an update.

15 June 2012

an update.

first: ps i quilt had a little work done yesterday.
i thought it was time for a little refresher, so to speak.
{if you're reading via google reader, please click through to see.}
it makes me feel refreshed just looking at it, so i hope y'all will enjoy it the way i do.

second: remember how i said i had a root canal yesterday?!?!
well a few hours after i blogged, i had a phone call.
long story short, next thursday is my root canal.
yesterday was my consult with the oral surgeon for my wisdom teeth.

speaking of that . . .
so i'm at the oral surgeon's office, with hubby, and i'm already nervous.
like ridiculously nervous.
i've given birth 4 times, so i think i'm a trooper when it comes to these things.
well that was until they showed me the nightmare on tooth street video.
okay so it's not really called that, but it certainly didn't help my anxiety about the surgery.

i had watery eyes talking to the surgeon, but i felt okay.
then i went up to make the appointment for the surgery.
i cried. like a baby. to the receptionist.

surgery is the 29th at 9am.

so here's to taking advantage of nervous energy for the next 2 weeks.
my to do list sure could use it.


Pin It!


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It'll be okay...

Melissa said...

Wisdom teeth aren't too bad, I'm a total wimp (fainted once when someone was TALKING about gall bladder surgery) and I survived - you can do it! My best advice: be careful of the pain medications - I was taking the recommended dose but since I'm smaller, I was actually overdosing. I went outside into the sun, my pupils got really tiny, then I went back inside and was blind as a bat because my pupils wouldn't dilate!

Sara Hall said...

Wisdom teeth aren't too bad! I had mine out the summer before I left for college and the biggest thing is to remember to take the pain meds!! I was super meticulous when taking mine so I don't remember any pain at all...but I do remember falling asleep watching Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals waiting for my boyfriend (now husband) to come see me when he got off work.
Anywho, you will do fine :-) and take the time to be pampered while you are recovering! Good luck!

Michele said...

Piece of cake! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how easy it all goes.

Cristina said...

The anticipation is the worst part. I don't remember much from when I had mine out because the pain meds were so good. I was pretty out of it for a couple of days and about the only thing I remember is consuming a lot of smoothies. You'll do fine :)

Unknown said...

Rachel, I had four wisdom teeth removed - the operation was actually the easiest part - and just a dull throbbing ache after the meds wore off. You will do fine. Just take your meds after the extractions and you'll be fine!

Ashleigh said...

Aww, wisdom teeth aren't too bad. Just take your meds and go to bed. Oh and not sure if they warned you -- you'll be a bit loopy with the drugs they give you there after. I don't recommend trying to sew until the fuzzy haze has lifted! :)

Tiffany said...

I love your blog makeover. :)

robin said...

been there done that. it WILL BE OKAY. s good opportunity for some downtime...snap a pic of hubby doing those dishes!

Finnie said...

Aww it will be okay- You will be loopy for a while- hide your camera and video cam from hubs and the kids-dont ask me how I know- and I am lovin the fresh new look to your blog!!!
Hugs Finnie

Library Gal Quilts said...

I saw the most hysterical youtube video of a teenage girl after the "drugs" they gave her. She thought she was a wizard and went to school at hogwarts. You should look for it. It was so much fun and may take some of the stress away. Take care!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

The new header and blog look is lovely!

Samantha said...

Love your new header!

My dentist told me yesterday that after my cleaning and filling I need to stop procrastinating and make the appt with the oral surgeon to get my two wisdom teeth out. I am SO not looking forward to this. I guess since I'm 44 and they have been there for a long time and I've been putting it off for over 20 years it might finally be time to get it done. :(

I'm sure we will both live through it huh? :D

Paula said...

I hate anything to do with teeth...dentists...etc! But have been through all that and lived to tell. Not lots of fun but maybe some sweet fabric/quilty dreams will help!

Anonymous said...

I had my wisdom teeth out too and it wasn't that bad :) I had to take some pain meds for a couple of days afterward, but I was fine after that. Good luck!

Kiza said...

Getting your wisdom teeth out can be really super scary, but it'll be fine. Really. I got mine in really young so the roots were super long, and have severe dental anxiety from an event that doesn't deserve to be mentioned again, so they ended up giving me a Valium about an hour before I went in. Thought I was fine until *just* before the surgery, when I was suddenly really, really, REALLY fascinated by the arm of the chair. ;) Stock up on food like jello and applesauce, make sure to take your pain meds and it'll be all over before you know it. <3

Diane aka cameldiva said...

Lovely blog makeover.

I had two wisdom teeth taken out last year, at the age of 42. I was not looking forward to it since I lived with them for so many years. Something about losing your wisdom and all too.

The surgery itself went swimmingly well. I remembered thinking I don't know if I can handle the burning pain from the anesthetic in my hand when I opened my eyes and it was all done. I took my meds on schedule so I did not suffer any pain at all. Really. And I even have leftover meds, if needed. Yaay!

I asked for the wisdom teeth back so I could see them and there was real proof why I needed them out- they were getting hard to clean.

So there was only one time I cried- when I saw the bill and discovered my insurance company refused to cover the complete cost of the bill and I had to fork out about 400$, which would be a lovely chunk of change for a planned new sewing machine.

Cristin said...

oh you'll do fine girl! i've had more than one oral surgery, PLUS braces for 3 years... its WAY easier than child birth, promise! <3

And... WHO DID YOUR BLOG MAKEOVER?!?!?! YOU??? I need one oh so badly but am not a digital design major, unfortunately. I'm also trying to come up with a new blog name... "Sew This is My Life" just isn't working for me anymore.

Just Sew Sue said...

Take some arnica tablets to speed up the healing process.

Just Sew Sue said...

Take some arnica tablets to speed up the healing process.

Ina said...

Oh Rachel!!! Such bad luck to need to surgeries so close together. They should NOT have shown you a flick that scares you...bad surgeon! bad! It should all be about reassurance.

I had a root canal a few years ago and I was so nervous but I was in pain so it needed to be done. It was EASY PEASY! I felt nothing during and only had a sore jaw for a few days. Really, it's easy!

Line up some soft food before hand. popscicles, soup, yogurt and such. you will need someone to be with you 1st day.

Ali said...

Oh *hug* It will be fine! Make sure you use the ice packs as recommended especially the first couple of days, just look at is an excuse to take it easy and not have to cook!

Paige said...

I won't even tell you not to worry because if you're anything like me, you'll worry anyway. But, I think you'll look back and see that it really was fine! I had mine out and worried like crazy but it truly wasn't too bad. Good luck!

Karen said...

I know its hard not to worry (I am the worst worrier), but try not to worry. Keep yourself very busy while you await the 29th.

When my son was in high school, he had 4 impacted wisdom teeth and had the pulled in one appointment! He was mildly sedated during the procedure and it went well.

You'll do fine!

Hugs, Karen

April M. said...

I just went through this with both of my teenage sons. It does suck, but you'll be ok :)

I suggest making 6-8 home made gel packs. 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and 2 cups of water in a ziplock bag, then bag again. They were softer than just a bag of ice and seemed colder some how. You can refreeze them about three times, but they take a long time to refreeze. I also made velcro closing flannel pouches lined with PUL. The gel packs fit nicely and save your face from that frost bite feeling.

I wish you all the best!

Donna @ Snowbound said...

It's a breeze!! Don't sweat it! I have't had 3 and I had to got to a surgeon because I had curved roots. I was frozen and didn't feel a thing and just a little sore for a couple of days. You can do it!

queenopearls said...

I love your new blog look! :-) Fresh and inviting!
Dentally speaking, I'm a big baby. I finally found a dentist I can love. So much better since I have a LOT of work to be done. Example: I had 8 (yes 8) extractions yesterday and ZERO pain today. None. no pain meds. A tiny bit sore where I got the shots. No swelling. A great dentist is awesome and sounds like you have super care!
~Christina in Cleveland

Anonymous said...

I've had 12 extracted between permanent growing in before baby's were loose, removal for braces, and wisdom teeth. My dad's a dentist. You'll do just fine, Rachel. Hang in there! Hugs!

Kathleen said...

it is so funny, I feel the same way...I have had root canal surgery 3-4 times and it was a piece of cake, had my wisdom teeth pulled, piece of cake...but now I need to have a tooth pulled and an implant done and I am scared to death...LOL...mind you, I have had spinal fusion surgery and was OK prior to the surgery but for the implant...I feel the same as you do....but I know it will be OK since I have had gum surgery with this same dentist and I thought "tomorrow, I am going to be so sore"...well guess what, I hardly had any pain the next I keep on thinking about that and know I will be OK as you will is just human nature..good luck....

Annie said...

Much ado about nothing, Rachel...unless you plan on going o-natur-al! Nah, go with the drugs girl, go with the drugs!

Tamie said...

My husband had his taken out as an adult and even though his surgeon said that they were the second worse he had seen, he had no problems at all. Good luck.

Elise said...

I remember that video well. They showed it to me RIGHT before surgery. As if I wasn't nervous enought already! Nothing like watching a video about the ways you can die to make you ready for surgery.

I ended up having a really quick and easy recovery. Sending positive thoughts your way!!

diane said...

Sorry Rachel. I can completely understand how you feel about the dentist...I get panic attacks about getting fillings! It will all be okay! Love your blog redesign!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

It will be ok....I've had my fair share of dental work...including wisdom teeth and it isn't nearly as bad as child birth ;o)

Jennifer Blosser said...

Good luck on the wisdom teeth! LOVE the new look!

Hugs & stitches,

paige13d said...

Love the refresh - the header makes me happy just looking at it. As for the wisdom teeth, it will be fine. Like you said, you've given birth 4 times, the teeth are nothing compared to that. (I used to work for and assist an oral surgeon during surgery.)

Jennifer said...

Girl don't let it bother you. After it is all said and done the important thing is to keep the sockets clean! If it makes you feel any better after I had mine taken out I was doing good until the novacaine wore off.
My then fiance now hubby went with me (thank goodness)he was like you look aweful! Me shooting "the look" at him. Then to add to it all we went to Mc Donald's after it all, and I had the chicken noodle soup. I was still a bit numb but it was wearing off. I ended up burning my mouth with the soup and bit the inside of my cheek in the process. Word of the wise, no matter how hungry you are afterwords, do wait to eat!
Also love the new look! It's very colorful and cheerful.
Best wishes for the surgery!

Karen said...

Don't feel badly at all. I have had 4 teeth extracted for braces, had several cavities filled and re-filled, but the minute the dentist says 'wisdom teeth', I say 'back off'. Mine (thankfully) came in fine, but they are a little covered by my gum tissue. I don't care. I say if they can be left alone, they should be. I am sure there is now a note in my file saying 'don't mention wisdom teeth.

Jodi Nelson said...

Rachel... I love your new look.. It's bright happy clean fun... simply awesome! ooxx`jod

~Pam said...

As you can see by the comments, dentistry and oral surgery has come a long way, baby! I have had wisdom teeth removed and root canals and honestly, no pain at all. I took meds for about a day and was fine after that. You will be just fine - no worries. (And stay off of the Internet - that will scare anybody.)

Your update to your site is really nice ... very refreshing!


pinkquilter said...

Rachel, 1- Love the new look! very crisp and refreshing! You always are amazing me! I so admire you and all you get to do and be in the mist of! You are like my alter ego! LOL I live out all my dreams of playing all day with material and knitting, stay at home mom.
2-Root canals...I know exactly where your coming from ! I have had to have several and they are no fun! But sounds like your in capable hands and you will come thourgh with flying colors!

Pieces to Love said...

Love the new look! get you a few bags of frozen peas to use as ice packs your cheeks/jaws are going to hurt for a few days and don't even think about using a straw it will make them hurt more.

Go-Go Kim said...

I had two taken out last October and I am so happy it is DONE! Ice packs, advil and rest!!!!! Oh and blender helps too for the first few days :o)

Wendy said...

I can't comment on the wisdom teeth, but I had a root canal 2 years ago. I didn't feel a thing. OK, not quite true, I felt the numbing injection, then I felt nothing. And I was fine afterwards. It really is a lot of fuss about nothing. Everyone thinks they're really scary but they're not! Promise.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

after the surgery, salt water gentle rinses help to dry things out in there.
stock up on puddings, yogurts, jellos, ice creams, cakes, creamy soups, more cake, and perhaps a banana split ice cream sundae with loads of whippy cream!
Lots and lots of tv also helps

Tessa @ TheSewingChick said...

Love the new fresh look!! Having your wisdom teeth out will be fine...they put you to sleep and when you wake up it's over.

Wonky Girl said...

Oh sweety, it will be ok, really. I had the procedure and volunteer assisted with these procedures. Ask for some "laffy gas" if they are not going to sedate you. I did not feel a thing but could hear the root ripping out- LOL.

Mom said...

I'm a long-time lurker, (love your blog!) but I had to comment on this one. I had my wisdom teeth removed last year @ the age of 33, and I was scared to death! Everyone made such a big deal about how it's so much worse when you're "that old." Well, let me tell you, it was seriously a NON-event. I went to Lowes with my husband 2 hours after the surgery and ate at Ihop that night. You'll be fine. The only advice I have to offer it to stay ahead of your pain. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds. You'll only need them for a couple of days, but you will need them! (At least I did!) Good luck!

Anna O said...

Love it!!

jeifner said...

I'd always heard how horrible/horrific root canals were. I was so nervous when I went to the oral surgeons office. Like hands uncontrollably shaking nervous. You know what? It was a breeze. It didn't take all that long and there was no pain. Zero, zilch. They even offered my an ipod or a movie. After I left there was that awkward half numb face business but there was hardly any pain after either. And by hardly I mean a stubbed toe hurts worse. Easy peasey. I think that procedure must have been terrible decades ago but I had a great surgeon and I almost had fun. Seriously.

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