(comments closed.)

that means that today is MY day for the fat quarter gang.
i'm gonna show y'all how to make scruffily pillow covers.
they are SUPER simplistic and perfect for sprucing up your living room.
the tutorial is over on the art gallery fabrics blog.
so go check it out and tell me what y'all think.
(direct link here.)

a set of fat quarters (that matches the set i used for my project) is up for grabs.
so one of y'all lucky readers will win all 8 of the fat quarters pictured above.
to get in on the giveaway . . .
my rules: leave a comment telling me which color you like more: red or green.
art gallery's rules: subscribe to the art gallery fabrics blog AND follow art gallery fabrics on pinterest and facebook.
(winner will be drawn thurssday.)
hope y'all enjoy.
I'm a green girl myself. Love the calmness of it!
But then again that red and aqua pillow is yummy!
And I subscribe and follow all things Art Gallery!
I'm a green girl myself. Love the calmness of it!
But then again that red and aqua pillow is yummy!
And I subscribe and follow all things Art Gallery!
I would pick red over green. I follow AG's rules.
I should prefer green (check the last name), but I probably lean toward red just a bit. Love you tutorial - they would be great for a quick switch! I follow AGF in every way, I think. Thanks for the chance to win!
I prefer red, but my youngest insists green is the best color so I've found myself using more and more green, and have taken a liking to it :)
I follow art gallery's blog, pinterest, and like them on facebook. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I prefer green myself.
Following art gallery :)
Hello Rachel!
Girl I love RED RED RED!!! I have red hair! RED is full of life!!
My kitchen is green, the organization containers of my sewing room are green. Guess I'm a green girl!
Hey, Rachel! Cute pillows!
Green girl all the way.
rule follower too. ;)
I have always favored Red....and new follower of AGF! thanks :)
Not sure where I was supposed to post my choice, so I guess it is here and on Art Gallery's blog. At least now they know I'm a follower...8-) I think I love those greens! I've been an orange girl for a zillion years, but the newer greens have sucked me in!
green!! thanks for give away!
Rachel, I forgot to list I did sign up just now for the blog and I also pinterested also! So I am legal for the contest! Sure hope I win! Thanks for the tutorial!
Happy Sewing Holidays!
Oh, for sure the green. Absolutely.
Green for sure, especially with blue.
I love red! I follow Art Gallery.
RED is my favorite color, it's such a powerful color to me. Green however dominates my fabric stash.
I am a subscriber and follower of AGF!
Red, Red, Red always have, always will.
Love your pillow covers! Thanks for sharing! I love Art Gallery Fabrics and recently purchased some to make a quilt for my youngest!
Following AGF on facebook already but added the blog and pinterest!
Between red and green I would have to say RED!
Love your pillow covers! Thanks for sharing! I love Art Gallery Fabrics and recently purchased some to make a quilt for my youngest!
Following AGF on facebook already but added the blog and pinterest!
Between red and green I would have to say RED!
Green! Its my second favorite color!
Green! My 2nd favorite color :)
Love, love red. Green is good too. I now follow Art Gallery fabrics blog as well as Facebook and Pinterest. Love your pillows!
I'm picking red, but the green is very tempting! Love it with the gray, but red goes better in my house. I'm now a follower of AGF blog, on FB and Pinterest.
I like green more! :)
I subscribe to everything Art Gallery!
my first pick is green I think. It's hard to choose a favourite :) And, I subscribe to their blog and I follow them on facebook :)
Definitely red - love red nail varnish.
I love red, it reminds me of xmas I love xmas
Tough choice - I really like green but I've been gravitating towards red lately. I've noticed most of my sons clothes are red!
I have more greens in my stash but I do like the color red!
I love green, I follow the Art Gallery blog, Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love green, I follow the Art Gallery blog, Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway.
green for me always - dark, light, bright or dull
I did all such things, however I don't have a facebook account! My favorite color is green but I love red right now. But my all time fav is green!
I never knew this about myself but I have been reorganizing fabric and I have alot more red fabric than I do green. I was very surprised!
I love the color green. It is such a calming color.
I "like" all things Art Gallery!
I love green.
I subscribe and follow art gallery.
I love red, !thanks for a great giveaway
I subscribe to the Art Gallery Fabrics blog, thanks!
Red, red, always red!
Please enter me in the giveaway!
Love your blog!!!!
Jacqueline Van Horn
Usually I'm a green color person... but for the holidays the deep red this year has been my favorite!
Your cushions are lovely. My favourite colour is red! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Red, red, red always red, thanks for the chance to win.
I am liking the red... green is nice but the red is fab.
I like red best, but I'm learning to like green more nowadays. I follow all AGF's rules too.
Green all the way, baby!!! I'm following the rules :) amateurquilter at gmail.
Green for sure! I follow AGF via e-mail! Thank you for the great giveaway. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
I love all green but especially like a real rich red, too.
I already "liked" Art gallery on FB, but I subscribed and now follow on Pinterest.
Thanks for the chnace to win, all!!
have to go with Red- though I do like green. Red is my favorite!
Me? Imma red kinda girl. Having said that our house is mostly greens....huh hmmm?
I just bought a RED wintercoat so you can guess my favorite of the two is RED! :-)
Green, but those reds are delicious!
chancyf (at) gmail (d0t) com
Green, Im a gardener - in my spare time ; ) I also follow Art Gallery via Facebook too!
I love greens, any shade of it! I am a subscriber, following on Pinterest & liked you on FB. This bundle looks so good together! I would love to have them!
Definitely green, but I'm trying to do red more!
And I'm a good girl following everyone :)
I like green but will go for the red every single time.
I comply with AG rules.
Oh, what great fabrics, but I'm a red girl at heart!
Green. Please!
Green! Love me some green!
Easy question for me to answer: green, all shades of green. Thank you for a chance to win.
Although I like both, I am feeling red today! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the green!
Green is my favorite by far!
Hmmm...I guess I love red just a tad bit more. Your pillows are so cute. My sister's first quilt ever was the scruffily one, and she used Christmas fabrics. I'll have to make sure she sees this!
Hi!!! I love green!!! Aqua and red are really pretty together!!! I did all the following!!! Thanks for the fun!!!
It depends on the day you ask me! I love red because it is a darker shade of pink (my favorite color) and I also love green because it looks wonderful with pink....Well, if you had said pink or green, I wouldn't have had this problem! :P
Right now, I am loving red because it is the color of the paper hubby wrapped my present in. :)
Sandy A
Green's my favorite color. I'm an Art Gallery blog & Facebook follower. Thanks for the tutorial.
Red certainly has its place, but if I had to choose one or the other, I'd have to say green.
I follow AGF on Pinterest (mcglen8) and Facebook (Margaret Glendening) and subscribe to the AGF blog.
Cute pillows! The red and aqua one is my favorite.
Thanks for the chance to win. I follow AGF.
I love green!
I love both, but I usually pick red over green. More energy.
red. no green. wait, red for sure. i think.
What a good question: I'd have to go spring greens. Reds are so very hard to match.
I love the red!!!!!
I like red better
Cute pillow! I love Oval Elements and all the fabrics you used.
I like the pillows. I think I would choose red!
i like green much more! i subs the agf blog and follow on fb, but i do not pin anything.
Green is definetly my fav :-) Thanks and Happy Holidays!
I like Green better
I definitely prefer green - and I follow the Art Gallery blog and on FB and Pinterest.
Definitely red! :)
I think I like red better but it depends. I follow AG's rules. Thanks!!
Misty.Ann.Fletcher at gmail dot com
These pillows are fabulous! I adore scruffiness. I am definitely more of a green girl than a red lady. Thanks for the tute!
Red if my favorite color! I am following AG's blog and on pintrest, flickr and fb. Thanks!
Delicious - great tutorial, I like the idea of quick pillow covers. I prefer the red colourway and I do follow/subscribe to all the AGF stuff - thanks
Hmm, I prefer green, but only as long as it is the right sort of shade, like leafy and limes, that sort of thing!
I think I'm a red person.....it seems my house is decorated in many of those hues from brick berry to a butterscotch!
Well...my kitchen is red, but my living room is green....my fave sweater is red, but my stash has a whole lot more greens (because I have a hard time finding reds that I really really like). So red, no, green, no...red because I need to build up my red stash!!
I am a red lover :D
I am following AG's blog and on pinterest, flickr and FB
I love the green fabrics! So beautiful!
I already subscribe to the AGF blog, follow AGF on pinterest, and liked on FB.
I love the color green more. Thanks!
I'm wanting to spice up my color choices this coming year so give me RED!!! Love the Give-Away.
Thank you
Gmama Jane
Red for excitement
Green if I'm feeling calm
Makes me feel bipolar. If I have to choose one, red.
I definitely like green better! I already follow Art Gallery. (but blue is my favorite color!)
I followed EVERYTHING. Love the green!
Red and green are both favorites, but lately I find myself choosing red--a red sofa, a red teakettle and some other small appliances in the kitchen, red jeans, red patent clogs, a big red sweater .,,
Definitely green. I'm not a huge red fan at all. Thanks!
I heart Green! Thanks for the chance :)
I'd have to say...green !
I would have to go for red. Thanks for the chance.
PS, I follow the blog through Google Reader and on Facebook
green for the win!
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