do yall pinterest?!?!
yayyy or nayyy?!?!
this curious cat wants to know.
if yayyy...
yall can follow my pins HERE.
if nayyy...
please start because i don't wanna be the only peep
if you're clueless...
pinterest is a webby place where you can catalog all the things you love.
you do this by pinning a recipe, tutorial, deco or travel pic.
it sounds a little confusing, but it's quite simple. and addicting.
{check out a pinterest video tutorial here.}
fyi: i said nayyy to the pinterest bandwagon for a while.
but then i kept getting alerts that peeps were pinning ps i quilt & rachel griffith pics left & right.
so i drank the kool aid.
wanna drink the kool aid with me?!?!
♥ rachel
I am addicted as addicted can be......spend way too many hours on there...have too many pins and boards.....but...I did complete one huge project for us and will show pics after this weekend....that was fun!
Total Addict!
I JUST discovered it this week! So I'm finding my way, but it looks totally fun....
Looks like fun! Can you invite me???
I am thirsty!
Yes, and I love it.
yes...been pinning for awhile now and loving it!
come visit my pins.... you know you want to!
oh pinterest. it is how i waste all of my time!
I've resisted so far. I might fall off the wagon soon. Do I need an invitation?
I am mildly addicted just because I'm afraid I'll get caught pinning at work - lol. It is greatness!
I'm a yayy!!! I lose so much time pinning that it is embarrassing!
I'll be following you into the Pinterest Abyss
Been pinning for a while now and LOVE it. Totally addicted. You can find me over there too at: http://pinterest.com/ellisonlane/
I think Pinterest is the greatest thing! Finally I don't have to e-mail myself links to web pages that I want to remember! And now I can always find those recipes I want to try. I just love it!!
I love pinterest! I started following your boards :)
Pinterest is great. I do it to save projects I want to do. and then if my laptop wants to go kapoot ..again. i wont lose all my favs! will follow ya :)
Love pinterest! http://pinterest.com/sam00b
Yeppers ... totally addicted here too.
I sure do pin! Will look for you.
Addicted - and although most of it I will never use, I do like it for a recepie index and do reference it for that. (and someday, when I have a giant box full of money, I will reference it for the dream house pics!!) Lol!
Count me among the addicted. Somehow when I see the pictures, it makes me feel like I really might get to doing the things I admire (and pin).
Thanks, but nayyy!
I can't help it...I love it!!! Some days it evens beats blogging and I didn't think that was possible!!!
haha - this cracked me up :) and yes - i, too, am totally addicted! :)
I love it as a cataloging tool - when I see a pic of a quilt I want to make, I pin it - no more searching through named files to find the right one!
I'm hooked. I too resisted for as long as I could. Now I am loving it! http://pinterest.com/ellynz/
I love pinterest. My daughter pinned some bacon roses she made for her husband for their anniversary. All because of pinterest. It was epic. :)
That pininterest looks interesting. Maybe when I am back from vacation.
I am totally drinking the Kool Aid...mustache and all ;-) There is so much eye candy...how could anyone resist?! Smiles~Beth
I'm totally addicted to seeing what other's have pinned, but I haven't set up a page for my own pins. It is so much fun!!!
I don't even have to answer that question LOL. See ya on the boards!
This is so funny! I totally agree with everything that little quote says, but I am totally addicted and have been for months! I think I'm following you, but I'll double-check.
I'm here http://pinterest.com/victoriad/
Nay! Its a brilliant site but I need another social networking stle like a whole in the wall. I have my blog for my own amusement and possibably for other's amusement too! Facebook for Family, friends, and old classmates. Twitter for all the quilty folks. Flickr for photos, and YouTube for videos So I have to just pass, thanks for the fyi though!
I do have a question though for ya Rachel. I get the Google alerts but they do not tell me who is using my post, name, ect., how do I find out who us using them? Because all I get is what has been used and not who is using them.
Jennifer O.
I'm totally addicted as well. Isn't it the best? I'll follow you!
Yup... I'm a PINNER. I haven't followed other Pinners, and I don't believe anybody follows mine.
I use it as a tool for organizing ideas I have.
I say "nay" I have signed up for it twice through facebook. Twice now I can't log in so I said forget it. If I could get into my first account I might still like it. Oh well.
Ok - I've been avoiding it, not knowing what the heck it is, but now, thanks to you, I HAVE to go check it out....sigh.
Thanks for the link to the tute, I tried pinterest before but couldn't figure out how to set up an account. There is just no accounting for the duh-ness of age! LOL!
Love it! Haven't had the time to explore like I would like yet, but love the way things can be shared and organized! Off to find you!
Oh my... I am sooooo addicted. I will follow your pins want to follow mine?
Yep...I'm one!!!
I LOVE to see everyone's pins...I am a totally addicted!
I am like you in that I am holding back but I might be getting ready to drink the kool-aid. I really don't need one more wonderful website to take up more time. But it seems like a really cool site and like it could be lots of fun. I loved the video, she really made me want to check it out even more. thank you and shame on you for adding this post, LOL!!!
I never heard of it but now that you showed it to me I want in. (I asked for an invite!) Thanks.
I looooooove Pinterest :)
Oh, I am very over the top, check it out.
I signed up a long time ago, but haven't started pinning yet. Gonna have to try it soon, though. I'm following you now -- can't wait to see all the cool stuff you've found.
Well...I really need this like I need a hole in the head, but I signed up for the waiting list. I'm sure as soon as they do my background check, make sure I'm the right blood type, and see I'm legit, I'll be accepted and sucked into the world of pinning. LOL!!! This does look pretty sweet! I hope I don't have to wait long!
I do and I love it!
My name is Wendy and I'm a pinner... I just can't stop! I've not used my 3 invitations if anyone wants one?
I have seen pinterest for about a month now. I just requested an invite. All the inspiration is heavenly.
I caved...but I just "started" tonight so I can't say I am addicted (yet...LOL)
yayyy....:) am following you :)
My name is Amanda, and I'm addicted to pinterest... ;-)
How long does it take to get an invite? I requested one on Friday. Can you invite me?
Neat! I'm on the invite waiting list!
Yes I'm addicted! I started following your pins yesterday but I've been on there for several months. Love it for bookmarking sites I want to re-visit or recipes to try.
It is totally addicting!!
Can u invite me? I would love to try it out
I hear you loud and clear on this one. :)
Prayers for you and yours.
Pinterest should come with a warning label...I am so addicted that it is hard to find enough time to follow the blogs I am also addicted to...
I found out about Pinterest yesterday. I requested an invite because I DEFINITELY drank the Kool-Aid. Today I did a search to find out how long it will take to get my invite and I find out it could take a couple of weeks. I am oh so sad about this and wondering if you might be willing to pass the Kool-Aid a little faster with an invite.
By the way, because I didn't want to just use you for your invite, I also looked at your pins and they are all so yummy looking! I'm a knitter, but my sister is a quilter and I will be passing along your pin page to her (she is also waiting for an invite - we're so pitiful).
I'm beyond jealous of you guys "pinning" - i've been on the site looking around. I feel as though I am a Brooklyn girl looking to fit into Manhattan! Talk about window shopping!
Does anyone know how long it takes to receive an invite from the site? I am on the waiting list but c'mon this is worse than wanting your long-time boyfriend to finally propose. I'm dying here!
Yup. I drank the kool-aid a while ago. Even wrote a little code to embed a pinterest button in blogger itself and posted about it. Now all the traffic I get from Google come from keywords related to pinterest buttons lol.
I'm with you Mallory! I love looking at all the pins, but have been waiting over two weeks after requesting an invite. I would love it if someone could help me out and send me an invite so I can join in on all the fun!
I'm with you Mallory! I love looking at all the pins on there and would love to join in on the fun. I've been waiting for over two weeks since I requested and invite and would love it if someone would send me an invite!
I love pinterest! Forget facebook and twitter...well, not really, but pinterest is my favorite.
I followed all of your pinboards.
How funny! I'd already repinned quilts of yours not knowing they were yours! I'm www.pinterest.com/lauralochore
can some one please send me an invite??? ive been waiting forever!!!!!!!!!! my emails anna8some.pie@gmail.com
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