welcome to the quilty fun sew along & blog tour. :)

it's brought to us by the lovely lori holt.
and guys, it's SO dang cute.

(see the full line up HERE.)
today, we're going to talk about courthouse steps.
l o v e.
here are the fabrics that i pulled.
l o v e again.
in honor of lori, i had to embrace my fun, scrappy fabrics.

say yes!
download the courthouse companion pdf here, then turn to page 90 because we're about to make courthouse steps blocks.
they are so quick & easy to make.
like less than half an hour, people.
no kidding.

adorable, right?!?!
me thinks yes!
and they just so happen to match my kitchen.
note: our kitchen is about to get a fresh coat of yummy natural almond behr paint. sigh.
although these are slated to go into my own quilty fun quilt, i really want to make another set just like this.
well, because i want an adorable mug rug!
wouldn't that be SUPER cute?!?!

once y'all have the blocks sewn, post photos to the quilty fun sew along & blog tour flickr group for a chance to win one of THREE omnigrid marking ruler trios.
to see lori demonstrate these rulers, check out this video!
winners will be announced next monday on the jolly jabber.
also, i think i have a mad crush on lori holt. and her house. for real.
two words: aqua piano. ;)
xo, rachel