*insert the miss america parade wave here*
man i have missed yall.
so what have i been doing???
well spending alot of time with the fam.
♥ these pics...don't you???
aren't i lucky???
*tooting my own horn here*
well in my absence i mailed my cottage blocks to nanette.
{for the christmas cottage block exchange.}
you can see a glimpse of them here.
i'm SO excited to get my 11 blocks!!!
i can't wait to make a SUPER cute christmas cottage wall quilt.
i've also been working on the 'dr. nolan' quilt.
i'm having alot of fun working on it.
i mean of course i am...it's an irish chain quilt.
pics coming soon. promise.
{i have about 30ish ladies in charleston waiting to see pics too.}
oh oh oh
granddaddy's 'endless love' quilt will be completed THIS week.
i CAN'T wait to share it with yall.
especially the ladies that have been my cheerleaders since day one of this quilt.
those gals make up my quilting family on allpeoplequilt.com
and along with that...
i'm been working on my secret santa christmas swap project.
i'm not aloud to share much on that.
it's all hushidy hush on the down low.
i do NEED to remind yall that...
twilight the movie comes out in 17 days!!!
and i'm seriously on the edge of my seat...dying to see it.
go here for your viewing pleasure...lol.
AND the movie soundtrack comes out tomorrow!!!
so that's about it then.
off to blog hop now.
p.s. in my absence i also designed a quilt.
seriously. and i think it's good.
good enough that maybe it could be published.
yes you read that right.
a design i wanna try to submit to a magazine.
anyone have experience in this department???
advice will be greatly appreciated.
I just started reading the Twilight series, and I love it. I have only read the first two, the others are so backlogged at the library, and I can only find the hardbacks in stores. :( I had tried to find this blog for forever now, but forgot to put the dash in your name! So thanks for including a link on your latest APQ blog post. ~Rachel (roller99 @ APQ)
hye like the song never heard it before.....(glaway girl)........and keep working on that SSCS it beter be good for your partner.............lol..........lol........
I was wondering about you earlier today . . . glad your back!
I have a couple of quilt patterns I've been thinking about submitting but haven't done anything about it yet. Let me know if you get any insight?
Glad you are back. Email a picture to the magazine. That is the best way I think with a short note about it.
A triumphant return. You have such a wonderful family. Nice to know you have been busy with all your projects as well.
Happy Stitching...Ann :)
Your family is beautiful!
I can't wait to get my cottage blocks, too. I was wondering if you would like to exchange a cottage with me. You aren't in my group, but that doesn't matter. I would love to have a cottage of yours.
I don't know much about quilt patterns being published. I have an idea for several different fabric lines and I don't know how to do that. Good luck!
glad your back. I am working on my SSCS also:) got to get it mailed here soon:)
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