i love to play with color.
true story.

ions ago, i hacked my
kona color card to bits.

just so i could properly play with all these colors.

it was the best decision i've ever made.

i suggest y'all do the same.

just don't blame me when you start buying solids by the bolt, okay?
xo, rachel
One of my favorite places? Standing in front of the paint display at Lowes, Home Depot or Sherwin Williams!! One of my favorite memories? The first quilt store I ever went into and seeing a wall of color!! PURE HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!
Interesting - I may just do the same!!!
What a great idea! I have an old color card that I might just have to cut up. I'm always wishing the card would bend so I could put certain colors next to each other!
I saw someone do this, but attach bits of velcro to the back and line them up on a board. That way, you can still play with them, but they don't get lost as easily. Someday, I will do that, but until then, the card remains intact!
These pictures are heavenly! I just got a new updated color card so I can see myself chopping up the old one soon!
At first I thought they were paint chips and when I realized what they were I was horrified!!! My colour card is all beat up and should be cut up, but I don't think I could.
I think I would put a hole in them and put each color family on a ring. I have a moda and a kona swatch book that would probably serve me better cut up.
I've asked for a Kona color card and a canvas for my birthday so I can do like Jenny did:
ooh fun!
I want a Kona color card so bad. I love what you did with it!
Great idea! Much easier to match to prints that way, too.
So glad I am not the only one, I was feeling a tad guilty over here as I ripped the fabric off the backing card and stuck velcro to them all. You really do need to be able to move them around, right!!!???
I had to laugh, I do not have a kona card, but I am getting ready to buy my first bolt of solids by the bolt!
Not only that, but very cool measuring cups!
I don't have a Kona color card yet but I will definitely cut mine up. Great idea and I love those measuring cups.
Looks like a recipe for happiness to me!
I just ordered a Kona swatch book with this exact idea in mind!
Have you had any issues with the fabric fraying or coming loose since its been chopped? That's my big worry, second to my 4 yr old running off with them.
Oooh, that's a bold move Rachel! I don't think I'm brave enough to cut up my color cards. I am brave enough to buy bolts though LOL!
As many times as I've wished I could move the colors closer to get a better idea of how they'd interact, I've never once thought of just cutting it up. What a wonderful idea.
This is a great idea, I may now purchase the color card. Thanks for passing this one on Rachel.
Such a good idea!! It's so hard trying to match that little glued on swatch with other fabrics and dragging it around ugh.
It would be cool to put them on a ring to keep them all together.
Yummie! To bad you can't eat it (or drink it in this case) :)
Chopping mine up was one of the best things I have done. I stuck velcro on the back to keep track of mine. It was a little scary to start hacking it up, but I just loving moving all the pretty chips around.
ooooh, tempting!
So appreciate for teaching me a lot! charmingdate.com review
Cutting up the Kona color card is a really great idea- I've been frustrated by not being able to 'try out' colors next to each other- I'm doing this, this evening!
Great idea! Thanks :)
Oh man, your colors are so organized. And so trimmed and clean, I'm so jealous!
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