sponsor giveaway: fat quarter shop

28 July 2011

{comments closed.}
winner = bobbi
email me: rachel {at} psiquilt {dot} com


well folks...it's that time again...sponsor giveaway day!!!

today's featured sponsor is fat quarter shop.
yeah baby!!!

i STILL have a wishlist the size of texas in my fat quarter shop cart. seriously.
hi my name is rachel & i'm addicted to the fat quarter shop.


one lucky ps i quilt winner is going to be the proud owner of a terrain fat quarter bundle.

yall KNOW i love me some kate spain. {hi kate. xoxo}
please note: i'll be insanely jealous of the winner. for reals.

to enter: tell me your fav "me time" activity.
{winner will be drawn monday.}

♥ rachel

Pin It!


Andria said...

My favorite me time activity: quilting. Or reading.

Francis Paul said...

my favorite me time is at night quilting on the sofa:-)

Butterfly said...

Doing anything creative in my sewing room.


Megan said...

binding a quilt + cheesy musical + cake.

jenni said...

Double whammy: reading in the bubble bath!

Leah said...

sitting quietly with a cup of coffee and either a book, some fabric, or my ipad!

Lesly said...

I fear this will be one long, boring comment list, as everyone is bound to say "quilting!" - so I will tell you my favourite "me time" activity besides quilting: it's getting up extra early and spending quiet time with a murder mystery or a crossword puzzle and a cup of coffee, before the day starts to get crazy, as it always does. This really gives me a good, even-tempered tart to my day!

Missy said...

My favorite me-time is when I have a chance to get a pedicure. yum yum!

Karen said...

My me time is usually spent reading. Mostly sci/fi! I love how books can take you anywhere :)

Rhonda said...

Silly girl--Quilting, of course. And quilting with Kate Spade fabrice is the BEST!

Anna said...

My favorite me time? When I get my hair cut and colored at a swanky salon.

Deb said...

I love reading quilting blogs for my "me" time....in fact I probably read about quilting more than i quilt! I'd love to win that Terrain!

Laura said...

Me time - quilting, reading, or cooking. Any of those!

Anonymous said...

My me time is spent sewing something or blogging about it or scanning through my Google reader for inspiration!

Jerri said...


Erica said...

My favorite me time activity is quilting of course! But I also enjoy reading, photography, and a little tv. Oh, and taking naps although that rarely happens since my 3 year old thinks she doesn't need to nap any more.

FaeryMom said...

I love to read! And craft, and cook, and sing, and sleep, too! :)

Jennifer said...

Probably quilting. Or reading. Or running. Depends on the day ;-)
I love, love, love Kate Spain. Please random # generator, pick me!

Sasha said...

Doing anything crafty!!!

Ma Ma to 3 said...

I love to sew or read. They both relax me after a stressful day with the kids.

Willa said...

My most favorite "me" time is spent in a borrowed condo at Amelia Island, FL, with my sewing machine and as much stash as I can pack, my little papillon, a stack of books, and maybe a sewing friend.

The kitchen island becomes rotary central. The pass thru is iron haven. The dining table is sewer's bliss!

I would adore winning Terrain. I have been trying to sew what is in house but drooling on this and other new goodies!

Thanks for the chance.

DianeY said...

Well quilting or sewing, obviously, but I also enjoy reading an awful lot and some occassional golf!
I would die to win this bundle!

Sarah said...

reading quilting blogs ;)

Alison said...

I was just looking at that fat quarter bundle this morning and wishing I had the money to buy it! I love Terrain. My favorite me-time activity besides quilting/sewing is running. It clears my head and relaxes me.

Ellie Roberts said...

This giveaway is too good to be true! Me time = sewing, quilting, crafting while watching my favorite shows.

bairdmtn said...

My "me" time consists of sewing/quilting in the evenings! I also love to surf my e-mail and Facebook!

Amanda said...

My favorite ME time is when i sit down to crochet something to donate to charity or sew something . Thank you for a nice giveaway and GOOD LUCK everyone

Nick & Kate said...

My me time is with my husband and kids. I don't like being alone. That being said, l love making yoyo's. I cut out a whole bunch of circles out and work on them in the car.

Beverly said...

Snuggling under the blankets with a good book for the entire day.

Rae Arnold said...

My favorite me time activity is a nice long hot shower followed by curling up under a quilt I’ve made with a good book (and maybe some comfort snacks)

sarah said...

My favorite me time is quilting while marathoning crappy guilty-pleasure television (Gossip Girl comes to mind). That is pure ME indulgence... my husband can't bare to even be in the room. :)

Anonymous said...

As Lesly stated, besides obvious quilting answer...I love to be in the garden, read a book, or escape to the ocean.

PDXPam said...

Now that I am an "empty-nester" (except when the grandkids come YAY) I love to spend time in my sewing room. Other than that I love reading and playing online scrabble.

Sew and Sew said...

Quilting of course! Especially if I have a good cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie! Love the fabric and your inspiring blog.

Beth said...

My favorite me time is reading uninterupted either with a cup of tea. Sounds good! Love the give-a-way!

Erin @ MakeitSew said...

Quilting! I love being able to turn my brain off and just focus on some fabric. That and reading. I've read 50 books this year already, haha. Hope I win the bundle, they're so cute!

QuiltNut Creations said...

my fav me time would be quilting of course! thanx for the chance Rachel.

Kimberly said...

My favorite me time activity is Sunday mornings, while the house us quiet, a cuppa joe and the book I am in the middle of (I am alw3ays in the middle of a book, or three)

Gemma said...

At the moment my favourite 'me time' activity is going off geocaching by myself in the countryside. Bliss :)

Sandy said...

My favorite me time is something to do in my sewing room...be it quilting or hand embroidery. Love, love anything Kate Spain...thanks for the chance to win!
I, too, have an awful lot of FQS fabric in my stash...wonderful service!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I love to sit on the sofa reading all the blogs I subscribe to via GFC. Truly, I can sit here for hours each night and read blogs. I read more than I quilt. How sick is that???

Canadian Abroad said...

Finishing a binding while watching a good girlie film, glass of pink wine and chocolate by my side.

Ann said...

Patting my fabric ... ideally I'd like to quilt but usually I run out of time ... so I just admire and pat ... stack and restack. It's an odd obsession really.

Brenda said...

Sitting on the dock reading is my favorite me activity.

Marlena said...

Sewing and reading blogs!

Sallie said...

My favorite is reading, with a cup of coffee at hand. Thanks for the giveaway! I LOVE Terrain!!

Susan said...

Favourite me time is settling down in front of the fire (winter here in NZ) with my favourite TV show on and some hand sewing to do. I feel quite bereft at the moment as I've just finished appliqué on a 14 block quilt.

mean sarah jean said...

going to the gym, photography, baking and of course - quilting!

moshie said...

I'd say sewing, but that never seems to be just "me" when I do it! So I'd have to say reading in a bubble bath. For sure!

Sewcando said...

Quilting of course. I've recently found that hand quilting with bright colored thread is just the absolute best! (Of course big stitches though. I can't seem to do little stuff.)

May Kristin said...

Fav 'me time' is reading(quilting books, magazines and blogs), stitching and sewing, or just sitting outside in the sun, sucking up the heat and light of the sun so it will keep me warm during the winter!

MamaLiza said...

My favorite me time is spent sewing. Although...I would never say no to hitting a coffee shop with a good book and just read. :)

Lori said...

My favorite me time is sketching out a quilt and making it real. Lori

Laurel said...

reading. reading books. reading on my kindle. reading blogs. =) thinking about doing something, then going back to reading.

Maggie said...

Watch reruns on Netflix and cruise blogs.

Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

MWalker said...

Reading and/or eating. :D
Oh, please let it be me, I've been dying to get my hands on "Terrain" for ages, I just don't have the money for it. Please, oh please, oh please...

Linda said...

My fav "Me" time is when I say I am going to clean up the basement and everybody disappears so they don't have to help. My sewing room is in the basement so I usually get uninterrupted quilting time.

Rachel said...

**Gorgeous** fabric! :D Yeah! *squeals*

Favorite "me time" thing to do is Bake! :D I love baking and I love creating yummy things to eat all the time! :)

Thanks for the entry! :)
~Miss Rachel P.~

Jennifer said...

You mean I can make a wishlist at the FQS? Uh oh....my husband is in trouble now!

Typically, my "me time" consists of a cuddly sofa, the dog in my lap and my cross stitching in hand. Lately though, my "me time" has become the half hour after my alarm clock rings. I spend it with a cup of coffee and my Nook. (I just finished "The Help" and now I'm reading "Water for Elephants".)

Thank you so much for this chance at stash enhancement!

suemac said...

Getting some quiet time and reading a mystery is one of my favs. Also reading quilting blogs and looking at all the fab blocks on the FWQAL.

Sally said...

Such beautiful fabric.

I have several favorite me time activities. there are after the bebe goes to bed activities which is when I quilt and knit. and I totally love that time when the house is quite.
if I can get out of the house for me time then it is scuba diving. yeah I know you have your dive buddy with you, but when you are underwater it is so peaceful.

Kim with a K said...


I heart Me Time!
Quilting, reading (mostly blogs now!!!) and zumba, spinning or some kinda workout class!

Kristy said...

quilting, reading, or taking a nap :)

Julie said...

My "me time" is reading with a nice cup of tea on the patio. Love love love.

bobbie23nc said...

I love that moment when a fresh idea pops into my head and anything seems possible!

Jennifer said...

curled on the couch handsewing or cross stitching! - my hands are constantly busy crafting, even while relaxing!

Melissa L said...

My favorite "me" time. That is a hard question. I really enjoy sitting at my sewing table either ready blogs or designing some quilt that I know my family would love. Then just before sleeping I read some of my Janet Evanovich book. Thanks for the give away!!

Anonymous said...

I have a few. Quilting. I relax in my sewing room. Reading a good book - tend to stay up too late. Pedicures are awesome. Eating ice cream.

Erica said...

Quilting while watching tv shows on Netflix!

Sherry said...

My me time is soaking in the bath thinking of my next quilting project.

Anonymous said...

apart from quilting, of course, my fav' "me time" is to get up very early, when everyone is still asleep and the house is all "mine"... then I go and sit on the backyard porch, watch the garden slowly waking, and have my very first cuppa'. BLISSSSSSS...

THANKS for this wonderful opportunity to win such a GREAT giveaway!

Smiles from Belgium,

JulieC said...

Sewing is my favorite thing...and the thing I know better than any other thing...:-)

Carla said...

Definitely reading coffee in the morning before work and spending some time on my sewing machine!

tusen said...

Well, apart from quilting... (is there a comment which doesn't mention quilting at all?)I'd say reading or listening to audiobooks, with a nice cup of coffee and a cheese sandwich (it's not such a strange combination, is it?)
Or drawing, although I seem to have neglected it lately.

Bobbi said...

My favorite ME time activity: yoga. I'm so stressed with work and grad school (and not getting enough time to sew) that I need to take the extra time to decompress.

Oh my goodness... I hope I win. Kate Spain is amazing!

Coujones said...

Reading a romance novel!

Venus de Hilo said...

My favorite "me" time is not actively quilting. It's lounging on the couch in my sewing room very early in the morning, with my first mug of coffee, and gazing, empty-minded and unhurried, at whatever project is on my design wall. By the time my mug is empty I've either tweaked my layout a half-dozen times or have filled a journal page with ideas for new projects.

Sara Kelly said...

Generally, my favorite "me" time activity is exploring sewing blogs, coming up with new projects based on that "research" and executing those projects. This can take days to months from start to finish, but I love the process and the finished product, which usually reflects a little of this and a little of that from the variety of creative bloggers out there. More recently, this "me" time activity has been focused on setting up the nursery for my first baby due in Sept. <3
(So far, curtains and crib skirt are finished...next up: quilt and changing pad covers)

Briawna said...

so, obviously my favorite me time activity is quilting. But aside from that, my other love is reading (maybe that's why i'm drawn to all the stacked books quilts i keep seeing). I'm a high school english teacher and love, love, love to read. I have been seriously coveting this bundle since i saw it on all the quilt market updates. Thanks for the chance!

Jazz @ My Oh Sew Sweet Life said...

My favourite me time activity is reading or baking a cake. cant decide!

Anonymous said...

my favorite "me time" activities are quilting, reading, photography, and either knitting or crocheting. I like to keep busy! Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I have a new niece or nephew coming so this would be welcomed!

Katy said...

That would be reading or playing games on my PS3. Of course I would have to leave my sewing machine to do either of these, but sometimes you just need a break.

Marcia W. said...

My favorite me time: making quilts, embroidery, working sudoku puzzles

Anonymous said...

my favorite 'me time' activity is having an uninterrupted block of time to iron and cut pieces for my next project, it goes by so much faster!

M and M plus 3 said...

My fav me time is sitting hand appliqueing!

Holy wowzers, a whole FQ bundle, please and thank you!

Angela Nash said...

Anything - as long as it is just me. Quilt, watch a movie, drink an iced coffee, read.....all nice and peaceful!

Karen Heineck said...

My favorite me time activity is, of course, quilting! Followed closely by reading and enjoying time with family. Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous fat quarter bundle!!

Erica said...

Taking a bath or reading. Totally drooling over that fabric! :)

Sally B said...

Wow, favorite me time activity? I have so many, maybe I'm selfish! I love cooking, quilting, and watching trashy tv like the bachelorette, just to share a few :)

Wheeler Family said...

I love to read or quilt in my "me time".

Marci Warren-Elmer said...

Going to the gym is my favorite me time activity. Followed closely by sewing.

Teresa Marie said...

At the end of a busy day, I love sitting down with my Kindle, and having various books to chose from, depending on my mood, at my fingertips! Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway. Love the FQS!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks, Rachel and the Fat Quarter Shop!

My favorite me activity is probably sewing. I don't get to do it often enough, except in spurts, so I like to do that as much as possible when it works.

Carol said...

Going to the beach and relaxing, listening to the waves and watching the dolphins swim.

Gabriella said...

My fav me time is to chose the fabrics for my new projects

Alassel said...

Reading in my comfy chair outside on the deck in the sunshine, with my feet up and the border collies laying under my legs.

Ronny said...

Favorite me time activity.....hmmmm..... quilting, of course!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Greta said...

Other than sewing I think my favorite me time thing to do is to just sit still with a glass of wine. There is something very relaxing to me about just sitting still. I don't do it nearly enough.

Cynthia Geddis said...

My favorite Me Time activity is sewing of course! Just don't seem to get to do it often enough these days

Rachel said...

A long walk on a perfect day with my pug and frenchie.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Knitting outside on a nice day, staying in bed to read a good book or spending some time with my sewing machine are all "me-times" that I love.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I love the fabric!

Vicki W said...

Hmmm, I have lots of "me time" favorites but one is playing around with any surface design techniques like batik, discharge and resist dyeing. I love to have an audiobook going at the same time. That's a perfect afternoon for me!

Jen said...

ooooh, pretty! for me, it's doing anything that distracts me from the present, knitting, spinning, quilting, and last but lot least, reading. :)

Krista Schneider said...

I'm a single, mother of 0, so most of my time is "me" time. haha! BUT, I do have a roommate, so when he's at work I like to strip down and quilt in next to nothing, haha! It's so HOT out so by the time I get home from work I just gotta let my body breathe! TMI? owell :P

Cille said...

Can't tell you how much I would love to win this bundle. May in fact have to order one as I have never won nothing before and this fabric is a must have.

My favorite me-thing is of course quilting of course and I know just the quilt I would make with this fabric.

Liz said...

A hot bath and a glass of wine! <3

Debbie B Sam said...

my me time? I get up at 4:30 every morning so I can stalk my favorite bloggers (hiya rachel!). i get about 1.5 hours to myself in the morning and that's it.

Catch ya on the flipside because i'm totally smitten with melly right now!

lori said...

Oh wow - I can think of a million reasons why I want that stack of fabric! Its so pretty! I really love to read but since I can't put a book down until it is finished, I don't do it very often.

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh, what an awesome thing to give away! I love it when my husband works with the scouts every Wednesday because I get 2 hours of "me" time to sew, blog, or watch a chic flic without feeling like I am neglecting him.

Bree said...

omg. KILLER prize. My favorite me-time is spent at the sewing machine. I get totally lost in the hum of the sewing machine. Relaxation at its most productive!

JanyceR said...

My favorite me time activity is relaxing on the porch (or in the sewing room recliner in winter) in the very early morning with a cup of coffee. Not reading, not sewing, just sitting and relaxing. But of course other than that total relax time, my favorite me time activity is anything to do with sewing. Cutting, sewing, reading about sewing, etc!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Leah said...

Best "me time" activity is definitely crafting. Any type of crafting. Today I have been piecing a quilt top. I just wish I had more "me time" to finish it up today. :)

Bree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

Favorite me time? A nap in the middle of the day! Hardly ever happens

The Wieselers said...

My favorite me time activity is definitely Starbucks and a good book! Wieselal@yahoo.com

Pokey said...

The fabric is so, so cool! My me time is a mid day nap, and sewing. Always, sewing ~

Bree said...

omg. KILLER prize. My favorite me-time is spent at the sewing machine. I get totally lost in the hum of the sewing machine. Relaxation at its most productive!

Anonymous said...

hanging with the girls!
I'll be working on the postage stamp quilt I started on your quilt along tomorrow night. it'll get finished....eventually!

Anonymous said...

i love looking at a new quilting magazine or 'playing' in my sewing room. i have been wanting this line since i saw it on fat quarter shop!!! :)

Meredith said...

I am in love with Terrain!!!!!!!

My favorite me time would have to be ummmm...me time? what is that? I suppose taking a bath and getting to shave my legs. Otherwise it is a under 5 min. shower with a few quick swipes of the razor on my legs.

rebecca said...

Reading under a tree with a grande non-fat vanilla latte (an extra shot of espresso has been known to make an appearance, too)... Man, oh man! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jen said...

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! I love Terrain and I want this. Please pick me. My favorite "me time" activity is watch a good chick flick or baseball movie with some good food, including some nice dark chocolate.

Nicole @ Patchwork Duck Designs said...

My favorite "me" time activity is quilting, of course! Especially when I spread out yards of fabrics and cutting mats all over the living room floor. :) Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Julia said...

My favorite me time is quilting, reading a mystery or doing the daily sudoku from the newspaper.

Manda said...

Oooo me me me! I want it!! Love the look of this line!
Me time.... curling up in bed with my hot water bottle, lots of pillows and quilts and a good dvd.Oh and tea,lots and lots of cups of tea! =D

Tiffany said...

I usually spend my time on the computer reading quilt blogs when I should be quilting!

Unknown said...

My favourite me time activity is anything involving me time lol ;) I love to quilt or knit when I can!

Denise :) said...

What a gorgeous stack of fabric! My favorite "me" time thing? Curling up on the couch with a favorite old movie, a cup of hot tea, and little hand quilting project. Yup. *sigh* :)

Trina said...

Lately I've really been like Pinterest! I took a break from it in January, and I'm just getting back into it. :)

Mary said...

I didn't even have to think about this one - quilting!

Christine said...

I like stitching at night with a good tv show to watch/listen to.

Unknown said...

Totally preaching to the choir here, but my favorite "me" time activity is anytime I have my hands on some beautiful fabric like, oh, I don't know.....TERRAIN maybe? :)

Kerry said...

My favorites:

Watching freshly pressed blocks pile up
Knitting sweaters for my nieces and nephews

jlk said...

My favorite activity is quilting. I love everything about it. I especially love that I do it when my kids are in bed, which means I don't get interrupted.

Angie said...

I love taking care of my orchids. Thanks for the giveaway!

thea said...

Me time? walking early in the morning from the cottage to the marina (only on vacation though). Sitting on the rocks looking out at the lake.

Rhanda said...

Hi Rachel! Oh, Terrain, how I love thee. Favorite activities... quilting (of course) and reading.

SoSarahSews said...

Sewing of course!

Kajsa said...

The best me time for me is in the sofa, watching True Blood and doing something that involves fabric with my hands. :)

Orchard Cove Photography said...

Sitting on the dock with my doggie and Husband with a cosmo in hand :)

Unknown said...

My favorite "me" time is either getting my hair done or catching up on my saved tv shows that I don't like to watch when the kids are up. I'm embarrassed to say I am hooked on The Real Housewives of OC or Beverly Hills and New Jersey. It makes me realize money doesn't buy you happiness or class! Thank you!

Kelsey said...

Quilting in front of the TV watching a good show! ^_^

Amy said...

I am loving this line of fabric...probably my most favorite of Kate Spain's fabric collections. Me time? What's that? I love having an hour to myself to get a pedicure...heaven!

Unknown said...

I was given a going away gift when I left my last job...a full body massage! Now that is ME time!!!

mjl7266 said...

Love to take the time to read when I have it.

Ashley G. said...

swooning at that fq stack of terrain, LOVE it! my favorite "me" time activity is a three way tie- hot bath, glass of wine/blog reading or of course sewing/quilting. The wine and blog reading I count as 1 activity. Thanks for the chance to win and I am so glad to see you back!

Nicky said...

Listening to a good story on the radio, drinking tea and stitching!

Laura said...

omg! those fabrics are b-e-autiful!
my favorite thing to do when i'm alone seems like a billion way tie! but i guess i'll say sewing (duh!), reading, loving on my cats, and swimming.

thanks for the fantastic giveaway :)

Coloradolady said...

lately, my favorite me time is during the heat of the day, I take a (small) nap with my three dachshunds....we all curl up in front of the box fan and snooze!!

Thank you for the chance to win!

Egater said...

I love to read and craft. And some time I just want to be lazy :)

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

I have a couple! Quilting and reading British craft blogs! With a cup of tea...

Sarah Preston said...

Well, my top two are quilting and reading, but it seems like everyone else has said that. I also love volunteering at my local NICU. It's so great to snuggle tiny babies whose parents can't be there. It also gives me time to unwind and be alone with my thoughts.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

oh now that is an easy one....besides hand quilting for hours; I enjoy to soak in the bath tub with a glass of wine.

Anne said...

My favorite me time is a good book, a great bottle of wine and a fire in the fireplace!

Wieke said...

My favorite me time activities are napping, sewing and watching some baseball!

Maryjo said...

After a career in education, my favorite "me time" is my extra cup of coffee in the morning when the house is still quiet...then I plan my day...writing my "own" lesson plans which include firing up my sewing machine of course. Thanks for the great giveaway!

lynnquiltsalot said...

My favorite ME time is quilting while a favorite movie plays in the background.

Emily said...

My favorite "me time" activity is going out with my girlfriends for coffee every Monday night (which we've done for the last 5 years.) Okay, so it's not technically "me time" since I'm with three other people, but it is definitely a stress reliever!

Unknown said...

My favourite me-time activities are sewing, reading or just doing nothing :o)

Jess said...

My "me time: activities change. I love to read, craft, quilt, bead... so it changes depending how much time I have and the new ideas that I cannot wait to do.


Jennifer @ MillerMusings said...

Reading or sewing!

Carrie L said...

I think I'm really going to like Terrain. Wouldn't it be fun to win some! I love to read, sew, and do puzzles!

Strlady said...

Definitely my quilting time. It my refuge and I cherish that time.

stefanie said...

I love to sew, read or treat myself to a massage.

Jeanie said...

Sewing and quilting, of course, and while doing those things.... listening to the rain and my cats purring! (These things don't often happen at the same time, but when they do, it's very special!) I have to add watching the snow fall as a favorite thing too.

Nicole said...

Definitely sewing...or reading...or sleeping! :)

Barbara said...

I love to try a sample block of a new technique that is not part of a current project.

hollymade said...

Definitely sewing, usually when I can get quiet time that's what I do. Reading too, if I'm too tired to sew.

lilli said...

My favorite " me time " is a good book.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

mrsc1345 said...

My favorite me time activity is sewing while watching all those adult tv shows I can't watch until really late. Not THOSE kind of adult shows, but like, True Blood and Game of Thrones. Almost as bad, but just barely not. ;)

merrily row said...

On the patio, watching all the critters outdoors, birds, squirrels, ground squirrels, turkeys,hawks, eagles. It is a blessing.

smarti said...

I love cooking. When the kitchen is all mine and I can create something delicious, I am truly happy. And I love that Terrain. It's in my FQS cart too!

Neil said...

I love going to my local quilt store and looking at all the wonderful fabric. Just being around such creativity and creative people makes me so inspired to get home and work on my latest project.

Diane said...

Sitting still and thinking about the next quilt!!

Taya@TypeB said...

Oh please, pick me, pick me!! Favorite me time activity - sewing, of course :) Thanks for the giveaway. Hope your hubby is doing well!

Pattie D said...

I am sure without a doubt my favorite me time activity is quilting (I don't always get much of it), but my other favorite is stalking creative blogs ;)! I would love to make something fun with this little precious pile of delight!
Thanks for the inspiration!
quilt hugs

Oh and are you by chance going to show us what you made from your little pile of goodness from the fat quarter shop (love that place!). I was hoping that all the bloggers featured would show us what they made!

sandra said...

My "me time" is quilting or reading and having a wee nap

Tiffaney said...

Wow - there are so many entries! My favorite me time has to be a bubble bath.

Brittney Selby said...

my fav me activity is reading...of course that means the hubby wants to have a conversation while I'm reading!

Anonymous said...

I like to make a cup of tea or international coffee, and visit my favorite blogs.

Second would be watching a movie.
Mama Bear

Lee Ann L. said...

My favorite me activities would be reading, crafting, quilting, and swimming.

PS Thank you for a chance to win!

Pippa Parsons said...

Reading a quilting fiction book in bed on my kindle when everyone else is still asleep

Thearica said...

oooohhh I LOVE the Fat Quarter Shop! Just spent a bundle there in the past 2 days!! I would love to win this awesome bundle!

My favorite "me time" is popping some popcorn, turning on the 3 Stooges, turning the air down to 68, climbing under a quilt and relaxing on the couch for an entire day! :)

Shannon Wallace said...

Hum, my favorite me time activity would be making a quilt or sewing something nice for the house or a friend while listening to old hymns on the computer. :)

Thank you for the giveaway!

Chorizo said...

My fav "me time" is getting to sleep in and then making myself some good coffee and going back to bed and doing some reading/surfing.

Katie Doggart said...

At the moment, my favourite "Me Time" has to be sewing/quilting, but I also enjoy making cards and playing with my adorable puppy.

Thanks for the giveaway :D

CathyG said...

My fav time of the day is in the morning with my cup of hot tea, sitting in my easy chair watching my cats, and talking with my husband.

Think Outside the Box said...

My favourite "me-time" activity is sewing or shopping for fabric followed closely by reading.

Kelli said...

"Me Time" includes usually one of three things for me lately...reading, quilting or digi-scrapbooking! Thanks for the chance!

Judy said...

I work only one day a week so I have lots of time. But my am bible reading is time I treasure most. Thank you for this super giveaway.

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

My fave "me time" activity is a facial if I can find the time and the money. If not, sewing or crochet win hands down :-)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh how wonderful! My favorite 'me time' moments are when I am curled up with a good book. ;-) Thanks for the fun!

Suzee said...

I love to sew but my me time would be late at night when hubby is in bed and I'm on the couch and reading a GOOD BOOK!!

MadeByMeaghan said...

Oh gosh, sewing is my favorite me-time activity by FAR! :)

Judy said...

I work only one day a week so I have lots of time. But my am bible reading is time I treasure most. Thank you for this super giveaway.

The Rx quilter said...

Do I get more than one 'me' activity?? Buying fabric online..quilting..photography and watching cartoons..yes, a little old for cartoons, but can't get enough of the Flintstones and Jetsons. So...in...luv...with Terrain! Lisa in Texas

Angela said...

is it "me" time if it involves a masseuse? lol

Tiffany said...

My "me" time is either a bubble bath or cuddled up in bed with a good book. Heck, these days "me" time is anything that is quiet, doesn't matter what I'm doing

KatheG said...

My favorite 'me-time' would be my needlework (cross stitch or hardanger) which I do early, early in the morning while the rest of the world is waking up. It is so quiet and just so neat watching the sun rise and listen to the birds sing all before the horrible heat starts. Thanks for the give-away.

Beth said...

thanks for all the work you do on your blog! i enjoy it!

my favorite me-time activity ASIDE from quilting or knitting is looking at patterns, fabrics, and yarns and planning future projects! lunching with girlfriends is also up there!

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