down with the sickness.

10 March 2009

so...i'm down with the sickness.
what sickness???
who knows?!?

i have had a headache the size of texas for 3 or 4 days straight.
i have had a sore throat for 3 days.
my body is SO achy i can't stand it.
and for some reason i've had dizzy spells, along with being nauseous.
not fun. at all.

the sore throat is easing up.
i have this nasty persistent cough.
and this's killing me!!!
it almost feels like sinus pressure.
but that doesn't account for the wanna throw up feeling.

this is why my posts the past few days haven't been "look what i'm working on" post.
i can't work on anything!!!
i haven't worked on anything since last thursday or fridayish.

i have gotten mail.
please, please, please forgive me for not posting about it yet.
i haven't even taken pictures of stuff.
this includes:
i promise i'll blog about it soon yall.

and please don't be offended if i don't email yall back as quick as i normally do.
the hubby is putting in more hours this week than usual...
plus hanging out with my tots all day...
couple that with i how i feel now...

so now that i've spilled the beans that i'm not superwoman, i have got to go lay down.
i really just wanna sleep for the next 3 days.

Pin It!


Lindsey said...

I hear you sorry. The five of us had it for the last 2 months and it was not pretty. If it's any consolation...the younger ones get over it quicker. Maybe your Twilight will be out on DVD soon! Hope you feel better...Tylenol was a huge help for us. Hang in there.

Trisha said...

So sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you are able to get some rest. Get better soon!

Annette said...

My heart goes out to you. The best medicine I can think of is lots of rest rest and lots of pampering yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing, my first thought was the flu, then I wondered could there be another pitter patter.......

Anonymous said...

Poor girl! Take care of yourself and rest as much as you can... it is definitely going around.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I hope you feel better. Enjoy your sleep!!

Tacha said...

Get well soon! Can you catch it over the internet? We are all coming down with the same here. Bleh - just in time for my husband to go away and leave me alone with the girls. SO not fair.

a good yarn said...

Poor poppet. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Hope you feel better soon.

Cheers...Ann :)

Unknown said...

Lots of fluids does a body good! And lots of sleep, so sleeping for the next 3 days is not such a bad idea. We'll still be here when you wake up, Rip Van Winkle. Feel better soon!

Donna said...

Oh, Rachel, so sorry you're under the weather. It's tough when YOU'RE the mommy and have to hold things together regardless of how YOU feel. Just know that this too shall pass! If it's been three days, surely you'll feel better soon.

Stacey said...

hope you feel better soon!!

Darlene said...

Oh no - feel better soon!

Regi said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Get lots of rest when you can... drink lots of water and a nice warm rice pack on your head will help (at least it has with me and my week long headache)

Barb said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Pat said...

Feel better soon...guess that's one of the "good" things about me now being an "old" lady and retired and with no kids at home. When I feel poorly, I can lay down and not worry about the kids. Hope you start to perk up soon....NOT fun when you have little kids around to care for.....been there/done that!

Amanda Jean said...

oh, no! i hope you feel better soon! it's so hard to be mommy when you are sick, isn't it?

Lisa said...

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Nanette Merrill said...

Oh poor Rachel. It is hard to be sick when you have little kids. Mom's can't get sick and indulge like we need to. Get better dear. I've just had this so I am feeling bad you have it, too.

Sherri said...

Poor you...get better soon...okay?!

Darci said...

YUCK. Everyone I know is sick or has been sick lately and it is with weird things, not just the normal cold or something like that. I wish I had magically powers and make you feel better!!

Shelly said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry that you have this crud! This sounds like what several of us have had for WEEKS!!! The coughing, headache, coughing more, and then getting nausious with it.
You're still super woman to all of us. So don't fret! Your secret is safe with us!

Dionne said...

I'm sorry you're sick. We're all sickies at my house too. Except my oldest, she's twelve and a BIG help!
I hope you and your family are soon on the mend!

Donna said...

Hey, you! Glad you got your package. Hope it helped your day be a bit better. Hope your ickies are soon a thing of the past. Thinking of you!

Mary Anne Drury said...

Oh you poor kid !! hope you feel better soon!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Any chance of another little Twilight fan on the way??? Hey I can't be the only one having a surprise baby!!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

That sounds awful!

Hope you are on the mend soon!

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