{quiltmaker magazine's blog.}
pssst: there's a giveaway happening too!!!
rumor has it they are giving away a fat quarter bundle!!!
so yall go check it out and make this girl a happy camper!!!
{direct link here.}
{direct link here.}
and for the p.s. i quilt faithful...i'm having a giveaway too!!!
some lucky someone will win something i brought home from market!!!
so comment away!!!
p.s. my friendship bag tutorial is being featured over at sew mama sew today too!!!
what a day for p.s. i quilt
congrats!!! and you know your favorite thing about market.. was meeting me ;-)
Congrats :)
You're a STAR!! I met a STAR!!
i sure wish i went to market, maybe sometime in my future. congrats!! i am glad you had fun, i am still waiting for pics, hehe, i know a pain in your arse!! haha! congrats on the feature, that is pretty big to us stay at home mommas!! i bet your husband sure is proud of you! as are many of your online friends. hope your son's birthday goes great, any special plans??
yay for you!
and yay for me if I win the giveaway ;)
fun feature! thanks for all of your market coverage, btw...the blogging press ;)
wow Congrats to you.
You are a quilting rock star in my book. I love everything you make!
hey Rachel ! just popped by at the quilt it place. Great for you to be featured!! Go girl, you rock!
OOh, a market treasure - glad I already stopped over at your feature. And congrats for your project on the way with Quiltmaker - glad I got a subscription going already! (And I just stopped by today to listen to more New Moon)
So exciting! Congrats!
Your work is wonderful. I've never been to quilt market, but plan on going someday. Congratulations on your feature!
Congrats on the spotlight!
Congrats!! How exciting! =) I also wanted to let you know that your blog is my 4 year old's favorite--I have been known to pop on here to perk her up a bit if she is having an off day--she just loves the music. =)
this is your lucky day and my lucky day. Sew Mama Sew is linking their handmade holiday feature to your friendship bag today. You'll have lots of visitors!
hi rachel
congrats on your guest blogging for quilty pleasures - i found you when i did the friendship bag swap
Congratulations on being featured at quilty pleasures! Keep up the good work.
Congratulations! That is awesome!
Hope market was fun!
Please enter me in your giveaway.
read you over there already this morning :) and like you I'm a mom of 3 little ones. My 5 year old is at school but during the day I try to either "research" (blog reading) or sew in the gated off dining room during the day while my 2 year old twins play in the nearby den... or during their nap time. ;)
Love your blog and congrats on being featured on Quilty pleasures... and UPCOMING Issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!!! whooo hoo!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Congrats!...oh, and I'd love to win the giveaway ;-)
I love reading your blog! Please, enter me in your give-away!
Mary Beth Porch
Congrats! And yay!!
WOW how exciting to be featured. You should be so proud.
I am a regular reader to both sites! I am glad you are getting a reputation as a quilter. Congrats!
Congrats on the profile - I'm headed over to check it out now!
Hi Rachel. I just found you. I was on the quiltmaker site and now you are on my favorites list. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
Congrats on being in the spotlight! 8-)
Congrats on the feature!
I just love your blog! I loved the feature too!! I'm glad I "stumbled" across your blog one day and I've been a follower ever since. Keep a quiltin'!
Yay! Congratulations on the feature. You are amazing and totally deserve it!
Congrats on your spotlight - Don't let it blind you haha. I'm heading over to take a look.
Have a great day!
How cool! I'm off to read all about you right now. I hope there's a Friends reference in there...
Congrats to you on your being famous...but then, you always have been here! Sign me up for your giveaway, off to read about you now, Elaine
Good on you, I love reading your blog and it is good to see your goodness recognised.
Awesome! But I didn't think there was anyone left in the Western World that hadn't made tht bag already... :) And why are you not spending the entire day at the theatre... did you do the midnight showing?
Congrats on all your news. Off to see New Moon at the weekend but Im taking my rather heavily pg sister with me, I hope all the excitment doesn't being along a little one!!!
I already signed up for the giveaway. It felt like seeing a friend when I saw your face on Quilty Pleasures this morning. You are adorable!
Heading over to read today's quilty pleasures, and sew mama sew!
Congratulations!! How fun!!
Is it your birthday or something? It's your feature day, I guess. Congrats!
Congrats! Market looked like a good time!
Italy. OK, got that out of the way. last giveaway I talked about Europe, but not Italy specifically so just wanted to get that out of the way...and to mention how excited I am for New Moon this Saturday...my sister and neice and I have tickets for the 1pm showing...my niece is only 10 and that is the time that worked best for her! She loved the books. Thanks for a chance at your giveaway...you do such great things.
sweet! look at all those features!
Congratulations! What fun to be featured.
You are officially famous now Rachel!! Something from market - how intriguing!
They got a real gem to feature this time! I love your blog! You are so talented and it inspires me!
Congrats to you! Have a happy day.
I will have to go and look at your tutorial....thanks!!
Congrats on being featured! Heading there to check it out now.
Forgot to add to my comment, love the music on your blog!
Congratulations! Off to read now..
What a day indeed for Rachel. Good for you. Off to read now.
Wow, you are the popular girl today! I used your friendship bag tutorial and loved it, so I'm glad to see it being shared some more!
Ooooh, a surprise giveaway...how exciting! Please put my name in.
We already knew you were famous, but now more people will get on board! Congrats!
Congrats on your day. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Congrats on the spotlight. Very deserved!
Hmmmm.. you're having a blogtest??? - that's my new word for these blog contests... LOL
Please put my name in your contest hat?
As for your name on everyone's blog - I can understand! Your blog is fun and interesting!
Congratulations! You are everywhere, and rightly so! I love the friendship bag! I've picked out fabric to make a few, just have to get sewing now! Thanks!
Wow, quite the day of features--congrats!
Love the blog. :)
Well now..you go gal!!!
You been learning well!!!
Proud of you!!
I'm still so jealous of those who get to go to quilt market! Some day maybe I will too lol!!!
Until then I'm left to live vicariously through other peoples encounters... thanks for sharing!!!
P.S. it's awesome how so many new doors are opening up for you!
oh wow Rachel congrats you are a busy girl hugs Beth
Congrats!!! I read the post...what a great write up!
It's good to see you're getting a share of the limelight, Rachel - you're such a shy little thing normally LOL. Seriously, well done!!!
You are famous!! Congratulations xx
I don't know much about market. Is it something anyone can go to or do you have to get an invite? How to learn more? Thanks for sharing your talent/knowledge with others!
Congrats! What an awesome day for you!
I would love to win something from Market!!!!
how i wish i could go to quilt market too!! I really enjoy your blog.
Love your blog and LOVE the fabric wreath on Moda. I am off to cut my strips to start making one.
Hi Rachel, I LOVE your blog and since I've added you to my RSS feeds I've talked about your blog several times on my blog and my quilty friends love it too :) Nice Job girl!!
I did the friendship bag tutorial when it was put on as a swap through Quilting Bloggers and now I'm doing it as a gift exchange with one of my guilds - everyone loves it - thanks so much!!
Congratulations! I just read the story. Great write up.
that is so awesome! You deserve it! and I love your friendship bag tutorial!
What an amazing day for P.S. I Quilt - well done Rachel!!
It is a cool day for you! Well done!
Congrats on being spotlighted over at Quilty Pleasures - that is very cool!
Congratulations Rachel! Nice things happen to nice people. Really enjoy all that you do, thanks so much.
Congratulations Rachel! Nice things happen to nice people. Really enjoy all that you do, thanks so much.
Woo Hoo!!! Two in one day!!! Congrats Rachel. You are a very accomplished young woman!!
Congratulations Rachel!! Love your blog :)
I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you are doing.
Love your story Rachel. I married the boy next door :-)I have just discovered your blog and I intend following you now:-)
Your blog is one of my favorites. You deserve your features so enjoy the attention!
Congrats to you!!
Rachel, I saw the profile over on Quilty PLeasures. Congrats!!!
You are getting SO famous, featured on two different blogs on the same day...... we can say we knew you when..
Can't wait to see what you are giving away......!!!
You must wake up every morning and want to pinch yourself with all the success you have had in the last year. Congrats, Rachel! You deserve it!
it only took me 20-million tries to get your blog to open once I closed it by accadent visitng quiltypleasures! Hopefully it paid off and this is the lucky post =) Congrats on them wanting to work with you and for everything. You have inspired me to give more than just reading instructions and following them a try!
Hi rachel. Nice to meet you...Congrats on all of your successes, It seems to me, that with all your creativity people want to be you, me included. My Christmas list is simple this year, all I want is 1/2 your stash and 1/300th your creativity.
someday I hope to make it to market!
someday I hope to make it to market!
congratulations, a popular girl you are! Just finished reading about you on quiltypleasures, although I have visited you before so I already knew!
Congratulations!!! That's pretty awesome :)
I love learning about people who I learn so much from.
Congratulations! Enjoy your blog.
Enjoy your blog and your creations. Congratulations!
Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway I love reading your blog and enjoy your tutorial.
Wow, congratulations! I'm on my way right now to check it out!
Congratulations. Just found your blog from quilty pleasures. It was fun to read.
Congratulations! I'm sure anything you brought back from market would be fabulous to win! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
congrats on being everywhere!!!
I would love to win something from market...
I am so, so proud of you, Rachel! Way to go. You ROCK!
Yay! Congrats on being featured at Quilty Pleasures. You deserve it.
I LOVE your blog. You're an inspiration to us all.
I always look forward to your posts..your blog is so inspiring. And I love your music too.
Congratulations on your feature!!
congrats! what a great day for you. you deserve it all!
oh and BTW I am on my 2nd friendship bag this week! i love them!
Bravo for the quilty pleasures story! Thanks for the giveaway!
A sincere "Thank you" for transporting me to the International Quilt market (something I only dream of). And you know you have transported me to the lush forests were the wolves run free and merge with mankind...
I have you marked to pop up everytime you post something new . . . love reading what you're up to. Congratulations on everything! - Marlene
You are so cute!!! It's neat to see the faces behind the blogs sometimes! Congrats on the feature!
Sew cool to be spotlighted all over the place and you should! I have you in my RSS feeds and love seeing your new posts!
Jackie (at)jackiesue.com
Congrats!! Do I get any bonus points for having a great name? ;)
Happy Day for you! Thanks for the giveaway!
I saw your tutorial earlier at Sew Mama Sew but I didn't connect it with you until now! Thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats! I just found your blog last week and I've added it to my favorites.
Congrats to you!!! Yippee! By the way, I totally LOVE the way you hang your quilts!!!
Giveaways and interviews and being featured at SMS! WOW! What a day for you!
Happy day to the star!!!
oh...market giveaway....i would love to go to that someday!
I love your stuff and I'm so glad you are being featured everywhere!!
Congrats on such a great day!!!
Wow Rachel you are one busy lady! Congratulations on all the good things you have going on!
How fun! I enjoy your blog....and your music!
Congrats on being featured and your friendship bag is fantastic!! Yay!! :)
I'll check out Quilty Pleasures. I just love your little Friendship Tote.
I saw your Friendship bag over on SMS this morning! It's so cute.
Congratulations, Rachel! How exciting for you. :)
Sounds like a great day. Congrats
ooooo, a surprise giveaway? that's the best kind!
Oh hurray, market goodness!
Wow, busy day for you! Hope you enjoy :)
I saw you one quilty pleasures and I was So excited!! And yes I told them so ;) I hope you had a fab time at market (how could you not?!) my mom and I are making plans to go next year!
Congrats on everything. Your quilting is amazing.
Congratulations on all the positive exposure lately!! I'd love to win your giveaway.
Wow. Exciting for you!
you are right it was a great day for you. You are so talented. fingers crossed for your give away.
WOW! You are so lucky...and VERY TALENTED! Keep blogging it's Soooooooooooooooo inspirational!!!
Very excited for you! Congratulations!
Well done Rachel. I just read about you and thought your comments were great-very inspirational, just like your blog. I'm a newby to quilting, I have done 1 quilt and have started quilt no. 2 and when i'm not sewing/cutting I love checking in to see what you have been upto! Keep it up your blog is great....
Wahoo! Love a giveaway! Oh, and Congrats!!
Congrats on it being a Rachel day!
Congratulations Rachel and this great day! You deserve it! I love reading your blog and I'm so impressed with your work! :)
felicidades rachel, sinduda un muy buen dia.
you deserve this! so glad to have you back posting again :)
Cute bag!
Finally we get to see you.
~Congratulations!~ I love the article!
I heart you!!
Hi Rachel,
I love your blog. Your background music is so wonderful also!! I am amazed that at your age, and with such a busy life....you still have time for all of us and your quilting!! You are trully and inspiration.
Awesome possum! Hey, I love your recent tutorials - notably the hanging quilt holder on the wall! I *just* took down some plate holders (got tired of looking at the plates), and now I can put 'em back up (cuz I *never* tire of looking at quilts)! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity too.
Thanks for the chance! And congrats on all your recognition!
Congrats on all your exciting news! Can't wait to see what you are giving away... I'm sure it will be great.
I am so excited that younger people are taking up quilting. You are so inspiring, even to us "older" folks:) Please put me in the hat for the drawing.
Congratulations! So happy I found your blog.
Congrats on having such a good day!!!! The spotlight on Quilty Pleasures looks good!
It's awesome that you got spotlighted!
How exciting!! You should be mighty proud!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Congratulations! Hope you have continued success!
yay! but i want to meet you in person.
Congrats on being interviewed over at Quilty Pleasures! I love your friendship bag. Also loved the tutorial on the quilt hanger:)
Congrats on the bag tutorial being featured. I would love to go to market someday...how fun and inspirational!
I'd love to attend such events, but nothing close to my place (or I'm not aware of it !)
You are lucky girls !
I would love to be a winner of something you brought home from market. Congratulations on being in the quilting spotlight. Have a great day
Thanks for the chance to win something you brought home from market. I'm sure it will be great!
Congratulations on you bag tutorial and being spotlighted. How exciting!
Love the blog and the chance to win. The music on the blog is also awesome!
Congrats on being featured on quilty pleasures.
You are just all over the place! Congratulations. I really enjoy reading your blog and gaining inspiration from you!
I love your blog! And it is through you that I found quilty pleasures, where I can see you again! I also see you at Moda Bakeshop (love that site too). You are popular,girl! I want to make the friendship bag, and so many other things. Your work is gorgeous! The music on your blog site is so nice. Please enter me in your latest giveaway. Thanks and congrats on all your success!
What an exciting day for you. Congratulations.
Congrats!!! Keep up the good work!
Paula D
I love your blog, and your quilts!
I am new to quilting and I am SO glad I found your blog!! You are definitely right....Moda fabrics are addicting!!
congrats and best wishes to you.. what an exciting time for you - to be recognized for your work and by so many..
here is my email address just in case I win your drawing... all good quilters plan ahead .. lol
Congrats on being featured today! That is so exciting! I love all your creations!
yeah!!! a surprise giveaway!
congratulations on your "stardom"!
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your story. The friendship tote bag tutorial was fun and easy to follow. I have cut out fabric to make 2 more.
Congrats and greetings from Germany
Congrats - you are famous!1
that's great! Congrats!
You deserve the attention!
Very exciting to be featured on Quiltmaker's blog. Congrats! I love your projects! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Super exciting!!!! Congrats!
Congrats, I have just started quilting myself so am new here. I must admit, I am finding myself falling in love with materials and notions......I think I am hooked!!
Congrats to you. I plan on making your friendship bag. I have some 1 1/2" strips laying around that need to be used.
How fun to be interviewed! Lucky!
Congrats! I love your work
Congrats! I love your work
Congratulations on being featured on Guilty Pleasures. I enjoy your blog as well. I'm a mom of 3 also, but my three are now in their 20's. Thanks for the giveaway.
It must be so fun to be featured at Sew Mama Sew! Congrats on your guest appearance too.
Thanks for the giveaway, so kind of you.
Congrats!!! I love, love, LOVE your blog. I'm a total newbie quilter but I'm constantly inspired by your work and love your tutorials. Keep up the awesome job!!!!
Congrats on your spotlight!! I am a new quilter, again. I don't know how far this oppsession will last with little ones in the house but I'm sure enjoying it. My first quilt is your scruffly quilt. I'm doing two. I can't wait to show you. I love it!! It is so simple!! That is what I like being a beginner. Thanks for sharing something from market. I hope I win.
congrats to you missus!!!! Very, very well deserved, I say!
Love your blog! Love your tutorials!! I'm new to quilting and love it. My first quilt is the scruffly quilt. So simple. Right up my ally. I can't wait to show you. Congrats on your spotlight and thanks for sharing something from market. I hope I win.
Congratulations, Rachel! Between you and Park City Girl, my head is swimming!!!!
congrats! you're an online superstar :)
Congrats! And I Love your site!!!
Congrats! Your blog is on my daily list! I am also interesting in the swap...
Congrats, fancy pants!
Umm, something from market? Just when I thought you couldn't get any awesomer. :)
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