or sometimes just on a plain white piece of paper.
it may be absurb to some adults, but i think it nurtures my creative side.
while i'm always up for coloring, sometimes i just play with the crayons.
i like to mix and match different color schemes.
and sometimes i take pics of my favorite groupings to refer to later.
take this one for instance, i just love it.
i can see myself making a log cabin quilt using these colors.
in my mind, i've already planned out the entire quilt. seriously.
it's funny how inspiration strikes me sometimes.
do y'all still color in coloring books?!?!
Actually, i do love coloring books but only color when my grandson is here...i use him as a cover.
I color with my grandson, but my 'color' feed comes from the huge array of color pencils I have. I like to blend my own colors with them, where crayons are already mixed.
I bought Rudolph coloring books for the kids at Christmas and bought myself one too. I didn't think it would be nice to fight over the pages with the kids. Oh, and my own crayons of course!
Yup, I do. :^)
Well, I haven't been... but, I see the wisdom of your ways... perhaps I will...
Haven't used coloring books for coloring lately but I do like them to trace applique shapes. When I was a kid my grandma gave me books of Altair Designs to color -- which seems like great preparation for quilting. She was smarter than she knew!
We have many coloring books fornthr little ones, but as our kids got older, I found we all loved "Color Your Imagination, Wild" by Mindware. I used to use them in tr lass room as well and a friend of mine said her dr recommended them for her Parkinson's and cancer.
Very much so!! More so than my kids, lol! Although they're still little, so I'll keep doing it with them to keep them interested!
Yes - just year at Christmas one of my gifts was a new box of 64 Crayolas. (The only brand I use!) I also love brand new coloring books. I am one crazy old Grammy!
I love to color in coloring books. It is VERY theraputic.
I Totally still do this. My kids are really into coloring now which is awesome. But on Sunday I brought coloring stuff to church for the kids and I think I colored more than they did! My kids love it when I draw things for them to color. So awesome to watch them create, it inspires me so much!
i must admit that I still love to color -- or color scheme as I call it!!! Don't you just love the names of the colors today??? Ours were blue, and green and light yellow...now they are verdant green and macaroni and cheese...
I do, too!!! :) I have four boxes (Yikes, did I just admit that out loud?). I actually use them to help me with sewing, quilting, and stress management (haha)!
YES! I love when my nieces come over and want to color - makes my day - so much fun! And I think a log cabin in your crayon colors would be way cool! There's something about coloring that is like therapy!
I love to color. I've got several Hello Kitty coloring books. Sometimes I just need to lay on my stomach on the floor and color. It's very theraputic.
Have any of you seen the book "Praying in Color" by Sybil MacBeth? She sees doodling, and especially coloring, as having a very spiritual connection, a visual prayer. I might call it joyful meditation. Whatever its name, we are onto something good!
Oh, and by the way---is there anything in the world that smells better than when you open a new box of 48 Crayola Crayons?!
Ooooh, as an illustrator I've always dreamed of designing a coloring book. But I also arrange my pencils in color schemes. I love that your crayons have three languages. What a neat little learning tool.
Lately I am all about my colored pencils and graph paper. Speaking of designing in your head, how cool would the pattern that the crayon labels make (see there, at the bottom of the crayons?) in a sashing!?!?
I love coloring in coloring books with my girls!! Actually my mom used to laugh at me and my husband... when we started dating, we were in our 20s and went out and bought some of those really big coloring posters and we would spend hours coloring on a Saturday night. I will always love coloring and playing with different color combinations!!
I don't color in coloring books anymore, but I suspect once I get grandkids I will. Now I color on fabric - love Crabapple Hill patterns that allow for that!
I don't think we ever grow out of coloring, do we? Beautiful colors Ms. R!
Yep I do! Mind you it is usually with the kids, but I don't complain when they want me to colour with them.
I've got a box of crayons--and I don't have children. :) I love drawing and coloring! It's a fun way to relax.
Yes i do, every time school opens I must have a new full box of new crayons-made in the USA! When I was in the hospital 11 yrs ago, all I wanted Dh to bring me was a box of crayons and a color book. He thought I was still up on morphine-lol. One store locally I go into has all their fabrics by colors on shelves, it is like walking into a box of crayons. I stay to look from the door, then I hover thru all the colors. and they have a shop cat!
Yes, I do too. I am a kindergarten teacher so I am able to color all the time.
I don't really color too much - but I do have collections of colored pencils, crayons, and I have my thread and fabric sorted in rainbow order. Color is such a part of my happiness - I came from only mauve and colonial blue with beige walls and rugs. Then the color wheel became such a part of my life. Enjoy your crayons and pencils -
Best childhood Christmas present was the large box of brand new Crayola crayons from mom. When my mom was in the hospital, none of us knew it was her last week on earth. We brought her crayons and she insisted we have coloring contests to while away the hours waiting for all the tests.
I thought I was the only one!
I thought I was the only one!
My daughter is 24 and we both still LOVE to color in coloring books... but we're picky... we love the coloring books with the nice big pics... easy to color and not alot of detail... it's just so relaxing and the smell of colors LOVE IT!!!
I love to color in coloring books as well. It is my favorite thing to do with my little girls! Glad to here that I am not the only one!
Yes I do color in books out of books...seems during school supply time at the stores in the fall I must buy a new box of brand new crayons. I have a thing for colored pencils too!
Yes I color! I love to color! In big fat coloring books. Until she went backt to school, I colored with my 19 year old daughter. We've had some amazing talks while coloring, it's so relaxing and fun. I recently got new crayons in a round cylindrical type holder, it turns like a lazy-susan. Color on my friend...
I still love coloring books. I wasn't often allowed to have them as a kid (my mom thought they would stifle my creativity) and in college my mom would send them to me in care packages. Thurs night was always TV night in the commons room with coloring coloring books! Now I just do it with my daughter when I get the chance. I let her have them :)
Yes I sure do! I love crayons and colouring books. I have a big stash of crayons and I love the smell of a new box :-)
love to color with little people and I color on fabric I still love the smell of a new box of crayons too
in stitches
I do! And I recently bought myself the "Colouring Book For Grown Ups" - it's brilliant - lots of lovely pattterns in it.
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