sure. I love it!

'Manda said...

I would go with aqua. I thought I was the only person who agonized over purse fabric. I'm glad to know I'm in good company.

April Mae said...

Looks that the general thoughts are Aqua. I agree for a few reasons. The pop of color is always cheerful. You can find your cell, keys, and what nots much easier against a light color. Oh and it looks amazing with the black fabric that you have picked out.

Mouster1 said...

Aqua. I like the contrast and it's a popular color for the fall.

Kari V. said...

Aqua! That is going to make a lovely bag.

Michelle K. said...

Another vote for aqua here!

rebecca said...

Aqua, definitely aqua!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Aqua, you lose things in a black lined bag, and then the bag would be too black, and thirdly, aqua/turquoise is my favorite color! LOL

Kell said...

Aqua for me!

Megan said...

Another vote for the aqua for the fun contrast and ease of finding things inside.

And yes, that fabric is just "in-love" worthy!

Michelle said...

Oooh. The aqua is so pretty. If it was me making the decision it'd be the aqua!

Michelle said...

Oooh. The aqua is so pretty. If it was me making the decision it'd be the aqua!

Dan R said...


Jacque. said...

I say go for the black for the outside of the bag. You can pick up the other colors in that the aqua...for lining, pockets, whatever.

Tsigeyusv said...

Just another aqua vote. I like the hidden surprise of color, plus, I like aqua. Black is great, too, but its boring to be both inside and outside. I like the flash of color.

Daisy236 said...

Love reading the comments, I'm afraid I'm a follower.....easily lead! I can see the majority have gone for aqua, put me down for that too! Can't wait to see the finished bag x

Dawn said...

Aqua! For sure.

Paula said...

Aqua for certain, black pockets.....

Wendy said...

AQUA! Definitely aqua

Sandra said...

Wow,aren't you glad you asked us?
Aqua is lovely, but it will show the stains\pen marks etc., but is so much more fun than the black. Make black pockets maybe for your keys or phone.

Amy said...

Aqua all the way!!

Caro said...

Aqua for sure as you'll be able to find things easier rather than against a black fabric.

Marie said...

You've got to go with the aqua. How fun is that going to be to open your purse to that bright gorgeous color! Plus it's easier to find things in an aqua purse as opposed to the black-bottomless-pit of a purse...wait that's me talking about mine. Go for the color!!

Linda Cates said...

AQUA!! You will be able to see what you have in your bag more easily. Oh, and it is beautiful fabric!

sweet diesel designs said...

Go for the aqua girl!

Syd said...

I would go with the aqua. I like my bags to be as pretty on the inside as they are on the outside.

Unknown said...

Aqua! I have a dark lined bag and I can't ever find anything! Of course if your wallet and other purse fillings are aqua, then black might be the better way to go...

Anonymous said...

Go with the aqua...I love the outer fabric you chose.
Mama Bear

Brenna said...

Aqua! Harder to find stuff in a black hole :P

Karen said...

Aqua, definitely... Pretty contrast and practical when you glance in to find something

Beverly said...

I love the aqua!

DEBBIE said...

Love the AQUA!!!!

LuLu said...

Definitely turquoise!

Pieces to Love said...

Aqua! It is a great contrast and makes the bag fun. I think the black would make it feel boring, and it would just 'blend in'

Anonymous said...

In case you're still undecided, AQUA for sure!!! :)

sbmeeks said...

It will be easier to find items on the aqua than the black. and its cuter!

epban said...

Aqua gets my vote, too!

Sandy said...

Too much black....I would definitely use aqua....will be sharp!

Twiga said...

If you hadn't decided yet - AQUA!!! I am falling in love with the fabric too...... drool.

Susan G said...

Definitely the aqua--so much more fun! And it's really hard to find something inside a black purse.

Jennifer said...

Another aqua lover here! (And, when you are done, if you decide you don't like it I will be happy to take it off your hands. Tee, hee, hee!)

mary said...

Im picking the BLack. So cheerful looking

LaniRose said...

AQUA!!! It would cheer up the gloomy days of fall and winter. I think the black would just make it too hard to see in.

Karen said...

Let's face it, aqua would be beautiful....however, black might be more practical if there is any chance you might get the inside of the purse dusty or dirty from use......

Sharon said...

I was going to say "aqua" but about a hundred people already have, so listen to them.

Bree said...

aqua, a million times over!

Pat said...

I used black on one of my purses and it was a big mistake. I can't find anything in it as it is too dark. So naturally I would go with the Aqua.

Kristy said...

Definitely aqua.

Maria Wallin said...

I agree with everyone who says aqua, dark linings are a nightmare when it comes to finding stuff. =)

Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

I would say aqua. I love darker linings, but I tend to find things easier in my big bags when the lining is not dark...

sko_G knits said...

definitely the aqua.

bethanndodd said...

Aqua :)
I am off to buy some of that!!!

Laura said...

Def. Aqua ... not only is it cute and will brighten up the bag ... it is easier to see inside ... black insides can be so dark and hard to find that cute lipgloss or spare change hiding in the corner of the bag!

kath in ohio said...

I want you to use all 3 for your lining. That would be so cute...piece it ...what do you think?

Kelly said...

Aqua all the way.

Teresa Marie said...

The black would stay cleaner, but I like the aqua!

Holly said...

It's too hard to find things in a black purse.

Jennifer Thomas said...

I would use the black as it would add more drama! My sound.

Have a super day!

Jennifer Schifsno Eutsler

MaryBeth said...

Definitel the aqua. It will make it much easier to find things. You could use the black for a pocket!

Stitching Cat said...

definitely AQUA! Looking forward to seeing your finish.

terrieannie said...

Absolutely Aqua!
As others have said, #1 reason is because it will be easier to see inside the bag and a close #2 is because it's so adorable peeking out along the edge of the bag!

Alice in WV said...

Definitely aqua. It's too hard to find stuff in a bag with a dark lining.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Aqua or you'll never find your purse or keys without a torch! You could trim the pockets with black if you want a touch of black in there!

tusen said...

I'm starting to think if I were you I might choose black just to be more original ;)
But seriously, I'd choose aqua.

Nana Jo said...

My rule of thumb is never line a bag in black. Black linings make it very hard to find thing in the bag. Use Turquoise or yellow or even the light gray.

MollyP said...

Aqua all day, woman! Make that sucker pop! when you open it up.

Amy said...

i vote aqua...i can never find anything when looking into the black hole!

Fran said...

I have heard it is much harder to find things in a purse with a black lining. I also think the aqua would give a nice contrast. Love the fabric!

donna said...

Ooo Aqua, so you'll be able to see everything in the bottom on your bag!

Anonymous said...

Aqua for sure! Not only is it an awesome color, but finding those keys in the bottom when it's dark outside is much easier when the inside of your bag isn't dark, too!

Kathie said...

Absolutely aqua! What a beautiful combo

Michele T said...

Why dontcha just make two bags... one with an aqua liner and one with a black liner??!!

Brenda said...

My choice would be the aqua!

Kimberly said...

aqua... with a few rows of black topstitching!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I think the aqua would be beautiful! I love that top fabric too!

Layne Bushell said... definitely needs the contrast! Love the fabric!

Patty said...

I would use aqua on the sides and black on the bottom if there is a seperate bottom.

Wendi said...

I would choose's so sexy.

Dana said...

how about both???/

Pam - said...

If it were mine, I'd use aqua, but if you're happy with black, go for it!

paige13d said...

Aqua! I love a surprising pop of color inside a bag.

Unknown said...

While both would look great, I would go for the aqua for a pop of colour and so you can see the contents of the bag more easily (lighter).

Nancy said...

Definately the aqua- and i too love that fabric

Pamela V said...

Definitely aqua...light-colored linings makes finding things in your bag soooo much easier!

Georgette Mitchell said...

And another vote for aqua.

Jenn at The Little Shop of Stitches said...

I'm digging the aqua. Go for the color, Girl!

Pinky said...

definitely the aqua! for two reasons, one: it will look great and two: it will be much easier to find stuff inside the bag with an aqua lining rather than with black!

I love the max and whiskers print too, I've picked it up in the cream but not the black (yet!)

Pam M. said...

Aqua is my vote!

Nurseli said...

I'm on the almost unanimous Aqua boat too.

Mary E said...

Just has to be Aqua with black pockets.

Becky said...

welllll if this bag was making its way to MY home I would love the blue lining. But then I am partial to blue :)

Jeannette said...

Aqua to find things easier in your bag and a little flair, black to be more conservative.

Anonymous said...

aqua for sure

Kirsten said...

Aqua - maybe use the black for a pocket though..

Anonymous said...

Definitely AQUA!!! It is the perfect "pop" of color and it will make it easier to see your "stuff" :) inside your purse...AND because it is the most lovelyest color EVER!! (Yes I love aqua too! :)

Lesley said...

Definitely aqua!

Nanette said...

As I am getting on the Aqua train, I have my new purse I made with a black and white lining, but the outside of mine is pink, I don't lose my keys or phone as they are bright pink and white.

Go with Aqua!!

Shannon said...

To add to all the other votes, I say aqua!! What a fantastic combo! Can't wait to see the finished purse.

Sarah Marie said...

aqua...100% aqua

Lisa said...

Definitely AQUA-so super pretty!

Hannah Huey said...


smileynann said...

aqua all the way!!

Christy said...

Aqua would be a nice surprise on the inside!

Lei Lei said...

Aqua is definitely nicer and will hide crumbs better!


Unknown said...

Black would make the bag look more formal, which is fine if that's what you're after. Me? I like the aqua because it makes me smile. U Rock!

leanne said...

I'd go the aqua - its soooo pretty

Kim G said...

I think the aqua make the top fabric pop more! Pretty fabric whichever way you go!

Bonnie said...

I too think the aqua - it sets off your black feature print more and gives a breathe of fresh air when you open your bag. Besides it will be easier finding your possessions against aqua rather than black :)

Joy said...

I once lined a purse in black and then only used it for a week. I could not find anything in it without locating a source of light, if i was inside. Big learning moment! I vote for the aqua, just for ease, but I especially like how it looks with the outside fabric. Gorgeous!

marylouc said...


corners of my life said...

Aqua for sure. It is hard to find things in a dark purse.

Ange Moore said...

A great big aqua vote from me too!!

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