for those that have been travelling along with the tour, you're now in ohio.
for those that have NO idea what i'm talking about, just keep reading.

my friend angela is the mastermind behind a book titled stop. go. quilt. sew!
it's a cute book that features 12 fun projects for little boys.
we all love little boy projects, right?!?!
we have two girls and two boys in the griffith household.
girlie projects seem to be second nature to me, but boy projects ... not so much.
insert angela and her book.

and it makes me wish i would've thought of it first.
so darn cute, right?!?!
you can't have a blog tour without something fun:
angela asked each of us: "if you were a traffic sign, what would it look like?!?!"
well, i think my sign speaks for itself ... ;P

one lucky ps i quilt reader will win their own stop. go. quilt. sew! book!!!
just leave a comment telling me a tidbit about the little boy you sew things for.
{deadline to enter is august 17th. winner will be announced august 20th.}
and don't forget to visit all the peeps on our blog tour:
{they'll also be having giveaways!!!}
august 6th - california
stash books
august 7th - australia
sarah fielke
august 8th - washington
scott hansen
august 9th - utah
natalia bonner
august 10th - arizona
barb & mary
august 11th - north carolina
john adams
august 12th - iowa
vanessa christenson
august 13th - ohio {YOU ARE HERE!!!}
rachel griffith
august 14th - virginia
pat sloan
august 15th - texas
lissa alexander
august 16th - texas, again.
angela yosten
I sew for my two sons. Quilts, monster pillows, and car seat protectors have been on the list!
I sew for my grandson Emory. He is 10 months old and is all BOY. He is every where.. I would love to win this book..
I sew for my nephews now (my boys are college aged - although they love my sewing gifts too) I love the look of this fun book!
Such a cute book! I have lots of nephews I sew for, though I think a lot of these designs would look good around our house too!
This book looks just adorable!
I sew for my 3 grandsons. Two are 5 and 6, so, school age. The new one is only 2 months. So I get to do a variety of sewing projects. Funny though, I had 3 girls myself. So boy stuff is new to me.
I have 5 year old twins. So far all I've done is a quilt but I'm looking forward to other projects to work on.
I sew for my 5 year old son who has been one of my biggest cheerleader since I started quilting - he loves quilts and was so excited when I made him one. Only problem is now that he wants every quilt I make to be for him!
The little boy I USED to sew for is all grown up. I had such fun making Halloween costumes and pajamas for him when he was young. I did recently make a quilt for him, and will likely make more as he is about to buy his first house. Hooray for boys, little ones and big ones!
The last thing I sewed for my own 'little' boy (he is now 22), was the first T-shirt quilt I had done. Now I sew for our two grandsons who are 6 and 5 years old - the perfect age to love Mom-mom's quilts.
I don't have any children yet and I have 2 nieces so the little boy I've been happy to sew a few things for is my best friends 5 month old son Ryder :-)
My boys are grown up but, I have seven grandsons. They all have their baby quilts I made for them maybe it's time for something else. Thanks!
I have an adorable 23 month old boy who loves quilts! I made him his first 'big boy' quilt a few months ago and he was beyond excited, he is definitely his mama's boy! :-)
I have one son who just turned 19 over this past weekend an getting ready for his 2nd year in college. I have made him a pillow for his dorm and I have made a quilt, which will soon be quilted! He is in a fraternity and I will be looking to make him some cool stuff for that soon! This book looks great! Thanks for a chance to win!
I'm kind of with you, Rachel, on the sewing for girls being second nature thing! I also have a son and a husband, but none of my sewing ever seems to be for them. Maybe I need this book for inspiration!
I sew for my grandson,, he's 2 1/2, quilts, totes for his cars, fun pillowcases,,and a chalk placemat. Would love some more ideas, thanks for the givewaay.
I sew for my nephews. Super hero capes, fishing games. Maybe one day I will have a boy of my own to sew for :)
I'm so embarrassed.... i have 2 toddler boys, and ... i haven't sewn anything for them!!! I have "plans and goals" to make them things, but sometimes I wonder if I'll start them on their 18th birthday!
I have two, not so little boys. They've had their first full sized quilts this year, but I'd love ideas for more
I sew for my baby boy who is almost 5 month,
I have one grandson and three granddaughters. It is so much easier to come up with projects for the granddaughters. I also have three sons and one daughter. I am lucky that I have come up with some masculine fabric (think camo and woven daiwabo and solids.)
I sew for a very energetic little boy. I am super excited to see a book devoted to sewing for boys and I am sure he wIll be as well!! He loves cars and all the signs that go with.
I have no little boys to sew for, only little girls. So, I make pillow cases for little boys who might be in the hospital.
Four of my nine kids are boys. They love the outdoors, cars and FOOD! LOL!
We'd love to make some of these projects, so please, draw me.~
The "little boy" I sew for is now 22 and at seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. He's 6'3" so no lap-sized projects for him. He likes "traditional" stuff but then he turns around and points out BRIGHT projects in a book (when asked -- no, he doesn't pick up a book to show me!) I also have six nephews to sew for and two nieces.
I have 2 boys. 8 & 5. And thier daddy :) I have sewn jammies; quilts, and pillow cases. Their quilts are a bit young for them so this book would help! thanks for the chance~Amy
Haha! I love your sign.
I sew for two little boys. They are both 8 months old and their daddy is a traffic engineer. So I've got to find a way to get ahold of this book!
I sew a big lap quilt for my Godson! Just after that he got a cold and did not want to let the quilt go! He went everywhere with the quilt! Super sweet!
I sew for my nephews aged 4 and 2. I made them both your scruffily quilt for their first birthdays and they sleep under them every night. More boy projects would be just fab!
I sew for 2 boys but primarily for my 5 year old as he is just becoming old enough to appreciate it--he loves all things wheels and construction so sewing from this book would be perfect for him!
I quilt for 2 little boys, my twin nephews who will be 2 in September. J1's next quilt will definitely have cars and trucks on it, but I don't know yet what will be on J2's quilt.
I sew for my son, soon to be 3. He loves all things construction and transportation related, so I'm sure I'd find lots of great ideas in this book!
I have three boys of my own and a nephew coming at the end of December and this book looks fantastic for boy project inspiration.
My sweet just turned 2 year old boy loves all the things I make for him. He never stops moving and would love the projects in this book! I'm also 20 weeks pregnant with another boy. :)
Linda oferta,gostaria de fazer este sinal para o meu neto.Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
I sew for two boys, one is big and the other is little. The little one is currently complaining that I have not made him a quilt with his favorite sports team! The bigger boy finally got his first quilt after years of quilting for the girlies! This is an awesome book!
I'm hoping to soon have a grandnephew. Meanwhile, I have several tomboy grandnieces (19 and 20 months) who have just learned to say the word "stop" -- I think a "STOP IT NOW!" sign would be great for their moms to use.
I mostly have girls to sew for...my daughter and nieces. But my little man is in line for a boy quilt soon!!!!
I sew for charity. And make quilts for friends.
I make baby blankets for all of my friends that are expecting. It's so much fun and the smaller scale lets me try new things all of the time. Thanks for the give away!
I have two not-so-little boys of my own but lots of little nephews and friends. Cute stoplight quilt!
After having 2 girls, I finally get to sew for my little boy who is 16 months. Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks fun.
reklimes at usfamily dot net
I've made a number of quilts for my grandson since he was a baby. He's not so small anymore at 14. But, he GETS quilts. I spread a quilt out on the floor to show last year and he saw it first and said "Mom, come here, this quilt is awesome!" Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I have 2 boys 1 is 18 and the other is 11. It's so hard to find great boy quilt patterns! I'm gonna be stocking up for my grand babies that are bound to come my way eventually!
My little boy is the sweets little thing and will smile for anyone just by making eye contact. eatkin85@yahoo.com
The little boy I sew for is only 6 mths old so this would be fantastic to have going forward! This is such a great book!
I sew for my three boys but they are not so little any more (16, nearly 14 and nearly 12). In fact, the older two now tower over me and the youngest is not far off! I love the traffic light quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.
I sew for my 5 little grandsons. I still owe 2 of my 3 son's a quilt. Seems they got bumped farther down on my "List" as babies always go to the top. :) I've been wanting to make each grandchild another quilt and saw some neat patterns in the book that would be perfect.
My lil' guy wants a race car room. I can't bring myself to do a full on race car theme, but I've hung up some hubcaps on the wall. I've been pondering what to quilt him... this looks PERFECT!
I sew for my 4 grand-daughters and One darling Grand-son. I have made baby quilts, bibs and a few dresses.
But the poor little guy. not so much else. I need some inspiration. This book looks like it would be ideal!
Thanks for a chance. Luba
LOL... love your sign! That's me too... can't wait to see what you did with Marmelade! :O)
Haven't sewn for a little boy in quite some time, but my big boy hubby I have just completed a quilt for. Ok, it is at the quilter's and I'll have to sew the binding when I get it back, but the top is complete!
Sandy A
I made a baby quilt for my cousin's baby boy, who is now a year and a half old. He may need some bigger boy things soon. I also can think of some girls who would love things out of this book!!
Rachel! Okay we've got two boys and no girls here but me. William is 5.5 and headed into grade one with a big love for science at the moment. Drew is 2 and heads to daycare with poppy pants and a huge smile! Keep up the instagram I love the photos!
Rachel! Okay we've got two boys and no girls here but me. William is 5.5 and headed into grade one with a big love for science at the moment. Drew is 2 and heads to daycare with poppy pants and a huge smile! Keep up the instagram I love the photos!
What a cool book! I sew for my nephew, he's 6 1/2 and he makes me laugh all the time. He has a great imagination and loves to play (by his rules, of course). Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the new book. I sew for my grandsons Collin and Kyle. Collin's room is all about cars so this book would be perfecto!!
I sew for my twin boys. They are still very small, 3 months, but I have big plans of things to make for them.
Last Christmas I made a quilt for my son--all blues and browns--perfect for him. He's 26, lives at home, and loved it!
I would love to make something from that book for a brand new baby named Evan. I know he will just love to cuddle in it this winter :)
I sew for my youngest son, who is getting to be quite grown now. But it's still fun to sew things for boys. I have a little nephew that will be getting a quilt soon.
My little man who will be 8 years old next month, asked me if I was still going to give him his own sewing machine for his birthday ... so he can quilt with me :)
Just this week he and I went to a local quilt shop ... and of course he "needed" some of their train fabric to make a quilt for his teddy-bear ...
How I love my little boy!
Thanks for the chance to win an awesome book ... I am always at a loss for little boy ideas.
Ahhh, my little man just turned 8. He loves sports, legos, the farm, animals, any car or truck, you name it. He has numerous John deere quilts and an "all sports" quilt by request in my to-do pile.
I love the idea of quilts guys....young and old! :)
I see for my 6 and 3 year old little boys. I love finding new ideas for them!
I have a nephew, the first on my side, who just turned 1 year old 2 weeks ago and I love sewing for him!! Also many new babies and more to come on my husband's side. We have 48 nieces and nephews on his side!!
The little boy in my life is my Nephew. He is 3 next month and loves all things car & truck. He has a racing car bed (A Silver 1920's one his mum and dad made. If I don't win one I know I am buying a copy of this book. I may have to buy one for my sister even if I win one so we can both hop to it and sew him up a road sign accessories collection to go with his bed.
Thanks for the giveaway; I would love to get this book. I have 2 sons, 11 & 4 and it is a little difficult to come up with great ideas to make for them. I also have 4 nephews who could benefit from the book as well.
The little boy I sew for is not so little anymore. He's 6'6" and 245 lbs of solid muscle. Did I mention he's grown up now, but he still loves cuddly quilts.
I sew for my little 6 year old. I usually like the cars/trains but he considers this too babyish now! So I often struggle to find appropriate designs.
I am sewing a cowboy and pony quilt for one of my nephews...they all love country western music! I have another niece expecting a boy in the fall, so would love a book just for boys.
Ohhhhh. What a great looking book! My little boy is turning 5 this month, and he loves COLOR! He is such a joy, and he's getting his first quilt from Mama for Christmas! This book would come in handy as I haven't been able to find the "perfect" boy quilt idea yet!!!
I din't know te little boy I sew for ... whenever I make quilts for my guild's charity, I think boy because there always seems to be a shortage of boy quilts in the pile.
The little boy I sew for is turning 20 in October - he plays water polo & is thinking about joining the Navy - not so little anymore!!!
It's funny that you asked this. I just finished up a quilt for my little grandson who isn't even conceived yet! For some reason I've been blessed with three granddaughters but no grandson's yet. I just couldn't help myself when I found some cute fabrics to make up a little boy quilt. I needed a little blue in my life! Having three of my four kids married I know someday I'll get a grandson so now I'm prepared!
My son would love some of the examples I've seen on this hop, thanks for a chance at the book :)
My best friend's three-year-old son loves all things cars and trucks. He would love this book, and I love sewing for him!
The boys I sew for are not so little any more but I still think they would like the projects in this book. That's what's so great about the book; I think it appeals to all ages and that a lot of girls would like the projects too-not so much the little girls, but pre-teens and older. I like the projects myself.
In the last eight months we've welcomed our first three grandchildren into the family. Two boys and one little girl means lots of quilts for Grandma to make!
I sew for 3 grandsons ... ages 3, 1 & 4 wks. Chase LOVES signs & stop lights, yelling STOPPPP!!! From the back seat when he sees one. He'd love this quilt.
I have three little grandsons that I love to sew for - they love it.
What little boys you ask? MY little boys! I have two of them and it has always been a huge struggle to find something suitable for them.
I love this book! When my 3 oldest boys (I have 5 + 2 girls)were little, in the early 70's (I was just a child...lol), I decorated their room with contact paper in road signs! It was so fun. Now I have 6 grandsons (and 5 granddaughters), and the one I sew for most is my older daughter's little guy in MO....but don't tell the others! 8-)
My boys are all grown up now, but there wasn't much cute boy sewing availability 29-30 years ago, especially in fabrics.
Now that there's an abundance of cute boy 'stuff' around, I'm excited to have three great nephews in my scope! I've already started my Christmas gifting for them.... And I see some really great projects in this book!
I sew for my 2 sons who are not so little anymore; my eldest is taller than me by 4". They would still love to have quilts from this book, so I hope to win!
I sew for my nephews. One is all about cars, firemen, and policemen. The other is all about sports! This book looks like a load of fun! Thanks for the chance to win it!
My little man is 3. I've done a train-track floor quilt, and a dinosaur halloween costume. A dinosaur backpack is in the works. I would LOVE to something with tractors, but he is NOT into tractors right now...just dinosaurs and trains. That's a little boy for ya!
I sew for my son,Harrison. He is 9. He's more appreciative than either of my girls that are 7 and 12. He even has drawn some designs that he wants me to quilt -most of which will require me gaining some more skills first.
My little grandson will be two next month. He loves the I Spy Wuilt I made for him!
I have two great nephews I sew for. I have made each of them a quilt. I have three granddaughters. :-) Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Linda's book.
The little boy I sew for...is moving out of the house this week... my nest is emptying. Not sure how I feel about this whole empty nest thing. I am happy for him as he has his dream job and will be close to home for visits. So the days are long gone of sewing costumes of heros, dragon slayers and explorers...Now I am creating him a quilt for his new apartment.
sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com
I have one grandson and 5 grandaughters so he is outnumbered. He loves to make Christmas cookies from the rolling, frosting and eating them. He also tried his hand at sewing when he was younger and likes the quilt I made him. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have only one grandson (so far) and three granddaughters. He just turned 5 and loves whatever I make for him. Parents redoing his room to a more big boy place since he starts kindergarten soon. I'd love to win this book...Thanks for the opportunity!
I sew for my 9 year old Xbox addict son and my 8 year old computer addict son; both are on the autism spectrum so tend to obsess about certain things. At the moment it's Xbox/computer and dinosaurs.
I have 2 little guys I sew for. Pajama pants are an all time favorite around here, they want new ones for almost every occasion. (making some super hero ones today)
They also like winter beanies to keep their ears warm.
Such a fun book..congrats to the winner!
i have 6 grand boys to sew for
I have a nephew with autism...I have made him some quilts--trains and such, but he LOVES traffic signs obsessively! I am thrilled to see this book--it is a MUST-BUY for me!!! I already see a few projects I just have to make for him. I also have a son who is all about getting ready to become 1)a driver and 2)a truck owner....(he is only 11!!!)so I envision a few items for him, too!!! LOVE this book!!!
I've got two boys that I (sometimes) sew for - a 7 year old and a 3 year old. Their sister seems to get the bulk of the sewing projects!
Right now I am sewing an I Spy quilt for my grandson. For the backing I am using a piece of fabric with a road and buildings so he can drive his toy cars on it.
I sew for my four nephews.
I sew for the cutest nephews ever to hit the planet. Lucky, lucky me.
Well right now, it's all sports around here! Mainly football. Ohio State football to be exact! So everything I've made for the boys lately, has this theme! :) This book looks awesome!
I sew for my great grandson. He is always wanting me to make something for him. He loves to go to the fabric shop and pick out the fabric he likes
My first baby was just born on 3-18-12 and I think he would love for me to sew some thing for this book!
I sew for my 6 year old son. He loves, loves, LOVES dinosaurs! We have a lot of dino stuff.
I'm still quilting for my boys at 27 & 30 -- they always want whatever i'm making!!. Thanks for the giveaway.
I sew for my son... he is off to University this year! I think a sign quilt would be awesome for his dorm room and your example "Procrastinate NOW Freak out LATER" would be perfect!!!
My little man, Elijah, is a constant delight. Growing up as one of two girls, this boy is God's way of introducing me to the wonderful world of boy - and it's grand!
I love to sew for my 5 grandsons. Everything from superhero capes to bed quilts. I hope to make a quilt for each of them (and the 4 granddaughters) for Christmas!
Well, I sew for not one but THREE little boys. My 3, 8, and 9 yr old boys, who are as intrigued with the whole process as they are their blasted legos! The older two have each made pillowcases, so they are on their way to bigger projects, and I'm thinking we will do a sewing unit this year in school and they can tackle a project together. This might just be the starting point for helping them find a great project to work on!
The first quilt I ever made was for my nephew. It's a great quilt but Angela's book would sure help inspire something much more exciting and boy-ish for him! What an awesome idea. Thanks for the opportunity.
kelsey / everydayfray.com
Love all these signs. Have started one but I'm sure there will be more!
I just made a transport mat for my nearly 3yr old, we'll be taking it camping with us next week to try and keep him occupied in the early mornings!
My boys each have bed quilts and halloween costumes, lovingly made by their momma.
My boys love superheros and treehouses and animals and pirates. Nearly everything I make for them - from quilts to costumes to tissue covers - features one of those themes.
Is there a No, No No, quilt? Because that is what my 18m old says to everything! He's so sweet though.
I sew for my baby who will be a senior in high school this year.... not so much a baby anymore.. :(
I think girls would like these projects too!!!! Looks like a lot of fun things to make!
i have three sweet little boys, ages 6, 4, and 2. I love making things for them!
I know the contest is over. Just checking in to see who won -- and love to gaze at your photos of pretty stacks of fabric.
I don't have kids, so my boys are my husband and a brand new nephew!
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