warning: this is not my normal quirky rachel post.
so yesterday the griffith family, meaning all 6 of us, were in a car accident.
shane was driving.
we had just picked up jackson from school.
we were on our way to a doctors appointment.
we were stopped at a read light.
a read light we’ve sat at a million times.
then a driver coming toward us started having a seizure.
suddenly everything was in slow motion right in front of me.
as the car hit us i remember saying “oh jesus.”
all i could think of was our four kids behind me.
MY kids. the kids I’M supposed to be protecting.
my heart just sank in my chest and i was beyond scared.
then the car hit us.
before i give someone a heart attack, we are all fine.
thank god!!!
our truck is completely totaled.
but that’s not important. really.
it’s been about 20 hours since then.
physically…i’m fine.
mentally…i’m a little messy.
i write this with a heavy heart.
but i write this to say that all those things i’ve been stressing about just don’t matter.
i don’t care that i’m not a real pattern designer.
i don’t care that i haven’t touched my machine in forever.
i don’t care about my blog stats, giveaways & tutorials.
i. just. don’t. care.
i care that our accident could’ve been WAY worse.
i care that i could be missing my children &/or my husband.
i care that maybe i haven’t been thankful enough for what i DO have.
today i’m gonna hug my little ones a little longer,
kiss my hubby a few more times,
and thank god for what i have been given.
i hope yall will do the same.
6 days ago
That is so scary!! Glad to hear that you and your family are ok!!
Enjoy the time with your family, love the extra cuddles! I am off to give my wee ones extra hugs right now!
Hugs to you and your family
Oh my goodness! Thank God you are all safe! Give your family lots of hugs and snuggles and nothing else matters! (((hugs)))
I'm glad you are all okay Rachel! It is good to read this post and put things in perspective! :) Thanks!
Goodness. Thank goodness you are all ok. It really does put things in perspective.
I'm so glad that you and your family are okay. How scary to have that happen to you when you just had a new little one. My heart goes out to you and your family and I will go home tonight and hug my family. You are right we need to stop and realize what is important and how much our family means to all of us. Take care.
i am so glad that everyone is okay. How scary to watch someone coming toward you and not really being able to do anything about it.
Thank you for your thoughts about your love for your family. I totally agree, nothing is as important as your little family!
You will be in my prayers. God is so faithful and I really enjoyed your positive testimony for the love of your family. You will certainly have many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
So glad you are ok and the family is safe. Praying for peace of mind for you and thanking God that He protected all of you.
Rachael, I'm so glad to hear that your and your husband and kiddos are fine. I hope the other driver is okay too.
I appreciate this reminder. We really do need to cherish our time with those we love. Just two weeks ago, a good friend of mine got a call that her mother had a heart attack that morning and died. All very unexpected and what is worse, nearly 3000 miles separated them. I immediately called my mom to say I love her.
You are right, all that other stuff really does not matter! Thank God you are all ok!
Sometimes you're stopped right in the middle of your life, in between all unimportant THINGS.
You already knew what's important, now you know for sure.
Wishing yall all the best!
Oh Rachel. You have it right. Just don't worry about the other stuff... so so thankful you and your family are okay.
sometimes it takes scary moments to make us realize what's important. thankfully, you're all ok!!!! take care xo
I don't care about your blog stats, I don't care about your give aways, I don't care that you're not a "Real" pattern designer either. I care about you and I am grateful that you are ok.
I come here because you inspire me to do more, to be creative, and to try something different.
I am grateful that your family is ok. We had a similar wake up call when we were at a red light and were rear ended by a fully loaded U-haul truck.
It's sad that it takes a wake up call like that to make us really look at, and appreciate all that we have. All that things that really are important and not the meaningless things we tend to place so much importance on.
{{{Hugs}}} So glad you're all ok!
I am so thankful you are all ok!!
Life can be changed in a blink of an eye. Sorry you had such a personal wake-up call. You are so right we need to stop and be thankful for all we have. We are such a people of "want-more"s. Thank you for sharing. AND again I am so thankful you are all ok.
So glad you are all okay. Nothing is more terrifying than being in an accident with your children. Thanx for reminding us what we need to be thankful for and appreciative of.
wow...you are so right. Your title really does say it all. Thank you for reminding me. and you are right...about all of it...so glad you all are ok!
Thank you.....perspective is what we all need sometimes. I just wish it didn't occur after something so frightening as what you wen through.
But thank you.
Nice to know that you and yours are all fine. Thank goodness!
We truly forget how blessed we are and sometimes need to put things in perspective.
Nothing else matters except that you are all ok.
Metal can be replaced but people can't and yes, the rest of it doesn't matter. I spent 5 years dealing with frontline accident reporting for car accidents. I speak for experience - you are doing the right things
(((((Hugs to you all))))
I am so glad you are okay. On Wednesday a dear friend of mine was in a head on with a tree and cannot remember it because she had a stress induced siezure. A car or truck is replaceable - a life is not. I am incredibly greatful to the powers that be that were watching over your family. <3 <3 <3
So glad everyone is OK. We all need to step back and remember what we are really grateful for every day.
I am typing with tears in my eyes. I am so glad that you and your family are all safe and that no one was harmed. I am so grateful to you for being willing to share this perspective and thank you for reminding me to stop, look around, and see what I have to be grateful for. I am off to go give my little ones a hug. Thank you Rachel.
Sometimes it takes almost losing something to realize just what exactly we have. Thank heavens you're all fine. Keep holding onto them all and hug them tight. You've just received a beautiful gift this Thanksgiving holiday season.
I'm so very happy to hear that everyone is fine (at least physically)...I'm sorry that this happened...I hope the kids are ok...have they talked about it at all? Just happy you're ok and hopefully the driver of the other vehicle is ok too!
P.S. Was the other driver okay after the seizure?
So glad you are Ok!!!!
Be blessed :)
((((Rachel)))), so thankful that all of you are okay. You're so right-don't sweat the small stuff!! Your loved ones need those extra hugs and kisses.
I'm so glad you are all ok Rachel! It's bound to be upsetting as it is a huge shock! So happy you are all fine after that, and you are right, it is that sort of thing that makes you stop and think... Hugs for all of you from the UK.
I'm so thankful that your family is ok. Your story brought tears to my eyes. As horrible as it is, thank you for reminding us what really matters and what doesn't.
Oh Rachel, how frightening - and I'm so pleased that, at least physically, you are all ok.
The aftershock can go on for a while, so just take your time and spend your time where you want to be.
Sending love from the UK x
So glad that you are your family are OK. I'm very sorry it happened to you. Having just recently been given a large glass of perspective, I understand where you're coming from. Take care!
Rachel, you keep giving and getting those big squeezie hugs, keep kissing those you love and smiling even when you are alone. You are truly blessedand so are we that things didn't turn out more serious and you and your family are still here to teach us the lesson of priorities.
hugs hugs
I'm so glad that you and your family are all safe, Rachel.
Terrifying for all of you! I am so glad that you and your precious family came out of it all without physical trama. Getting new transportation... you can deal with. Mentally shook up... can be dealt with.
Being safe and sound again: priceless!
Once a lady had a seisure in the park while her daughter was on the swing. I called 911 and she was taken to the hospital. Who was left with the little girl? Me- a complete stranger. HOw wrong is that?
Should that person been driving- I don't think so. Probably wasn't the first seisure they had.
Accidents are so scary and it may be a while before you are mentally ok, but I'm so thankful you and your family are safe!
Rachel, hugs to you. God bless you and your family. I'm glad you are all physically safe, you were being watched over. for. sure. Thank you for sharing with us the parts of you that you can, when you can. You are a very generous person. Thank you. Hugs
I am so sorry to hear that happened to you and your family. I am glad you are all alright. Accidents take a long time to recover from. The shock will last a while, but it always help you remember that life is to be charished.
Thanks for sharing such a moment as this with us... I am so glad that your family is alright! Youre right about priorities... my family's lifestyle puts a spotlight on that very topic but it's still something (our everyday life and family) that I sometimes take for grated... thanks for that reminder.
I hope the other driver is ok...
Praise God you are all safe and for reminding us what is important in life.
Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Thanks and Praise to God that you are all okay . thanks for reminding us about what really is important .
I've been there Rachel, and it's a hard thing to get over. Thanks be to God that no one was hurt, and everything else just doesn't matter. You are so right about that. Sometimes it takes an event like this to make us realize what is really important.
This Thanksgiving, and every day, we should all be just a little more grateful for ... well, for everything!
Take care of yourself and your beautiful family,
Oh my gosh how scary! I am so glad you all are all right! Many blessings to you and your family and know that God will continue to protect you.
I am SO glad that you are all ok! I hope the other driver was too.
Thanks for sharing your story and "reality check" with the rest of us... def. good to step outside our lives for a min and be reminded that its the people in our lives and nothing else that really matter.
Tears. I'm so glad you are all okay. That is so scary! I constantly have to remind myself that all those other things don't matter too. Thank you for sharing. And seriously, I'm so glad you are all okay. xoox
Thank God you and the family are ok!!!!
SOOO glad you are all ok. I felt the same way after our little house fire last year. And glad it was an honest & true accident... I think a drunk driver/careless driver would be more difficult to deal with emotionally. Best wishes.
Thank you for this reminder. I'm so happy you are all safe and together.
omg! ...i was just thinking i never heard from you all day yesterday and how strange that was... i'm glad you are all ok... but i'm a bit freaked out at the moment. i don't know what i'd do if something happened to you or your family... you are my family.
So glad to know you are all safe, been there, know that feeling you have, thanks for the reminder to be thankful for all our blessings :)
Thank God everything is fine with you and your family...you got to see a caring hands of our lord protecting you ...count your blessing ... lots of hugs to you...
Amen to perspective. Thank you for making all the silly small things go away. I'm happy to hear everyone is ok. I'm gonna hold my baby extra tight today!
so glad you're safe.
so happy to hear that you are all okay--and that's what truly matters!
I am glad to hear that everyone is okay.
so glad you and your family are all ok
I know I do not normally leave you comments, but I do read all your posts. I was clutching my chest as I read your note and I am so glad you and your family are alright. Sounds like a very scary experience for all of you, thank goodness you were in a truck and not some little car.
Take care of yourself, lots of hot baths to release the tension - your body will feel this accident over the next few days - you all will. So off to the tub with all of you with some Epson Salts to cure the muscle aches!
Im happy to hear you are all ok! I know very well your thoughts. I had the same experience earlier this year when I was diagnosed with cancer. I will be ok, but you are reminded that your life and yourself are vulnerable.
Take care of yourself and your family
So glad you are all ok hun! How scary is that! Hold those gorgeous babies close and don't worry about the blog, we all luv you and will read if you post once a week or once a year :) Hugs.
How blessed you were and are. I'm grateful your family is ok. I hope the driver of the other car is ok also. We do have much to be grateful for and family is the most important. Thanks for the reminder. Nola
I am so glad your family is well...very scary and it does put things in perspective! Thank you for sharing!
Our heavenly Father hears and understands when all we can utter is his name...
Praising God that you are all alright...it does take a bit of time to get over the experience even without injuries. And tomorrow you'll be sore in numerous places just because of your body's reaction to the trauma.
Mama Bear
Praise the Lord that you are all okay! Yes, isn't it awful that we have to have something go wrong to see the perspective....we all are the same! Just what is important? You do know now, Rachel! We live in the same general area so I am sure you heard about the Baumhart Rd. accident....thankfully yours didn't end that way. Have a beautiful weekend with your beautiful family!
I am glad that you are all ok.
This post was a nice reminder that none of us should really care too much about our sewing, blog, or followers. At least not to put family first!!
I got that wake-up call a couple of months ago when my husband had his stroke. I've since deleted my website hosting account. I haven't touched my machine in weeks either. But, I did just kiss a little teeny nose as I snuggled him for nap.
Have a very Thankful Thanksgiving. Glad all is well!
Big scare.... glad you are all fine...
How horrible. I'm glad to know that you are all okay.
Rachel, i am so glad you all are okay. I feel the same way as you. It's so refreshing to hear someone I "look up to" say this. It's been a blessing to read. Going to hug my babies! Thanking God your okay!
Erin (the orange sharpie girl) lol!
Glad you are all ok and yes take the time and smell the rose.
Take care
Thank God you're all OK!!
None of those other things matter. Your Guardian Angel was with you. Thank Heavens.
Amen! Glad you and your family are safe and sound.
I'm glad that you are all safe! Give those kids another hug:)
Perspective is everything when it comes to staying happy, grateful, and sane. I'm so happy to hear you are all okay. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and I'm sure you will feel extra gratitude for all that you've been blessed with. Hugs, Kim
Rachel, thank goodness all of you are ok. I've been involved in a head on a long time ago that I didn't cause and I know how scary it can be. (((Hugs))) to you and your family.
Geez that is scary. So very glad you are physically OK. Hugs and kisses are a wonderful antidote.
Im so glad that you and your family are safe, go gently xx
So glad to hear that everyone made it out safely! Accidents are truly scary, especially when our loved ones are in harms way, unfortunately we can't control other peoples actions or lack there of. Go give those kids an extra squeeze!
"i hope yall will do the same."
Definitely. First of all, I'm glad to hear you all are okay. Second of all, there is nothing like a close brush with death to give you some perspective. I've had it twice in my life.
Just take care of yourself and your family... And, give yourself time to process the event and move on.
Thank God you and your family are ok! I'm going to hug my hubby and kids extra tight tonight. (((HUGS))
WOW thank you for sharing, I am so glad you are all o.k. I need reminding sometimes too.
"Don't sweat the small stuff"
Oh dear...
Good to know you are al well! Yes, life is precious, and you just reminded me to enjoy it more, and share my love even more for those who should know about it.
Thanks and all my best thoughts going over the Atlantic Ocean to you!
I am so glad you are all okay! Hold everyone close and know that so many of us are thinking of you as you head back into the scary world where we have so much less control of events than we think. It's a good reminder for us all to keep things in perspective!
Wow. I'm glad to hear you're all ok.
I'm so glad to hear that everyone is ok! It's a good reminder to us all to remember what is really important in our lives.
Oh Rachel....I am so happy that your family is alright but the tears wont' stop after reading your post. You are so right in what you say....what matters is right in front of us...
I am so sorry you had to go through that. **hugging you and your family**
I'm so glad you are all safe and well, unhurt and OK. I'm sorry it sometimes takes something so horrific to help us to realize what is most important in our lives.
Thanks for the post, reminder and your love.
I'm glad that everyone in your family walked away from this with little or no injury. Rest and nest! I think you're terrific just the way you are!
Dearest Rachel....I was holding my breath while reading this! How scary for you all. Although your truck is a mess, I'm so happy that you and your family are whole, although shaken. Thank God and his angels for watching over you!
Take a deep breath and savor your family!
Hugs, Karen
Rachel, when I read your post today I was moved beyond believe. You see, I learned the hard way as well this year that those small things are not important either. When my husband passed away quite suddenly my focus shifted... we have to remember to be greatful every day for our blessings...because tomorrow is promised to no one. I'm glad your family is safe and sound ;)
Glad you are all okay Perspective after such an event is much clearer. Suddenly what really matters is crystal clear.
My heart stopped for a minute but Thank you God you are all safe. It takes something like this to make us realize how unimportant the little things are and how special our families are. Blessings to all of you.
So sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad your family is safe and fine. It really puts things in perspective when something like that happens. I hope you feel better soon.
You have the real Thanksgiving. Praise God for His protection.
So thankful to hear you're all alright!
Tears in my eyes...so very glad you are all okay. I was in an accident with my kids (2 of them back then) the day after Thanksgiving...someone pulled out in front of us and everything was totaled...3 vehicles. thankfully all the people involved were fine....but I know just what you mean....your head and heart go directly to your kids/spouse and pray they are fine. It is just too frightening. That was 2003 for us...and we still think about it and praise God that we were okay. Today, I am adding you and your family to my prayers and thanking Him that you are all okay. Hug em, love em. blog later. we all will still be here.
So glad you are all fine.
Thank goodness for sturdy cars. I'm so happy everyone is okay. Hugs all around!
Thank God you are all fine! Give yourself a gentle hug from me. Sure would miss you if you weren't around!
Sandy A
I know we don't know each other (well, aside from me reading your lovely blog), but I still had to say that I'm glad you guys are all ok.
I am so sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident, but I'm glad that you and yours are safe and that you were able to take something positive out of it. I think we all need to take a look at our lives, and stop the great North American pastime of complaining, stressing and worrying about things that don't matter.
Thank you for your inspirational post.
(new to your blog btw, love it!)
Oh gosh, I'm so glad you are all ok. How scary. I know the feeling of everything feeling like it's going in slow motion from an accident I was in and it's a horrible feeling.
Sometimes things like that makes you realize what truly it THE most important thing in your life ~ Your family. It's good you are all ok and the mentally messed up will fade. Just keep reminding yourself you are all ok and try not to think of all the 'what ifs'.
I'm so glad you all are alright. Love your perspective. Family IS what matters.
ohman, Rachel. I could feel that slo-mo action in my heart. I will say an extra 'thank you, Jesus' tonight that all is right with you and yours.
I am glad to hear that you & your family are ok. I will pray for all of you this week.
Enjoy those hugs..I'll be giving a few extra myself!
God Bless you again dear Rachel...every cell in your body was just socked, the frail human body just needs time to heal and the Lord is watching over you. This we know :)
so glad you're all ok, rachel. what you're calling "perspective" might also be called "wisdom". not always an easy thing to keep in the foreground of our daily lives, but an essential thing to be reminded of...often. big hug to you and your family. xo
As difficult as that was to share with us, thank you! I'm glad everyone is ok. I (we) need to be reminded to take more time. Not to sound like a Big Red gum jingle, but to "hug a little longer"
Hugs to you and your family!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Nancy Sue
I'm so glad you and your family are alright. Sometimes our angels are looking out for us. Kathie L in Allentown
Oh, how terrifying. I am so glad you are all ok. Something like that really puts it all in perspective. Hugs to you all!
So glad you are OK!! Accidents are so scary. My husband was in one last year that put him in the hospital for 3 weeks. It sure does shake up your perspective. Take time today and get yourself more steady mentally.
Olá Rachel,
Que bom que vcs estão bem ! Muita paz a todos !
Whoa! Thank goodness everybody is okay. It just wasn't your time...
First and foremost, so glad everyone is OK. I so agree with you that all those little things we worry about don't mean a thing and are never as important as we make them out to be. Family is the most important thing we have and all the little things will work themselves out.
Being a three time cancer "winner", little things are just little things. Family, love, and faith are all that really matters.
Again, I'm so glad you and your faimly are OK.
Rachel, I thank God that you and yours are okay, and thank you for sharing your "right-on" perspective and reminder with all of us.
So glad to hear that you and your family are okay. Take care of yourself. :)
Thanks to God that you and your family are all okay. Angels were watching over you and your loved ones.
What a reminder of all our blessings and what truly matters in life.
"Love makes you real"!!! - The Velveteen Rabbit
I think you are real...in every way!! :) Happy Holidays!
Saying a prayer of thanks that you and your family are ok. Hope the driver of the other car is ok as well. That is so scary. My younger brother has had an accident the same way. Had a seizure while driving. Luckily he only ran up a curb. Next thing he knew he was on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance. We still don't know what caused it.
Enjoy your weekend and take it easy. Take pleasure in some of life's simple joys over the next few days. You'll be amazed how much better you will feel. :)
Do take care. we'all are sending love for our home to yours.
<3 and huggs....
Keep us updated.... ok?
Oh, thank goodness you are all ok. Wrecks are always so scary. Thankful for you all!
Rachel...Thank God you and your family are o.k.. I hope your children are handling this well..How scary for all of you!
You've been blessed with another day. Embrace this holiday.
I am so thankful no one was hurt. Sometimes it takes moments like these to put things in perspective and to let you know what is and isn't important in your life. Sit back, relax, recover :)
Thank God you are all okay! Don't for a second worry about blog land. Just give your children hugs and love and love your husband more! Everything else is replaceable. Take time for yourself too.
I am so glad everyone is okay.
Bless your hearts! You always bring such a smile to my day with your posts and I thank God you're all okay. Take as long as you need and bask in the love you feel right now for your family!
Angels were watching over you and your precious family. So glad you're all okay. Going t okiss my family now and snuggle with them. The house chores can wait. You're so right, my family can't.
Praise God for His protection on your family! What a special Thanksgiving you all will have this year knowing that you DO have each other, how precious life is!! Bless you !!!!
Thank heavens you and your family are all right!!
I am so glad you are all ok! Thinking of you :).
Thank God you and your family are safe.
Glad to hear you are safe. Take a long bath this weekend...and just relax.
Rachel, I am so glad to hear that you all are okay!! That is the most important thing!
I too am thankful that you and your family are fine. I don't think any of realize what could happen in a second and have precious life really is.
I too am thankful that you and your family are fine. I don't think any of realize what could happen in a second and have precious life really is.
God was watching out for you and your family....
hugs to you all!
So glad that you are all okay! Yes, God was watching over all of you. There is tons to be thankful for...
Thank God you and your family are all ok. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me what is important. I know I will be extra thankful for my family this holiday season. I will pray for emotional healing for you and your family. Just keep giving those hugs and the healing will come. Have a great Thanksgiving!!!
Thank God you and your family are fine Like my Mother says "any accident you walk away from is a good accident." It's kind of a weird statement but true puts everything in perspective, doesn't it.
blessings that you are all well!
No words can exchange what you went thru..I had a similar event ..I was in a 5 car accident-you became in my sisterhood as I read the similar`It all happen in slow motion' I can still each car ahead of me hit in slow motion & your brain `knows'but it is so fast that you can not `do' what is all needed.. Bless you that you are all ok!!! the Lord had Angels watching over you ALL!!
I don't even know you and I'm crying for you. Thank you Lord for saving this good family.
Having been in an accident myself, I, too, know that awful 'slow motion' feeling and how helpless you feel.
Yes, please do hug your husband and your little ones a little harder every day.
This brought tears to my eyes! I'm so glad you are all OK!
Praise God you are all ok and good for you for admitting what is on your heart. Family is the most important thing and all the other stuff will be there. You have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday!
Thank goodness you're all okay. It really makes you realize the important things in one's life.
Holy Smoke!! Verrrrry scary. It is eerie how time slows in those instances... but you have a guardian angel! I'm so happy you are all fine. Keep your little ones close to your heart! Polly
I've been thinking about you and just wanted to stop back and let you know that. Hug those babies and enjoy that family. Life definitely is too short.
So glad you're all ok, that sounds scary.
I am so glad that you are okay. I am always amazed at how much God watches over all of us.
We had a major "near miss" emergency last summer at our house... ambulance, paramedics - it was awful.
All was ok in the end. But it defienlty took a little "wind" out of my blogging desire for a while. I should have taken a "break" . I didn't...
Take some time, and let it all soak in...
Thanking God you and your family are alright.
I give thanks and praise to God for protecting your family. When you called on Jesus, He came to you. Thank God. You're right all those nagging every day things don't count for much. May you have a special joy this thanksgiving because your God loves you and heard your call. Bonnie in Tx.
Holy cow! I am glad to hear that you and yours are ok. Hope the other driver is ok too.
I had a car accident years ago. It replayed in my mind for a week, and I didn't have any little ones with me. I hope you are settling down now.
There is nothing worse than the feeling as you see the car approaching and knowing that there is nothing that you can do.
I'm so happy that you and your family are ok! It is definitely something to be truely thankful for. You're completely right - family, friends and loved ones are the only thing that matters - every thing else pales in comparison.
I nearly cried reading your blog today. Thank God youre all ok.I will do the same as you, more hugs and love. I really enjoy your blog. LOve from sunny South-Africa. ♥ Zelda
You are so right, Rachel...... I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through such a scary experience. And, thanking God that you are all okay! God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I hope things are getting better. That's a scare thats not going to fade completely anytime soon. I'm glad you all were ok.
Thank God y'all are all fine!
Hopefully car repairs are quick and easy for you, and low stress, and all the aches and pains from a car accident don't stick around long.
I'm so glad that you are all OK! Hugs should be number one right now! Take care.
Oh Rachel! I'm so glad that you're all ok. So much to be thankful for.
I am grateful that you and your family are safe. Thank you for the reminder....I too will have a greater perspective about what really is worth caring about.
I'm glad you all are okay! Physically... Good luck with putting this experience in a good place mentally, I think you're doing great!
Wow - that had to be terrifying. Thankfully, your family is okay; shaken up, mentally messy, but physically OK. It is a blessing that you will all be able to celebrate this holiday season together with hopefully no lasting harm, but instead with hearts full of love and appreciation of each other.
I do worry about the driver of the other car.
As for not feeling like a "real" pattern designer - to me, you're just as "real" as anyone else out there - and just as good!
Enjoy your holiday and do whatever you need to do to with your family :)
Wow! I am so thankful that none of you were injured. And I agree, incidents like this totally make us appreciate all that we DO have. (I was in a similar situation nine years ago, with 14 yo ds and his friend in the back seat.)
Peace and blessings to you and your family.
I had left you a comment when I first read this. Ironically yesterday while as we were passing through a green light an SUV tried to beat traffic and cut across both lanes of traffic heading the way we were so that it could go the opposite direction. They really gunned it to get out of that parking lot and try to beat us. Only by the grace of God did we miss hitting that SUV. I can't believe how close we came. It was a wet, slick winter day and our wheels locked up. After it was over I thought of you and how much more scared you had to have been in your wreck. I hope you're all still doing well and that life is looking a little brighter where you are today.
i am so glad you guys are ok. Life has a funny way of showing us what really matters. happy thanks giving
So glad you and your family are safe and sound. As you said it could have been way worse. I will pray for you and your family.
LOVE your clarity and perspective.
SORRY you had to find your center this way.
GRATEFUL you Thank God for all you have been given.
HAPPY to do the same.
May this center always be in focus.
Lots of hugs your way! oxox
I'm SO sorry! That is very scary - and it's even scarier when your babies are involved. So glad you are safe. And thanks so much for the perspective on what matters most.
Sending peace and best wishes your way.
you go girl!! you've got your priorities straight!!
blessings to you!
I'm so slow getting the news, but still wanted to comment and say how relieved I am to read that you are all ok. (((hugs)))
Oh My Rachel! I'm so glad you are all okay. The truck can be replaced...that's what insurance is for! I do understand how you feel. I was in a car accident just before my son's first birthday. My first thought was "I'll never see him again." He's 29 and after a lot of nightmares, I'm fine. Sometimes we have those 2x4 moments.
I'm really glad you're all fine!!! Once I was driving from my mom's, - about 650 km far from my home- with my gramma and my two precious boys in the car, my hubby had stayed ate home when my car slipped and we went down a small hill!! all I thought was to keep them alive! Fortunately nobody got hurt and the policimen helped me to have the car fixed!
Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you're all o.k! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm gonna go hug my pets and my sweet guy right now!
I just dropped in and I gasped as I read this post! Thank God everyone is alright! So much to be thankful for this holiday season...
Bless you and your hubby and babies!
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