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i want to come to your playdate!
,,,and what Sweet Pickins it is!!
Those are pretty!
great fabric! love it! have fun.
I can't wait to see what you make with these sweet fabrics!
I love me a good playdate! Now, play nicely!
Those prints are seriously what I'm all about right now! I can't WAIT to see what your creativity whips up with those ;)
Can I come and play?!! I LoVe those fabrics!!!
OMG where have I been?!!! That fabric line is just FABULOUS! Especially love the GREEN prints! WOW - must get me some of that!
LOVELY- such happy and cheerful colors... reminds me of a picnic!
Have fun! :o)
Don't cha just love a stack of fresh, colorful fabrics! Beautiful!
Oh, lucky you. :)
Sounds like my kind of day! Enjoy it!
Those are very very beautiful!
I LOVE all the fabric you are getting to play with.
I think I would like to come play too with those lovely fabrics.
They sure is some sweet pickins! :) Hope you had a fabulous time.
so very pretty! enjoy your playdate!
Wish I could come play, too! I heart those fabrics! They are adorable. Can't wait to see what you make with them. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!
Sandy A
I'm playing today....cutting for a marathon sit & sew at our local quilt shop. It starts tomorrow, Wednesday until Saturday. woohoo!
beautiful fabrics!
I'm SOOO jealous! This fabric is gorgeous-I can't wait until it comes out in May!
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