it's the delicious sound of silence.
miss lindsey & i have big plans today.
we're going to cuddle and watch a movie, then make a yummy after school snack for "the guys."
what do y'all do on the first day of school?
treat yourself to coffee? or a pedicure? or a nap?
i could so go for a nap.
xo, rachel
enjoy it! Today is the LAST first day of school in our household, baby girl is a senior. it'll be here before you know it
I go to McDonalds for breakfast. An Egg McMuffin tastes like freedom.
This year we took the kids out to dinner because it was our first year only dealing with ONE shool! Till next year! Oh and while we were out our garage caught fire! How fun is that!
We don't start back until next week, but I will probably treat myself to lunch somewhere with the hubby the first full day back, if we can both fit it into our work schedules. Our celebrating always seems to revolve around food, lol.
I celebrated with a latte and then enjoyed the silence but truth be told, I missed them after lunch :)
School starts back here next Tuesday. I work at school too (on call), so I very well may be "at school" too. If not, I'll be going back to bed for a nap after the school bus leaves..... :)
This summer was the first time both my boys were in camp, half days and for the three weeks they were in I took up Yoga, finished a bunch of projects and had brunch out at a nice restaurant with my husband. So many plans for next week when they start school! Enjoy your day :)
It's good to read this post, it just makes me feel like a normal (instead of evil) mum !
I'm goin to be the party pooper.
I'm a teacher with no kids of my own, so the last two weeks of August (hottest of the summer) are spent cramming in lots of quilting fun in between setting up my classroom.
The first day of school is spent trying to learn names, and figure out how to fill six hours (usually I have a new set of students each hour!)
I'm looking forward to it - if only to lay to rest the crazy dreams I've been having. The day is never as crazy as my night time imagination makes it out to be.
Ps. Maybe I'll get the kids to design quilts on the first day (math/art tessellation) instea of waiting for the end of the year.
I never got to enjoy either of my boys' first day of school. Always had to work.... and now they're 23 and 35!
First day of school here means it's my first day of school (fall semester)! I went back to school this summer and am a 53-year-old freshman at the university. No movies or time to relax for me. Hmmm, wish my family would make me a treat for when I get home!
Enjoy the school years ...... my oldest just moved to Florida 2 weeks ago to start his first job as an engineer, and my youngest just went back to college this past weekend. I came home from dropping him off on Sunday to a too quiet, empty, lonely house .... (sob).
Hubs and I are empty-nesters. I just wanted to tell you that when my younger son left for the Army, I was sad. Nowadays, I only see my sons on holidays. When they were young, I worked full-time so I dropped them off at day camp on my way to work where they got to experience so many things I never did growing up. They went everywhere. On weekends, we would all hang-out at the pool at home. Enjoy every moment you have with your children, when they leave home, it is a totally different life at home. Hubs and I travel and it takes a lot of planning to have our sons join us.
Haha, first day of school here is all 8 of us getting into our motorhome and leaving on a month long adventure. And then we start our homeschool year. I'm almost never alone, lol :). Enjoy your quiet!
My sister and I always do a first day back to school lunch together-this year we went for Mexican-YUM! So nice without children this year for me :) All 3 of mine are in school this year! 4th grade, 3rd, and kindergarten!
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