first i want to say a huge thanks for all yall's sweet comments.
they really made my ♥ happy.
and secondly...i drew more than one winner.
cause that's how i roll.
here are the lucky winners:
all these ladies have won moda precuts!!!
ladies...please email me ASAP.
and for those inquiring minds...
seriously??!! I'm so excited!!!
crazy excited!!!
thankyou Rachel!
Congrats to all the winners!
Congrats to the winners...the Verna...seriously...I'm having a hard time waiting for that fabric!!!
Congratulations to the winners!!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Congrat's to the winners! :-)
Oh My Gosh!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! Thank you Thank You!!!
Yeah! Congrats to the winners! Fabulous prizes for all of them!
Yes I am jealous! Beautiful colors! Congratulations to the winners!.
Congratulations all you winners! Be sure to show us what you make!
OH my gosh!! Rachel!!!! THANK YOU!! you have totally made my day! I have been so behind in my blog reading that I TOTALLY missed this! I'm so excited!
Off to reply to your nudge nudge email right now!
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