
24 January 2012


i've been binding quilts and working on new patterns.
this is normally a super exciting thing, but when you can't take good pics, {thanks ohio} it's kinda stressful.
nonetheless, new patterns are coming soon.

i've been needing to get my hairs did, get a pedicure & get my eyebrows waxed.
my eyebrows are really driving me insane.
you know it's bad when you feel like eugene levy.
hubby says they're fine.
of course i cook all his meals. he HAS to say things like that.

i've been under the impression that there aren't enough throw pillows or aprons in my house.
i can't figure out which one to tackle first, so i don't tackle.
i just keep making these yummy pillows & aprons in my mind.

i've been planning my flower beds for like the past month or so.
i'm totally blaming desperate housewives for this.
i mean, have yall seen how flippin' gorgeous their yards are?!?!
i want to grow wisteria and i want to grow it now.

i've been evaluating my bloggy irregularity.
i used to post 3 times a week, without fail.
now i'm posting like once a weekish.
me no likey. me no likey at all.

i've been living on pinterest.
man oh man is that place a slippery slope.
i always have the best intentions.
i even try giving myself a time limit. keyword: try.
there's just something about pinterest that just sucks you in.

i've been meaning to reorganize my quilty area.
i gave the boys the little dresser i had that held all my magazines and such.
it kinda looks like an episode of hoarders is just waiting to happen.

i've been trying to plan a new tutorial.
i haven't posted a tutorial in forever.
this bugs me, hince the planning.

i've been needing a glue gun for years. <--yes years.
i don't own one. seriously.
i'm not sure how i make it through the day, let alone years without one.
and of course everything i want to make lately requires a glue gun.
i specifically wanna make these three things: bed skirt, fabric pom poms & hydrangea wreath.

i've been working on secret stuff.
stuff i'm dying to tell yall about, but can't.
this ties rather nicely into the "bloggy irregularity" problem.

i've been trying a new cleaning method for our bathroom.
so far, so good.
what is it with little boys?
they have the ability to aim, yet miss every single time?!?!
this boggles my mind.

i've been planning a trip with the hubby.
a trip to new york city.
have i ever mentioned that hubby & i have never had a getaway?!?!
well we're finally going to do it. next month.
just us. without the kids. in the big apple. and we're totally stoked.

i've been pretty saddened by the fact that picnik is closing.
i've been using it for years.
rest in peace picnik.
i will truly miss you.

i've been formally introduced to scentsy.
oh how i've been missing out.
my bathroom has never smelled better.
now i just need warmers for every room in my house and i'll be good to go.

i've been planning how to finish the girl's room.
we painted it last year, then nothing.
it's not that their room isn't cute, but their walls are bare.
i really need to rectify this. and soon.
this goes back to needing a glue gun AND living on pinterest.

i've been making homemade heating pads for the wives of hubby's coworkers.
at christmas the hubby asked me to make one for some dude's wife, now all the other dudes need them for their wives too.
good thing hubby is taking me on the aforementioned trip.

and lastly . . .
i've been missing yall.
there's something to be said about writing to yall and seeing what yall write back.
i promise i read every single comment and email.
so tell me what yall have been up to lately.

♥ rachel

Pin It!


Renegade Quilter said...

Scentsy is the best. My SIL brought it into my life and I love it - it comes from a smiple little family here in Idaho. Hahahaha

I am home sick today and getting caught up on blog reading.

Totally love the fact that you and hubby are going to NY. Have fun!!!!

Marie said...

Phew! See what happens when you're gone for a long have lots to say;-)
I can tell right now that Pinterest is a dangerous place. There really should be a warning label on the front page or maybe a timer you could set yourself and when it goes off your done for the day. Hey, that's a great idea I think I'll suggest that.
Well now you know what I've been doing...pinning:-D I just, I just love it!
I'm also making myself finish projects. Oh and I bought a serger 2 days ago (my very first) which meant yesterday I had to clean out my little sewing area so I have a place to set it's still in the box.
Have a great time in NYC with the hubby! It's always a combination of exciting and nerve-racking when I leave the kids. I hope you enjoy yourselves and get renewed.
Then you can come home and work some more on that 'secret project' you can't tell us about;-)

Kelly O. said...

lately I've been watching Leverage on Netflix--eating fried french toast--taking our new puppy out to potty like 30 times an hour-- and I've been just the tiniest bit pregnant.
In a nutshell :)

Debbie B Sam said...

Scentsy - been there done that, don't dig it, expensive and the stupid bulbs burn out too regular night light bulbs dont work. Yankee for me only

NYC - YEAH I love the's only about 2 hours away for me.

Tutorials - yes more....and patterns...awesome.

secret squirrel stuff? can't wait. and WAIT - you're supposed to clean the bathroom??

Jen said...

Secret stuff rocks.... once you can share it! Until then, it sucks and it can get kinda depressing..... like being prego and not sharing it..... Hang in there!

Isn't it nice to have something to look forward to?

Something I've been asking all over the web: Bindings - machine sewn? Blind Stitch? Ladder Stitch? What do you use? What do others use? Opinions?

Be well and know that Spring will come.... eventually!

Jen in Sunny Ca.

jlk said...

Have fun in NYC! I love it there. If it's a nice day, be sure to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. You get great views of the city, plus then you feel justified in eating yummy pizza and cheesecake.

kath in ohio said...

It is totally January gray in central Ohio! Very boring! That Julie is living the life in California...sigh...just need a little sunshine! Show us your pillow projects...give us some inspiration.

Cascade Quilts said...

so much to say in one post! what sticks out in my mind is the bathroom cleaning, LOL. I have two boys (and a hubby) and it NEVER gets better I tell ya. My friend taught her boy to potty sitting down! Cleaning the bathroom is my least favorite cleaning to-do. Not that I like cleaning at ALL, LOL.

onlymehere said...

The homemade heating pads are intriguing. How do you make them? Do you use rice and microwave like some do?

rachel griffith said...

to answer a few questions:
i use regular long grain rice to fill my homemade heating pads.
vanessa has a super easy tutorial here:

my binding is both machine & hand sewn. i sew the binding to the front of my quilt with my machine and i finish it up by hand sewing the binding to the back.
julie has great binding tutorials here:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the trip to NY with hubby! Sounds just wonderful.

Secret projects make blogging so hard! As a blogger, it bothers me. As someone who reads blogs, it doesn't - I'll wait :)

Katie said...

Glad to hear you're all ok. I miss you. Must try the heating pad thing soon - maybe a Union Jack one as I have a pillow (or cushion here in the UK!) in mind for a friend for her birthday. Looking forward to seeing your secret projects. More blog stalking *sigh* it's a tough life ;p

ktquilts said...

You are scaring me!
Heating packs...ditto

Thankfully, I have a glue gun, and am not currently planning a tutorial. Although, now that you mention it....


Krysta said...

Seriously. I just potty trained the first of my twin boys and I have NEVER used so many Clorox wipes in my life! He literally peed on a book today. Yeah, don't even ask how that happened. And considering I have 3 boys, I'm thinking I might want to invest in some Clorox stock.

Emma said...

I feel you on the irregular blogging...I haven't blogged in months! So at least you do it a my defense, I'm a month away from a major job change, and I'll be going on a 10 month "business trip" overseas (read: no sewing machine! super busy! extreme temperatures, and no time to sew anything big!) three months from now.

As for NYC, it's a great place to visit. Go to a deli (the more crowded, the better) and eat a Reuben for lunch one day. You have to do it. And the rest of the time, try every different kind of ethnic restaurant you can. Thai is awesome there, Little Italy's Italian food (try to find some tiny hole-in-the-wall place there on a side street, don't just go to the main street...prices will be way different and quality will be higher), Chinatown, Indian food, African name it, it's there, and it'll be awesome. Oh, and sushi. Sushi and Reubens are the two things I miss about living within an hour of NYC.

Do yourselves a favor and hit as many shows as you can. Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Lion King...see as much as you can! You don't need the best seats in the house, just get INTO the house!

Central Park is necessary, but the zoo is kinda's not like on Madagascar, that's for sure! No lions, hippos, etc., but there are seals and penguins and a petting zoo. Times Square is awesome. If you want to see the Statue of Liberty get to the line EARLY. It's really big by lunchtime. Make that the first thing you do.

The museums are pretty awesome too, if you're into that. I think there's one that has a quilt exhibit but I'm not sure on that.

Beyond that, enjoy! Bring clothes for any weather, because you really can't predict it! I'm jealous of your trip! Although I was in Belgium and Luxembourg last weekend, and will be in Norway next month and Spain in we all get our trips somehow!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Welcome back! Sound like you've been very busy thinking and planning and doing secret stuff.

My husband is 6 ft 2 inches tall and used to be a janitor, a combination that caused him to come to the realization that there really is no good reason why a man (or boy) must stand to pee, and then let someone else clean up the mess left behind. So when the time came to potty train our son, he was taught to sit just like daddy, and no mess! TMI, I know, but perhaps helpful for other potty training moms! It also encourages modesty once they start school as they must go into a stall and shut the door.

Anyway, can't wait to see what your secrets are!


Barbara McD said...

Still in the dreaming/planning stage of numerous quilts. Of course, this requires acquiring fabric in order to plan ahead, so I have lots of future projects waiting to be started. Thanks for asking!

Josie McRazie said...

My Honeyman and I had never gotten away either and last year (after 16 years of marriage) we went to Niagara and Mexico!! I just hope we don't have to wait another 16 years to do it again!! Oh, and the boy thing... we had cream coloured carpen in our bathroom when we first moved in... I tore that stuff out so fast! #1 who puts carpent in the bathroom #2 who chooses cream! Really!! LOL P.S. walmart sells melty stuff that is a fraction fo f the cost of scency and smells good, too! But my friend sells scency and keeps me pretty well stocked!

Andrea said...

I love reading your blog and can't wait to see what you have been working on. We all get in a funk sometimes or busy sometimes. No worries. Lately I've been cuddling my new baby boy mostly. Which means lots of time on Pinterest for me too and blogs while I'm nursing. It has been fun to have so much time to browse but it definitely has given me a bug to get back to sewing and creating. Hopefully soon. :)

micmac said...

I, too, live in Ohio. I feel your cloud-covered, rainy pain. Only Ohioans don't worry about their kids wearing out shoes.....we have to replace them due to the smell since they are waterlogged all of the time! I create my sunshine with bright fabrics. Yellows are looking mighty pretty these days.=} I, too, have boys....but they aren't so little anymore and I wouldn't mind having the messy bathrooms again(I still have clorox cleanups under every sink).
I am a bit insane about my gardening. But don't you know, I won an award the year I didn't go crazy planting.???lol...isn't that life?
I quilt like I read. I am usually working on 3 to 4 books at a time. One nonfiction, history, another a novel or mystery, a third a classic or award winner and whatever else has caught my attention. Of course, I am usually pouring over a quilt book or two as well. So imagine my quilt mess! I have a Civil War sampler going, a modern plates type of quilt in the cutting stages, a pile of bright fabrics I spread out and play with before I consider cutting, and another quilt that is partly sewn together but I am frustrated with how it is turning out so I have let it sit for a few days. I will go back to it, eventually.(I have a rule about finishing what I start!)
So get your quilts ready for their pictures.....the sun will come out and we are anxious to see them!

Samantha said...

I have been making nothing but aprons around here between my mom's birthday and a week ago I have made eight aprons! If you don't have a go to apron pattern I liked the amy butler domestic goddess pattern but if you are looking for a quick sew. This one is awesome too: Good luck getting things done. I envy your quilting I finally pulled out the blocks I started a year and a half ago. I am making a disappearing nine patch, it still makes me nervous!

Catherine said...

I would like to say we should boycott pinterest (so we could see/hear you more) but really, what is the fun in that? And where would I get daily inspiration -- oh that's right, from you!!! Seriously, I've been finding myself at a bloggy crossroads too -- no good pictures, lots of super secret stuff I can't talk about yet, and thus a dilemma about what to say (I know, it's pretty lame as far as dilemmas go, it's not world hunger or anything serious). So, I'll just send you best wishes and pixie dust to make the day a little brighter, maybe it will be bring you some smiles.

goecker said...

Sounds like you have WAY too many items to get done - my suggestion, pick 3 each week, check them off when done and add a replacement for the one thing finished, then add one...until you see progress. Good luck Rachel!

Wacky Woman said...

Can't wait to see what you have been up to. I too have become addicted to Pinterest. Dare I tell you about Stumbleupon? No, I won't tell you. Sigh..........

suemac said...

I know what you mean about PinInterest. You can really get carried away. I do get some great ideas for quilts though. You should try Junior's Cheesecakes in Brooklyn. Yummy.

Jane said...

I used to think that about little boys. Now they're big boys and still no better!

QuiltNut Creations said...

Scentsy addict here! looooooooove Scentsy!

NYC rocks. you are going to love it! make sure you take super comfy shoes; I actually wore a pair out hubby and I walked so much when we went.

ylrbmk said...

Since Christmas break, I have a Scentsy in my classroom of middle school students. As you can imagine, it's made all the difference.
I know exactly what you mean about the Desperate Housewives yards. I would love to have mine look like Bree's....if I had the money. I don't even like to imagine what my water bill would be to keep such a garden.

Thimbleanna said...

You've been a busy busy girl! Sounds like you've been having some fun too. And a trip to NYC to look forward too -- how exciting. I know you'll have a wonderful time!

supersara20 said...

I'm with you on the pinterest addiction lately. I have a glue gun though. What I need for my Mr. is a board, sander and nails, don't have any of them. I've fallen in love with the Texas string art thingy and am determined I WILL make it for him for Valentines day!

mascanlon said...

Well this is just the kind of post that makes my day Rachel, full of real life and all the random bits of flotsam and jetsam that get in the way! I have been trying to finish up the 3 goals I had for January, bind a quilt (half way there T least the machine work is done), piece a top...that's done...but it does need a backing too I guess...and work on my long set aside postage stamp quilt....making real progress on it, all the strip sets cut and about 20 blocks sewn together! Loving it too, wonder why I let it sit so long. Actually that I know, cutting the strip sets just seem like a big project of course once I started it wasn't. Like a lot of things in life......

Susan said...

I really enjoyed reading your post this morning. Makes me realise that I too am not the only one that has lots of projects on the go. :)

I need to do the roots of my hair, but my darling teenage (17) daughter has used my colour brush to do her hair with blue and it won't wash out. I need a new brush or I will have a blue stripe down the centre of my head. ;)

One of my many projects at the moment is a hexagon quilt, using cardboard inserts and hand sewing them together. It has been very relaxing and doesn't make me feel guilty sitting doing nothing other than re-watching Doctor Who eps while been unwell over the past couple of weeks. A good friend sent me some material and it talked to me. I'm sure many other quilting people have their material talk to them.

Enjoy your trip to NYC. I can't remember the last time me and my hubby went away on a trip by ourselves. I believe it was the month before our eldest was born. About time that changed me thinks :)

Claire said...

I have 3 words for pong balls. put one in the toilet and tell your boys to hit the ball when the go. guarantee there will be no more missing (and i bet your hubby will get a kick out of it too). good luck with their aiming - it does get better in time...

Molly said...

wow, I have never had such a strong urge to send someone a glue gun in the mail- seriously, treat yourself- they are cheap and they last forever- you deserve it.

Janet said...

This will get you laughing---when I got to the part about Pinterest, and saw the word 'try"---I automatically thought that was the keyword you typed in the Pinterest search box, and wondered what I'd see!!!!

From one Pinterest addict to another, Janet

Karen said...

That is one VERY organized synopsis, and such a picture of life for you right now... can't wait to see your secrets!

Carrie said...

I just found your site today and I am in love!
I was looking through your tutorials and saw that one quilt won at a quilt show in Wellington Ohio - I am super close to Wellington and will have to check that show out this year.
I have made two quilts, and it has been a couple years but I am getting back into it. Your site inspires me. Plus, since you seem about my age and now I don't feel so bad being 34 and loving quilting/sewing.
Watch pinterest, I agree with the other commenter about setting a timer. Between that and sewing blogs I spend a lot of time on the computer "Dreaming".

Amorette said...

there's a couple slippery slopes in there! pinterest is a time suck, for certain, but there are lots of good ideas out there- is there a filter for things what need glue guns?
also, making gifts for your husband to give out- i fell on this slope at christmas. hooray for a trip indeed.
i have been trying to make some time for myself, needing to get a waterproof jacket for myself and my toddler (we live in portland for goodness' sakes!) and wanting to get away with my husband too. somehow there are both too many and too little hours in the day!

Kristi said...

Thank you for the link to the bedskirt tutorial. That is genius. I'll use it to make a bedskirt to match the quilt I'm making following your pinwheel sampler quilt along.

elfqueenof5 said...

One word for New York.


Don't miss it.



April Mae said...

I was laying in bed and looking through emails unable to sleep as usual and this post really spoke to me.

I want to let you know that you aren't the only woman out there with many of these things going on. It actually surprised me how much I shook my head in agreeance with a lot of what you had to say.

For starters you need to find time to get your hair and what not done. It makes all the difference in the world to have that two hours of relaxing time.

As for the house and nothing quiet being right. I am in the process of moving to a new place. Well have been since the middle of November. It kicks you in the rear. And I feel like nothing is ever going to be the way I want it. And I ALWAYS see all these neat projects that I would love to have the time for but don't because not only am I working 35 hours, but also moving into a new place, and playing college student that actually cares about her grades. And on top of all that trying to play good house wife. Yeah that's a joke and a half isn't it? lol

I miss reading your posts. I feel like you are one of the ladies that I can relate to on almost every level.

I too was saddened to no end when I got "that" email from Picnik. I think a little part of me died inside. And I'm not too sure what I think about the google+ stuff...

If you love scentsy I would like to recommend checking out celebrating home formally known as home and garden. They have some Awesome warmers. And the price is for sure right. Also the warmers are usually a little taller than the Scentsy ones are. I think the burn better. I have one particular warmer from Scentsy that always scorches the wax. Never fails. I'm talking turns the green wax pink. I understand that it is caused by the wax getting too hot because the bulb is too close to the tray.

I give you sympathy for being nominated to make everyone the heating pads. I understand the frustration and pride that come along with that sort of situation. Blasted double edged swords!

I hope that your big city get away can help you get out of your funk!
It sounds like it's an overdue break from reality.

And thank you for reading my long spheal. It's always nice to get everything off your chest and know that someone else out there feels what you are going through.

p.s. It doesn't matter how old they are... They never figure out the aiming thing.

Unknown said...

Yes a trip would be nice. Glad you get to take one. Everyone needs a get away.
Oh Pinterst my daughter got me on it and OMG!!! I've been making a different meal every night from it. I've found very good dishes on there to make. Some healthy, some not so much.
I do miss when you don't blog. I don't leave messages normally. Just like to read whats up with you and yours.

Sandy said...

Yes, you have to love the gloominess of today in Ohio! I need me some sunshine. I just got on Pinterest this week. Had heard the noise about it and now I understand...oh my the addiction has hit. Have fun in NY...I have been, a long time ago. My goal is to go back at Christmas time some year...

Evelene S said...

For the boys a suggestion I read somewhere before blogs. Keep cheerios in a container and have them throw a few into the toilet and aim. Only had a girl so not sure it will help.

InGa said...

I just found your blogg today, for the first time. Enjoyed your text of the day, :-). Can see in front of me the struggels you are fighting.
By the way, I will try to sew your Friendship bag.
Regards from Sweden

WoollyButterfly said...

Hey, don't beat yourself up.
Family first.
And cool secret stuff ;)
<3 your blog any-old-how-often it shows up.
S xxx

Unknown said...

I've missed you so much! But it's so cool to hear about what's been going on with you, even though there are some (project) secrets, at least for now, that must be kept. I love your photos, your quilts, your "voice" (as they say in the literary world), and learning about your life. Yours is the first quilting site I check when I'm online - always. Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

What fun - cant wait to hear what you have been up to. I, too, am cuddling my new baby boy, trying to finish the details in his nursery, getting back to work :(, sewing some bindings on some quilts I finished around the time he was born in November. Making curtains for my daughter's room, staring at the pile of yummy fabrics I have accumulated for projects that I need to find the time to start, lots of tiime on Pinterest and trying desparately to blog regularly. I have lots to say, just no time to say it. Took on becoming head of the wedding ministry at my church, on culinary ministry as well and then trying to fit in a possible teaching subject change and nurture my two children and husband and prepare meals for them everyday. Whew!! - I feel you! Have a blessed rest of the week!

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