the kids go back to school soon, football season is in full effect and i'm all too ready for fall.
i do think that mother nature is trying to play a sick joke on me though.
it's been raining for a few days and it's only 61' out today.
too bad it's only august.
fall is definitely in the air.
and i'm SO ready to bring out the fall decor.
but i think i'll have one last hurrah with some summery fabric.
you know, to ensure that i don't start placing pumpkins throughout our home.
i have chosen this lovely bundle to play with today.
the orange and yellows just make my heart sing.
are y'all ready for fall like i am?!?!
please say yes.
fabric = marmalade by bonnie & camille for moda
I'm ready for cooler temps and football!!
I live on the Alabama Gulf Coast - I am SO ready for fall!!! It's been hot here since April!!!
Here in the UK, we hardly even remember what summer looks like.
Wow to that bundle of fabric. How divine to have all that to play with.
I'm in the Midwest and so ready for fall. I do love the colors in those fabrics.
I am just down the road from you and am loving this weather!! Have fun with Marmalade...I love it!
Yes. Me, me, me. Fall please!
No Fall! No Fall! No Fall! Summer and warm weather is all too short lived to start being cold all the time again already. Oh, that is the most delightful stack of fabric to have to play with. Lucky you!
Oh yes! I am ready too! But having a lovely bundle of fabric like that one to play with might just convince me to hang on to summer just a little longer! It really is beautiful!
I live i Sweden and we hardly had any summer this year!
Rainy days, clouds and somewhere behind them the sun is hiding.
This morning only 8 degree Celcius!!!
I love those fabrics and hope to have them soon!!
I love summer, too, but I'm way down in Florida where we dream of a little cooler weather that will start in October - if we're lucky! Can't wait to see your Marmalade...
I am SO ready for fall! I have several fall projects that are in the finishing stages and can't wait to use them.
I guess that fall is just my season.
I am also ready for fall. Have some fun projects in store for that cooler time using my favorite colors (fall!). Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I am GREEN with envy...over both the weather and the fabric. TOday is a HOT and HUMID California day. I am not handling it well at all. Then to find out SOMEONE gets to play with Marmalade!!! I am saving pennies so I can play too...hope it reaches our shops soonest!!!
Maybe I am strange, but, I LOVE Summer and want it to last as long as possible!! Love Marmalade!!
I think Moms with kids home all summer are always ready before the rest of us. I never want summer to end but I'm a grandma now. I do love the fall, but not enough to wish summer to be shorter than it already is.
Look at those yummy fabrics! The ribbon is still on them...you haven't even patted them yet!!! ;-)
Ahhh, cooler temps...we can dream!!!
As a kid and all the way through my mid 20's I loved summer, then life changed and I started loving the fall more. So much good stuff happens in the fall. But a small part of me still enjoys summer, just not the humidity!
I'm ready for summer! The Aussie winter has gone on far too long...
Love that fabric, can't wait to get my hands on some.
First off I'm so glad to see your back. I have worried about you! I am soooooooo ready for Fall, I hate the heat. I have been thinking of making Christmas quilty things so my mind will think its cooler. LOL
Vicki R
Oh I am so with you...but we have still been having too hot weather here. I looove the marmalade fabrics and know you'll make something awesome with them! I can't wait for fall. it's my favorite season!
I'm right behind you...bring on the pumpkins...
109 here in our part of California today. You could say that I am way past ready for cooler weather. A few more weeks for us and then hopefully a cool down.
No. No. No. I am not ready. We are going on a camping trip tomorrow to the beach for 10 days, I so want it to be nice hot weather. Up here in Canada, winter is too long and fall means winter is round the corner.....please, don't make fall come too soon!
Definitely ready for cooler weather. Love wearing my jeans and sweatshirts. But not so ready for school because my youngest just moved into his first apartment yesterday and the house seems really empty again. Thankfully my lovely daughter is sticking around.
I vote for fall, as I just can't take any more 113 degree days with 35% humdity and dry thunder storms. I even reloaded the room freshener with Pumpkin/Maple scent to entice the Fall Goddess to come sooner...
in teh pacific northwest we are still waiting for summer to START. I am ready for back to school, but not the shorter days, nor the cold, damp, darkness we get ehre. I am glad I am not in Montana any more for SNOW!
Weel, It was REALLY warm here on Saturday at the State Fair here in Iowa and then BAM! now it is fall. I love fall and love this cooler weather. YAY!!Then winter is around the corner and I love SnOw!!! :) Have a great day.
I do love fall, slowly getting used to the idea it is almost here!!
I'm ready to move to your neck of the woods! It's over 100 here in Texas and I'm just about tired of it all! Bring on Fall baby! Jenn
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