darn kids at school sharing their flu germs with my kids.
today is the first day of spring break for the griffith kiddos.
i was hoping for some fun and games, but for now, we'll be taking it easy.
so, what's new with y'all?
tell me about your easter plans.
or what project you're currently working on.
xo, rachel
So sorry to hear your kids have been poorly... Hope they get over it quickly so you can enjoy the rest of the holidays.
hope they mend quickly and you enjoy your break
Hope they feel better soon and get to enjoy at least part of their break.
It's everywhere. What is with 2:00 a.m.? It hit us then too. I just finished a wee dress for my grand girl and some reversible pants. Too much fun ; )
I'm getting over being sick myself. I actually get a spring break myself this year as I'm on vacation.
I plan on painting most of my apartment and finish a couple quilts I've been ignoring
Sorry about your kiddos but it is making its round to everyone! But Spring is on its way in! Yeah!! I am trying to get out of the funk!! I was trying to enter a quilt in a large show I have never entered before. However my longarmer was running behind and I didnt get it back in time to get the binding finshed. Its a grandmothers flower garden and the edges are not straight! It is a time consuming binding! Since the show I just havent been able to pick it up. My sewing room as also taken a hit I am afraid to open the door! LOL I think there is a gremlin playing in there at night! LOL So this weekend I am going to attempt to clean the room and try to start back on the binding on the quilt from ....
sorry to hear - I got the flu early January, turned to bronchitis. Got meds, but didn't get better for weeks..... got another flu almost immediately after, this time turned to pneumonia and another round of stronger antibiotics + prednisone. NOT fun. Will be so glad when flu season is OVER! Take care of those kiddos, but don't forget about yourself!
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